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Este trabalho teve como objetivo testar diferentes níveis de salinidade no desenvolvimento de duas espécies de plantas halófitas (Suaeda maritima e Inula crithmoides), de forma a identificar qual o valor de salinidade da solução nutritiva onde estas espécies apresentam um melhor comportamento agronómico.
Visto que a informação sobre as técnicas de produção intensiva, destas espécies, em sistemas comerciais é muito escassa, é importante estudar as potencialidades e otimização de fatores de produção em ambientes controlados.
Suaeda maritima e Inula crithmoides são plantas halófitas dicotiledóneas, suculentas, que crescem naturalmente em zonas costeiras sob influência da água do mar, incluindo nos sapais da Ria Formosa.
Ao longo do ensaio as plantas foram sujeitas a seis níveis de salinidade, nomeadamente (em dS m-1): 5, 13, 21, 29, 37 e 45. Estes valores foram estabelecidos incorporando cloreto de sódio (NaCl) na solução nutritiva.
No sentido de se avaliar a tolerância das plantas ao “stress” de salinidade, foram feitas análises de vários parâmetros, tais como: a produtividade total e comercial, qualidade das plantas, biomassa e percentagem de humidade das amostras comerciais.
Adicionalmente foi também analisado a qualidade nutricional, onde se identificou a composição mineral e se quantificaram vitaminas presentes da espécie Inula crithmoides.
Os níveis de salinidade que apresentaram melhores resultados, ou seja, maior produtividade, sem alteração das suas qualidades físicas, químicas e nutricionais, para cada espécie estudada, foram 5 dSm-1 para Inula crithmoides, e 13 dSm-1 para Suaeda maritima.
The aim of this work was to test different salinity levels in the development of two halophyte plant species (Suaeda maritima and Inula crithmoides), in order to identify the salinity value of the nutrient solution where these species show the best agronomic behavior. The information about intensive production techniques of these species in commercial systems is very scarce, so it is important to study the potential and optimization of the production factors in controlled environments. Suaeda maritima and Inula crithmoides are succulent dicotyledonous halophyte plants that grow naturally in coastal areas under the influence of seawater, including in the Ria Formosa marshes. During the experiment, the plants were subjected to six levels of salinity at (dS m-1): 5, 13, 21, 29, 37 and 45. These values were established by the incorporation of sodium chloride (NaCl) in the nutrient solution. To evaluate plant tolerance to salinity “stress”, several parameters were analyzed, such as total and marketable productivity, plant quality, biomass and moisture content of the marketable samples. Additionally, the nutritional quality was also analyzed, such as the mineral composition and the quantification of some vitamins present in Inula crithmoides species. The salinity levels that presented the best results, that is, the highest productivities, without alteration of their physical, chemical and nutritional qualities, for each studied species, were 5 dSm-1 for Inula crithmoides, and 13 dSm-1 for Suaeda maritima.
The aim of this work was to test different salinity levels in the development of two halophyte plant species (Suaeda maritima and Inula crithmoides), in order to identify the salinity value of the nutrient solution where these species show the best agronomic behavior. The information about intensive production techniques of these species in commercial systems is very scarce, so it is important to study the potential and optimization of the production factors in controlled environments. Suaeda maritima and Inula crithmoides are succulent dicotyledonous halophyte plants that grow naturally in coastal areas under the influence of seawater, including in the Ria Formosa marshes. During the experiment, the plants were subjected to six levels of salinity at (dS m-1): 5, 13, 21, 29, 37 and 45. These values were established by the incorporation of sodium chloride (NaCl) in the nutrient solution. To evaluate plant tolerance to salinity “stress”, several parameters were analyzed, such as total and marketable productivity, plant quality, biomass and moisture content of the marketable samples. Additionally, the nutritional quality was also analyzed, such as the mineral composition and the quantification of some vitamins present in Inula crithmoides species. The salinity levels that presented the best results, that is, the highest productivities, without alteration of their physical, chemical and nutritional qualities, for each studied species, were 5 dSm-1 for Inula crithmoides, and 13 dSm-1 for Suaeda maritima.
Halófitas Inula crithmoides Produção intensiva Salinidade Suaeda maritima.