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Este relatório resulta de um estágio cujos objetivos foram estudar e analisar, o
circuito do medicamento no Serviço de Pediatria do Instituto Português de Oncologia
do Porto (IPO-Porto). Nele também são descritas, numa perspetiva técnico científica, as
atividades desenvolvidas no decorrer do estágio, sendo retratado o controlo de gestão,
no que concerne ao circuito do medicamento, no contexto de um serviço específico do
IPO do Porto.
A opção pelo IPO do Porto deveu-se à sua notoriedade e reconhecimento tanto
na área de especialidade de Oncologia, como enquanto Entidade Pública Empresarial. A
opção pelo Serviço de Pediatria, no qual foi estudado o circuito de medicamento,
aplicando ferramentas de controlo de gestão, foi motivada pela heterogeneidade de
patologias tratadas e por incluir várias áreas de cuidados: Consulta Externa, Hospital de
Dia, Internamento, Cirurgia de Ambulatório e Atendimento Não Programado.
O relatório principia com uma caracterização do IPO Porto, e do serviço no qual
foi realizado o estágio - Gabinete de Apoio à Gestão - tendo este permitido o contacto
direto com o controlo de gestão e todo o seu processo associado: incluindo o
apuramento de custos, análise e monitorização de indicadores de apoio à informação de
O trabalho realizado permitiu concluir que houve um aumento com o custo de
medicamentos no serviço estudado, mais exaustivamente.
This report results from a work placement whose objectives focused on studying and analyzing the medicine drugs circuit at the pediatric care service at the Oporto Portuguese Oncology Institute (OPOI). In it we also describe, in a technical and scientific perspective, the activities performed during the work placement and the management control system, with respect to the circuit of the medicine drugs in the context of the pediatric unit of the OPOI. We chose to focus on the OPOI due to its notoriety and recognition both as an oncology service, and as a corporate public entity. The choice for the pediatric care service, in which the medicine drugs circuit has been studied by applying management control tools, was motivated by the heterogeneity of the pathologies that are treated in the pediatric service and by the fact that this service includes several areas of care: outpatient, day hospital, inpatient, outpatient surgery service and non-scheduled outpatient service. The report begins with a characterization of the OPOI, as well as of the management support office, the service where the work placement was held. In this office we had direct contact with the management control system and all its processes, including the establishment of costs, and the analysis and monitorization of the indicators that support management information. The work concluded that the cost of the medicine drugs in the pediatric unit has increased.
This report results from a work placement whose objectives focused on studying and analyzing the medicine drugs circuit at the pediatric care service at the Oporto Portuguese Oncology Institute (OPOI). In it we also describe, in a technical and scientific perspective, the activities performed during the work placement and the management control system, with respect to the circuit of the medicine drugs in the context of the pediatric unit of the OPOI. We chose to focus on the OPOI due to its notoriety and recognition both as an oncology service, and as a corporate public entity. The choice for the pediatric care service, in which the medicine drugs circuit has been studied by applying management control tools, was motivated by the heterogeneity of the pathologies that are treated in the pediatric service and by the fact that this service includes several areas of care: outpatient, day hospital, inpatient, outpatient surgery service and non-scheduled outpatient service. The report begins with a characterization of the OPOI, as well as of the management support office, the service where the work placement was held. In this office we had direct contact with the management control system and all its processes, including the establishment of costs, and the analysis and monitorization of the indicators that support management information. The work concluded that the cost of the medicine drugs in the pediatric unit has increased.
Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão de Unidades de Saúde, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2016
Controlo de Gestão Gabinete apoio à gestão Circuito do medicamento Serviço de Pediatria Oncologia