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O presente relatório de estágio reflete o trabalho realizado no estágio iniciado em novembro de 2019 e concluído em fevereiro de 2020 (480 horas) no departamento de Marketing do hotel Wyndham Grand Algarve (WGA), assim como o trabalho de investigação concebido para responder ao seguinte problema de interesse para o hotel: Qual a perceção que os colaboradores têm do hotel WGA como local para trabalhar e da atratividade da sua marca empregadora? De modo a dar resposta a esta questão, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos gerais: aferir a perceção dos colaboradores sobre o WGA como local para trabalhar; aferir a perceção dos colaboradores sobre a atratividade da Employer Branding (EB) do WGA; formular a estratégia de EB para o WGA. Foram ainda definidos objetivos específicos para dar resposta ao problema através de diferentes etapas. Em ter-mos metodológicos foi aplicado um questionário aos colaboradores do hotel, contendo perguntas fechadas e abertas, e obtido uma taxa de resposta de 47%. As perguntas fechadas foram analisadas através de estatística descritiva e as abertas através de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstram que os colaboradores têm na sua maioria a perceção de que o WGA é um bom local para trabalhar e que é uma marca empregadora atraente. A partir destes resultados e da análise de conteúdo das questões abertas, que permitiram melhor entender as expetativas e os anseios dos colaboradores, foi formulada a estratégia de marca empregadora para o WGA. Tal visa desenvolver uma marca empregadora ainda mais atrativa para atuais e futuros colaboradores, baseada em forte identidade, reputação e cultura organizacional, e torná-la uma referência no mercado e competitiva na captação de talentos. Os resultados demonstram a importância da EB na retenção, atração e recrutamento de colaboradores, contribuindo para a sua satisfação e motivação, e para a atratividade e competitividade da EB.
This internship report reflects the work fulfilled in the internship started in November 2019 and completed in February 2020 (480 hours) in the Marketing department of the Wyndham Grand Algarve (WGA) hotel, as well as the research work designed to answer the following problem of interest to the hotel: What is the perception that employees have of the WGA hotel as a place to work and the attractiveness of their employer brand (EB)? To respond to this question, the following general objectives were defined: assess the employees' perception of the WGA as a place to work; assess the employees' perception of the attractiveness of the WGA EB; formulate the EB strategy for the WGA. Specific objectives were also defined to respond to the problem through different steps. In meth-odological terms, a questionnaire was applied to hotel employees, containing closed and open questions, and a response rate of 47% was obtained. Closed questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics and open questions through content analysis. The results show that the majority of employees have the perception that WGA is a good place to work and that it is an attractive employer brand. Based on these results and the content analysis of the open questions, which made it possible to better understand the expectations and de-sires of the employees, the EB strategy for the WGA was formulated. This aims to de-velop an even more attractive employer brand for current and future employees, based on strong identity, reputation, and organizational culture, and make it a reference in the mar-ket and competitive in attracting talent. The results demonstrate the importance of EB in retaining, attracting, and recruiting employees, contributing to their satisfaction and mo-tivation, and to EB's attractiveness and competitiveness.
This internship report reflects the work fulfilled in the internship started in November 2019 and completed in February 2020 (480 hours) in the Marketing department of the Wyndham Grand Algarve (WGA) hotel, as well as the research work designed to answer the following problem of interest to the hotel: What is the perception that employees have of the WGA hotel as a place to work and the attractiveness of their employer brand (EB)? To respond to this question, the following general objectives were defined: assess the employees' perception of the WGA as a place to work; assess the employees' perception of the attractiveness of the WGA EB; formulate the EB strategy for the WGA. Specific objectives were also defined to respond to the problem through different steps. In meth-odological terms, a questionnaire was applied to hotel employees, containing closed and open questions, and a response rate of 47% was obtained. Closed questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics and open questions through content analysis. The results show that the majority of employees have the perception that WGA is a good place to work and that it is an attractive employer brand. Based on these results and the content analysis of the open questions, which made it possible to better understand the expectations and de-sires of the employees, the EB strategy for the WGA was formulated. This aims to de-velop an even more attractive employer brand for current and future employees, based on strong identity, reputation, and organizational culture, and make it a reference in the mar-ket and competitive in attracting talent. The results demonstrate the importance of EB in retaining, attracting, and recruiting employees, contributing to their satisfaction and mo-tivation, and to EB's attractiveness and competitiveness.
Wyndham Grand Algarve Marketing Employer branding Atratividade da marca empregadora Satisfação do colaborador Estratégias de employer branding