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Polynomial differential equations compute all real computable functions on computable compact intervals

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06-BCGH-GPAC.pdf246.08 KBAdobe PDF Download



In the last decade, the eld of analog computation has experienced renewed interest. In particular, there have been several attempts to un- derstand which relations exist between the many models of analog com- putation. Unfortunately, most models are not equivalent. It is known that Euler's Gamma function is computable according to computable analysis, while it cannot be generated by Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC). This example has often been used to argue that the GPAC is less powerful than digital computation. However, as we will demonstrate, when computability with GPACs is not restricted to real-time generation of functions, we obtain two equiva- lent models of analog computation. Using this approach, it has been shown recently that the Gamma func- tion becomes computable by a GPAC [1]. Here we extend this result by showing that, in an appropriate framework, the GPAC and computable analysis are actually equivalent from the computability point of view, at least in compact intervals. Since GPACs are equivalent to systems of polynomial di erential equations then we show that all real computable functions over compact intervals can be de ned by such models.




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