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A gripe e constipação são doenças não complicadas das vias respiratórias superiores, que aparecem sazonalmente no quotidiano de uma farmácia comunitária. É importante saber diferenciar de outras doenças que possam surgir, como é o caso da rinite, sinusite, COVID-19. Hoje em dia, a utilização de plantas medicinais encontra-se em evolução no tratamento destas doenças, na medida em que várias plantas apresentam ações terapêuticas no tratamento de mialgias, congestão nasal, rinorreia, tosse, etc.
Este trabalho consiste numa revisão bibliográfica com base em publicações científicas sobre a gripe e constipação, com intuito de identificar a diferença entre estas doenças, conhecer os seus sintomas, saber quais os tratamentos farmacológicos e conhecer algumas plantas (Althaea officinalis L., Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Grindelia robusta Nutt., Centraria islandica (L.) Ach., Sambucus nigra L., Thymus vulgaris L.) que podem fazer parte de produtos à base de plantas com ação no tratamento de transtornos menores associados a constipação e gripe e, por último, perceber qual o papel do farmacêutico na indicação destes produtos à base de plantas.
A alteia é indicada na tosse seca, irritação da mucosa oral ou faríngea. As folhas do eucalipto são utilizadas com tratamento interno de catarros e vias respiratórias. A grindélia tem indicação terapêutica na tosse produtiva e catarro do trato respiratório superior. O líquen-da-Islândia é indicado como demulcente no tratamento de irritações orais ou faríngeas, tosse seca e perda temporária de apetite. O sabugueiro é indicado como diaforético no tratamento da constipação, febre e calafrios. O tomilho tem indicação na tosse produtiva associada a constipação.
O papel do farmacêutico é essencial no aconselhamento da utilização de produtos cuja composição tem plantas medicinais. Este deve conhecer as ações farmacológicas das plantas, para poder recomendar esses produtos com segurança no tratamento dos transtornos menores associados a gripe e constipação.
Flu and colds are minor diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which appear seasonally in the daily routine of a community pharmacy. It is important to know how to distinguish from other diseases that may appear, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, COVID-19. Nowadays, the use of medicinal plants is in progress in the treatment of these diseases, as several plants present therapeutic actions in the treatment of myalgia, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, cough, etc. This work consists of a bibliographical review based on scientific publications on flu and colds, with the aim of identifying the difference between these diseases, knowing their symptoms, knowing what pharmacological treatments are available and knowing some plants (Althaea officinalis L., Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Grindelia robusta Nutt., Centraria islandica (L.), Sambucus nigra L., Thymus vulgaris L.) which can be part of herbal medicines, with action in the treatment of minor disorders associated with colds and flu and, finally, find out the role of pharmacists in the indication of these herbal medicines. Marshmallow root is indicated for dry cough, relief of the oral or pharyngeal mucosa. Eucalyptus leaves are used for internal treatment of phlegm and respiratory tract. Grindelia is therapeutically indicated for productive coughs and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract. Iceland moss is indicated as a demulcent in the treatment of oral or pharyngeal irritations, dry cough and temporary loss of appetite. Elderberry is indicated as a diaphoretic in the treatment of colds, fever and chills. Thyme has indication in productive cough associated with colds. The role of the pharmacist is essential in providing advice using herbal medicines. They must know the pharmacological actions of the plants that make part of products, to be able to recommend them safely in the treatment of minor disorders associated with flu and colds.
Flu and colds are minor diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which appear seasonally in the daily routine of a community pharmacy. It is important to know how to distinguish from other diseases that may appear, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, COVID-19. Nowadays, the use of medicinal plants is in progress in the treatment of these diseases, as several plants present therapeutic actions in the treatment of myalgia, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, cough, etc. This work consists of a bibliographical review based on scientific publications on flu and colds, with the aim of identifying the difference between these diseases, knowing their symptoms, knowing what pharmacological treatments are available and knowing some plants (Althaea officinalis L., Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Grindelia robusta Nutt., Centraria islandica (L.), Sambucus nigra L., Thymus vulgaris L.) which can be part of herbal medicines, with action in the treatment of minor disorders associated with colds and flu and, finally, find out the role of pharmacists in the indication of these herbal medicines. Marshmallow root is indicated for dry cough, relief of the oral or pharyngeal mucosa. Eucalyptus leaves are used for internal treatment of phlegm and respiratory tract. Grindelia is therapeutically indicated for productive coughs and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract. Iceland moss is indicated as a demulcent in the treatment of oral or pharyngeal irritations, dry cough and temporary loss of appetite. Elderberry is indicated as a diaphoretic in the treatment of colds, fever and chills. Thyme has indication in productive cough associated with colds. The role of the pharmacist is essential in providing advice using herbal medicines. They must know the pharmacological actions of the plants that make part of products, to be able to recommend them safely in the treatment of minor disorders associated with flu and colds.
Gripe Constipação Sintomas Fitoterapia Plantas medicinais Farmacêutico