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final de 2019, um novo coronav í rus SARS CoV 2 ou COVID 19, foi identificado
na cidade de Wuhan, na China. O impacto a n í vel global, obrigou à ado çã o de medidas
restritivas de conting ê ncia, como o confinamento e distanciamento social, a partir de 13 de
mar ç o de 2020, em Portugal. Estas medidas alteraram de forma inquestion á vel a vida de todos
os Portugueses. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa centra se na investiga çã o do impacto da
pandemia COVID 19 nos relacionamentos í ntimos e na sati sfa çã o com a vida em adultos
portugueses. O objetivo do estudo é conhecer e compreender as perspetivas dos casais
portugueses, abordando os temas din â mica relacional, conflito entre casal, satisfa çã o na
intimidade e vida sexual, satisfa çã o no relacionament o e satisfa çã o com a vida. A amostra é
constitu í da por 18 participantes, distribu í dos em 9 casais heterossexuais que coabitam, com
uma m é dia de idades de 28 anos. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de estudo, um gui ã o de
entrevista, um question á rio sociode mogr á fico e um gravador de voz. A maioria dos
participantes relataram que o in í cio da pandemia teve um impacto na sua din â mica relacional,
nomeadamente, houve um aumento dos conflitos entre casal. Apesar de estudos relatarem que
casais que vivenciem confli tos relacionados com a pandemia, eram mais propensos a relatar
diminui çã o da frequ ê ncia de v á rios comportamentos í ntimos e sexuais (Luetke et al., 2020),
neste estudo a maioria dos casais n ã o consideram ter existido mudan ç as na sua vida í ntima.
Tamb é m, os casais mostraram se ser bastante resilientes, encontrando se mais satisfeitos com
o relacionamento. Quanto à satisfa çã o da vida, a maioria dos participantes demonstraram a
import â ncia do trabalho e dos amigos na sua vida. É imperativo compreender de que forma
estas crises pand é micas, como a pandemia COVID 19, t ê m um impacto psicol ó gico tanto a
n í vel pessoal como nos relacionamentos amorosos, com o objetivo de aprendermos novos
processos de adapta çã o perante estas situa çõ es que criam novas realidades.
In late 2019, a new coronavirus variant SARS CoV 2 or COVID 19 was identified in the city of Wuhan, China. Its global impact forced the adoption of restrictive contingency measures, such as confinement and social distance, particularly felt in Portugal since 13rd March 2020 These measures unquestionably changed the lives of Portuguese people. This qualitative study focuses on investigating the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on intimate relationships and life satisfaction in Portuguese adu lts. The aim of the study is to identify and explore the perspectives of Portuguese couples, addressing the themes of relational dynamics, conflict between couples, satisfaction in intimacy and sex life, relationship satisfaction and satisfaction with life The sample used a total of 18 participants 9 heterossexual couples who cohabit, with an average age of 28 years old An interview guide, a sociodemographic questionnaire and a voice recorder were used as the study 's instruments. Most participants reported that the beginning of the pandemic had an impact on their relationship dynamics, namely, there was an increase d num ber of conflicts. Although studies have reported that couples experiencing pandemic related conflicts were more likely to report a decrease in the frequency of various intimate and sexual behaviors (Luetke et al., 2020), most couples of the sample did not consider to have had significant changes in their intimate life. Also, couples proved to be quite resilient, finding themselves more satisfied with the relationship. As for life satisfaction, most participants highlighted the importance of work and friend s in their lives. It is imperative to understand how these pandemic crises, such as the COVID 19 pandemic, have a psychological impact both on a personal level and on romantic relationships, with the aim of learning new adaptation processes in the face of these situations which create new possible realities.
In late 2019, a new coronavirus variant SARS CoV 2 or COVID 19 was identified in the city of Wuhan, China. Its global impact forced the adoption of restrictive contingency measures, such as confinement and social distance, particularly felt in Portugal since 13rd March 2020 These measures unquestionably changed the lives of Portuguese people. This qualitative study focuses on investigating the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on intimate relationships and life satisfaction in Portuguese adu lts. The aim of the study is to identify and explore the perspectives of Portuguese couples, addressing the themes of relational dynamics, conflict between couples, satisfaction in intimacy and sex life, relationship satisfaction and satisfaction with life The sample used a total of 18 participants 9 heterossexual couples who cohabit, with an average age of 28 years old An interview guide, a sociodemographic questionnaire and a voice recorder were used as the study 's instruments. Most participants reported that the beginning of the pandemic had an impact on their relationship dynamics, namely, there was an increase d num ber of conflicts. Although studies have reported that couples experiencing pandemic related conflicts were more likely to report a decrease in the frequency of various intimate and sexual behaviors (Luetke et al., 2020), most couples of the sample did not consider to have had significant changes in their intimate life. Also, couples proved to be quite resilient, finding themselves more satisfied with the relationship. As for life satisfaction, most participants highlighted the importance of work and friend s in their lives. It is imperative to understand how these pandemic crises, such as the COVID 19 pandemic, have a psychological impact both on a personal level and on romantic relationships, with the aim of learning new adaptation processes in the face of these situations which create new possible realities.
Pandemia COVID-19 Relacionamentos íntimos Conflitos entre casal Satisfação no relacionamento Satisfação com a vida