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Objetivo - O objetivo do artigo é realizar a revisão sistemática da literarura
sobre turismo industrial.
Desenho / metodologia / abordagem - é adotado pela revisão sistemática da
literatura. Boland et al. (2014) propôs um método de revisão sistemática da literatura
que "é projetado para localizar, avaliar e sintetizar as melhores evidências disponíveis
relacionadas a uma questão de pesquisa específica para fornecer respostas informativas
e baseadas em evidências".
Resultados – Ao longo da busca inicial de colocação de palavras-chave na base
de dados do WoS, identificamos 126 artigos publicados que representam os maiores
esforços na ampliação do corpo de pesquisas sobre o desenvolvimento do turismo
industrial. Pelos critérios de exclusão e inclusão, o autor obteve 14 artigos.
Conclusão – Após a realização da revisão sistemática da literatura, concluímos
que o número de publicações ainda é limitado e faltam estudos de caso de turismo
industrial, que oferecem mais oportunidades de estudo para pesquisadores e praticantes
de turismo industrial de diferentes áreas e direções.
Purpose – The paper’s purpose is to realize a systematic literature review on industrial tourism. Design/methodology/approach – It is adopted by the systematic literature review. Boland et al. (2014) proposed a systematic literature review method that "is designed to locate, assess and synthesize the best available evidence related to a specific research question to provide informative and evidence-based answers" . Results – Throughout the initial search of placing keywords from the database of WoS, we identified 126 published papers that represent the major efforts in expanding the body of research on the development of industrial tourism. By the exclusion and inclusion criteria, the author got 14 articles. Conclusion – After conducting the systematic literature review, we conclude that the number of publications is still limited and there is a lack in the case study of industrial tourism ,which offers more study opportunities for industrial tourism researchers and practitioners from different areas and directions.
Purpose – The paper’s purpose is to realize a systematic literature review on industrial tourism. Design/methodology/approach – It is adopted by the systematic literature review. Boland et al. (2014) proposed a systematic literature review method that "is designed to locate, assess and synthesize the best available evidence related to a specific research question to provide informative and evidence-based answers" . Results – Throughout the initial search of placing keywords from the database of WoS, we identified 126 published papers that represent the major efforts in expanding the body of research on the development of industrial tourism. By the exclusion and inclusion criteria, the author got 14 articles. Conclusion – After conducting the systematic literature review, we conclude that the number of publications is still limited and there is a lack in the case study of industrial tourism ,which offers more study opportunities for industrial tourism researchers and practitioners from different areas and directions.
Industrial tourism factory sightseeing tourism industrial heritage Tourism