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Ensinar matemática é um desafio complexo. Deste modo, os professores devem ser capazes de proporcionar, aos seus alunos, momentos de aprendizagens significativas. A presente investigação foi desenvolvida em duas turmas do 5.º ano do 2.º ciclo do ensino básico, no concelho de Tavira, constituídas respetivamente por vinte e dois e vinte e quatro alunos.
De acordo com Brocardo e Mendes (2001), a estatística é uma “ferramenta que permite compreender e interpretar o mundo que nos rodeia, contribuindo assim para a formação de indivíduos autónomos, críticos e intervenientes na sociedade actual” (p. 37). Tomando por base a importância das atividades investigativas para o ensino e a aprendizagem da estatística, o principal objetivo desta investigação visa desenvolver uma tarefa de investigação estatística e implementá-la em duas turmas do 2.º ciclo do ensino básico, de modo a perceber quais as estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos na execução da mesma.
De forma a sistematizar a investigação foram delineadas duas questões de pesquisa: (i) De que forma é que as tarefas de investigação estatística promovem aprendizagens significativas, em alunos do 5.º ano de escolaridade? (ii) Qual o impacto das investigações estatísticas no desenvolvimento da literacia estatística dos alunos?
Para esta investigação, optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados foram as observações diretas, através dos registos fotográficos, das produções dos alunos e das gravações áudio, que permitiram registar os diálogos dos alunos no desenrolar da tarefa matemática.
Através do presente estudo, podemos constatar que a tarefa de investigação estatística implementada na sala de aula contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da literacia estatística dos alunos. Conjuntamente, os alunos mostraram desenvolver aprendizagens mais significativas que fizeram despertar o gosto pela matemática.
Teaching mathematics is a complex challenge. Thus, teachers must be able to provide their students with meaningful learning moments. This research was developed in two 5th grade classes of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in the municipality of Tavira, with twenty-two and twenty-four students respectively. According to Brocardo and Mendes (2001), statistics is a "tool that allows us to understand and interpret the world around us, thus contributing to the formation of autonomous, critical and intervening individuals in today's society" (p. 37). Based on the importance of investigative activities for the teaching and learning of statistics, the main objective of this research is to develop a statistical research task and implement it in two classes of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in order to understand the strategies used by students in its execution. To systematize the investigation two research questions were outlined: (i) How do statistical research tasks promote meaningful learning in 5th grade students? (ii) What is the impact of statistical investigations in the development of students' statistical literacy? For this research, a qualitative methodology was chosen. The data collection instruments were direct observations, through photographic records, students' productions, and audio recordings, which allowed recording students' dialogues during the mathematical task. Through this study, we can see that the statistical investigation task implemented in the classroom contributed to the development of students' statistical literacy. Together, the students showed to develop more significant learning that awakened their taste for mathematics.
Teaching mathematics is a complex challenge. Thus, teachers must be able to provide their students with meaningful learning moments. This research was developed in two 5th grade classes of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in the municipality of Tavira, with twenty-two and twenty-four students respectively. According to Brocardo and Mendes (2001), statistics is a "tool that allows us to understand and interpret the world around us, thus contributing to the formation of autonomous, critical and intervening individuals in today's society" (p. 37). Based on the importance of investigative activities for the teaching and learning of statistics, the main objective of this research is to develop a statistical research task and implement it in two classes of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in order to understand the strategies used by students in its execution. To systematize the investigation two research questions were outlined: (i) How do statistical research tasks promote meaningful learning in 5th grade students? (ii) What is the impact of statistical investigations in the development of students' statistical literacy? For this research, a qualitative methodology was chosen. The data collection instruments were direct observations, through photographic records, students' productions, and audio recordings, which allowed recording students' dialogues during the mathematical task. Through this study, we can see that the statistical investigation task implemented in the classroom contributed to the development of students' statistical literacy. Together, the students showed to develop more significant learning that awakened their taste for mathematics.
Tarefa de investigação Literacia estatística Aprendizagem 2.º ciclo do ensino básico