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A doença oncológica é descrita como uma das maiores causas de morte a nível
global, sendo que o seu diagnóstico desencadeia um conjunto de desestruturações a
vários níveis. A espiritualidade, apesar de ser um tema controverso no seio da
comunidade científica, tem vindo a ganhar importância no enfrentamento da doença por
parte dos pacientes, que relatam ser um aspeto fundamental no seu processo de
enfermidade. A presente investigação procurou compreender o papel da esperança e da
fusão cognitiva na relação entre espiritualidade e saúde geral numa amostra constituída
por doentes oncológicos. A amostra foi composta por 82 participantes do sexo feminino
que vivenciaram no presente ou no passado uma situação de doença oncológica.
Recorreu-se à aplicação da Escala de Bem-Estar Espiritual (EBE), Herth Hope Index,
Questionário de Fusão Cognitiva (CFQ – Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire) e o
Questionário de Saúde Geral (GHQ-28).
Foi possível observar que todos os construtos se encontram associados e que a
espiritualidade tem um papel fulcral no enfrentamento da doença oncológica. A fusão
cognitiva traduz-se como o principal mediador da relação entre espiritualidade e saúde
geral, o que enfatiza a importância da espiritualidade no cuidado prestado a estes
doentes com o objetivo de melhorar a sua qualidade de vida e saúde mental.
Cancer is described as one of the major causes of death globally, and its diagnosis triggers a set of disruptions on several levels. Spirituality, despite being a controversial topic within the scientific community, has gained importance in patients’ coping with the disease, who report that it is a fundamental aspect in their disease process. The present study aimed to understand the role of hope and cognitive fusion in the relationship between spirituality and general health in a sample of cancer patients. The sample consisted of 82 female participants who experienced, present or past, a situation of oncological disease. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SBE), Herth Hope Index, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were applied. It was possible to note that all constructs are associated and that spirituality plays a key role in coping with cancer. Cognitive fusion emerged as the main mediator of the relationship between spirituality and general health, which emphasizes the importance of spirituality in the care provided to these patients with the aim of improving their quality of life and mental health.
Cancer is described as one of the major causes of death globally, and its diagnosis triggers a set of disruptions on several levels. Spirituality, despite being a controversial topic within the scientific community, has gained importance in patients’ coping with the disease, who report that it is a fundamental aspect in their disease process. The present study aimed to understand the role of hope and cognitive fusion in the relationship between spirituality and general health in a sample of cancer patients. The sample consisted of 82 female participants who experienced, present or past, a situation of oncological disease. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SBE), Herth Hope Index, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were applied. It was possible to note that all constructs are associated and that spirituality plays a key role in coping with cancer. Cognitive fusion emerged as the main mediator of the relationship between spirituality and general health, which emphasizes the importance of spirituality in the care provided to these patients with the aim of improving their quality of life and mental health.
Espiritualidade Doença oncológica Esperança Fusão cognitiva Saúde estudo correlacional.