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Sabe-se que os vírus de plantas alteram o metabolismo secundário. Quando a infeção viral ocorre, a planta desencadeia uma resposta de resistência ativa que envolve o reconhecimento de elicitores codificadas pelo vírus através da interação direta ou indireta com produtos de genes de resistência. Esta por sua vez ativa a sinalização a jusante, o que leva a prevenção da propagação viral, confere resistência aos agentes patogénicos, e muitas vezes desencadeia respostas defensivas tais como a acumulação de ácido salicílico (AS) e resposta de hipersensibilidade (Singh et al., 2004).
A descoberta de uma polimerase RNA dependente (RdRp) em Tabaco e Arabidopsis (Yu et al., 2003) envolvida na resistência viral induzida por ácido salicílico (AS), sugere que os RNAs de interferência (iRNAs) poderiam ter um rol mecanístico na resistência sistémica adquirida (SAR). Existem também referências que indicam uma sobreposição das vias de sinalização que controlam a resistência ao AS e a indução do silenciamento. Brignetti et al., 1998 demostrou que a proteína 2B era capaz de inibir a indução de iRNA dirigida contra RNA viral, e também inibia a resistência adquirida por AS à replicação viral e dispersão em tecidos diretamente inoculados (Ji e Ding, 2001).
Neste trabalho foi-se avaliar a possibilidade de usar o Cucumber Mosaic vírus ou o seu gene supressor para melhorar as características de produção de metabolitos secundários e outros produtos de elevado valor em plantas. Muitos produtos de transformação de plantas utilizados como matéria-prima da indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, são apreciados pela sua composição e elevado teor em princípios ativos.
Para evitar a utilização do CMV que é um vírus agressivo e possui um elevado número de hospedeiros, foi-se construir um vector para expressão transiente local do gene supressor e também recorrendo a um vírus atenuado, para expressão sistémica.
A avaliação decorreu em plantas do género Thymus, nalguns casos também em Nicotiana benthamiana e Coriandrum sativum.
Foram encontradas alterações nos alcaloides, terpenoides e flavonoides.
O aumento nestes metabolitos, muitos deles responsáveis pelo poder redutor dos extratos vegetais, ofereceu a alternativa de estudar a sua aplicação na produção de nanopartículas metálicas, a partir dos respeitivos iões metálicos.
It is known that plant viruses change secondary metabolism. When viral infection happen, the plant triggers an active resistance response that involves the recognition of elicitors encoded by the virus through direct or indirect interaction with products of resistance genes. This in turn activates the downstream signaling, which leads to prevention of viral spread, confers resistance to pathogens, and often triggers defensive responses such as salicylic acid accumulation and hypersensitive response (Singh et al, 2004). The discovery of an RNA dependent polymerase (RdRp) in Tobacco and Arabidopsis (Yu et al, 2003) involved in viral resistance induced by salicylic acid (SA), suggests that the interfering RNAs (iRNAs) could be a mechanistic role in systemic acquired resistance (SAR). There are also references that suggest an overlapping of signaling pathways that control resistance to SA and induction of silencing. Brignetti et al., 1998 2b demonstrated that the protein was able to inhibit the induction of iRNA directed against viral RNA, as well as resistance acquired by inhibiting viral replication and SA dispersion directly inoculated tissues (Ji & Ding, 2001) In this work was to evaluate the possibility of using Cucumber mosaic virus or the CMV gene supressor, to improve the characteristics of production of secondary metabolites and other high-value products in plants. Many plant transformation products used as raw material for cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, are appreciated for their composition and high content of active ingredients. To avoid the use of the CMV virus, because of its aggressivity and the large number of hosts, a vector for local transient expression of the suppressor gene was constructed, based on attenuated virus for systemic expression. The evaluation was conducted in Thymus genus and, in some cases, in Nicotiana benthamiana and Coriandrum sativum. Changes were found in alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids. The increase in these metabolites, many of them responsible for the reducing power of plant extracts, led to the study of their use in the production of metal nanoparticles, from the corresponding metal ions.
It is known that plant viruses change secondary metabolism. When viral infection happen, the plant triggers an active resistance response that involves the recognition of elicitors encoded by the virus through direct or indirect interaction with products of resistance genes. This in turn activates the downstream signaling, which leads to prevention of viral spread, confers resistance to pathogens, and often triggers defensive responses such as salicylic acid accumulation and hypersensitive response (Singh et al, 2004). The discovery of an RNA dependent polymerase (RdRp) in Tobacco and Arabidopsis (Yu et al, 2003) involved in viral resistance induced by salicylic acid (SA), suggests that the interfering RNAs (iRNAs) could be a mechanistic role in systemic acquired resistance (SAR). There are also references that suggest an overlapping of signaling pathways that control resistance to SA and induction of silencing. Brignetti et al., 1998 2b demonstrated that the protein was able to inhibit the induction of iRNA directed against viral RNA, as well as resistance acquired by inhibiting viral replication and SA dispersion directly inoculated tissues (Ji & Ding, 2001) In this work was to evaluate the possibility of using Cucumber mosaic virus or the CMV gene supressor, to improve the characteristics of production of secondary metabolites and other high-value products in plants. Many plant transformation products used as raw material for cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, are appreciated for their composition and high content of active ingredients. To avoid the use of the CMV virus, because of its aggressivity and the large number of hosts, a vector for local transient expression of the suppressor gene was constructed, based on attenuated virus for systemic expression. The evaluation was conducted in Thymus genus and, in some cases, in Nicotiana benthamiana and Coriandrum sativum. Changes were found in alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids. The increase in these metabolites, many of them responsible for the reducing power of plant extracts, led to the study of their use in the production of metal nanoparticles, from the corresponding metal ions.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Agrárias, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Transformação transiente Aromáticas Vectores virais Nanopartículas Metabolismo secundário Transformation Transient Aromatic Viral vectors Nanoparticles Secondary metabolism