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O presente estudo intitulado “o potencial da literatura para a infância na educação em ciências: um estudo com crianças em idade pré-escolar”, foi realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, lecionado na Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação da Universidade do Algarve. Decorreu no ano letivo 2020/2021, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), numa sala de jardim de infância da cidade de Faro, com um grupo de catorze crianças de quatro anos.
Uma vez que o reconto de histórias estava bastante presente no quotidiano do grupo de crianças participante neste estudo, teve-se como principal propósito averiguar a possibilidade de explorar diversos temas da Educação em Ciências através da literatura para a infância. Com esse intuito, foram planificadas várias situações de aprendizagem sobre determinados temas de Ciências que pudessem ser explorados com a articulação da literatura para a infância.
Para a realização deste estudo, foi utilizada uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa, tendo como principal método de recolha de dados a observação participante.
De realçar que este estudo ocorreu no decurso da pandemia provocada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, que obrigou ao encerramento das instituições, passando o ensino a ser realizado à distância o que, consequentemente, levou à não conclusão do estudo empírico, tal como estava estipulado inicialmente. Contudo, foi delineado um plano alternativo a esse estudo, que consta de uma brochura direcionada para todos os profissionais e estudantes da área da educação, contendo competências a desenvolver nas crianças e algumas possibilidades de exploração de cada história.
Apesar de não ter sido concluído como estava estipulado inicialmente, ficou percetível a importância que a Educadora Cooperante atribuiu à exploração de atividades no âmbito da Educação em Ciências, bem como que as crianças apresentaram algumas conceções no que toca a alguns conteúdos da Educação em Ciências.
This study entitled "the potential of children's literature in science education: a study with pre-school children" was carried out as part of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education, taught at the School of Education and Communication of the University of the Algarve. It took place in the school year 2020/2021, within the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), in a kindergarten room in the city of Faro, with a group of fourteen four-year-old children. Since storytelling was very present in the daily life of the group of children participating in this study, the main purpose was to investigate the possibility of exploring several themes of Science Education through children's literature. With this purpose, several learning situations were planned about certain science themes that could be explored through the use of children's literature. For this study a qualitative research methodology was used, with participant observation as the main data collection method. It should be noted that this study took place during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which forced the closure of the institutions, with teaching being carried out at a distance, which consequently led to the non-completion of the empirical study, as originally planned. However, an alternative plan to this study was outlined, consisting of a brochure aimed at all professionals and students in the area of education, containing skills to be developed in children and some possibilities of exploring each story. Although it was not completed as originally planned, the importance that the Cooperating Educator attached to the exploration of activities within Science Education was perceptible, as well as the fact that the children presented some conceptions regarding some contents of Science Education.
This study entitled "the potential of children's literature in science education: a study with pre-school children" was carried out as part of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education, taught at the School of Education and Communication of the University of the Algarve. It took place in the school year 2020/2021, within the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), in a kindergarten room in the city of Faro, with a group of fourteen four-year-old children. Since storytelling was very present in the daily life of the group of children participating in this study, the main purpose was to investigate the possibility of exploring several themes of Science Education through children's literature. With this purpose, several learning situations were planned about certain science themes that could be explored through the use of children's literature. For this study a qualitative research methodology was used, with participant observation as the main data collection method. It should be noted that this study took place during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which forced the closure of the institutions, with teaching being carried out at a distance, which consequently led to the non-completion of the empirical study, as originally planned. However, an alternative plan to this study was outlined, consisting of a brochure aimed at all professionals and students in the area of education, containing skills to be developed in children and some possibilities of exploring each story. Although it was not completed as originally planned, the importance that the Cooperating Educator attached to the exploration of activities within Science Education was perceptible, as well as the fact that the children presented some conceptions regarding some contents of Science Education.
Literatura para a infância Educação em Ciências Educação Pré-escolar Literacia Científica Interdisciplinaridade.