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O presente projeto de investigação numérica e experimental foi desenvolvido no sentido de avaliar a utilização de jatos confluentes verticais de impacto nos sistemas AVAC (Aquecimento, Ventilação e Ar condicionado). A parte da investigação numérica foi feita através de modelos numéricos de simulação e a parte investigação experimental foi feita através de ensaios experimentais numa câmara experimental sem ocupação equipada com um sistema de jatos confluentes verticais de impacto.
Na investigação experimental foram feitos ensaios de medição de velocidades do ar a jusante da saída do jato e ao nível do chão. A velocidade do ar obtida experimentalmente a jusante da saída do jato foi usada como dado de entrada na simulação numérica e os resultados experimentais de velocidade do ar obtidas ao nível do chão do foram usados para comparar com o modelo numérico usado nas simulações. Foram também feitos ensaios de visualização do comportamento do escoamento na câmara através da técnica de injeção de fumo e visualização com recurso a emissão laser.
Na investigação numérica foram usados modelos numéricos de simulação que permitem calcular as variáveis de conforto térmico, qualidade de ar interior, consumo de energia e índice de distribuição de ar. A investigação numéria foi feita numa câmara virtual com características geométricas idênticas da câmara experimental, ocupada com quatro manequins, uma mesa e quatro cadeiras. As temperaturas do ar interiores e exterior usadas na simulação foram de 20 ºC e 10 ºC para inverno e 25 ºC e 30 ºC para verão, respetivamente. A velocidade do ar na saída do jato foi de 8,41 m/s.
Os resultados mostraram que o conforto térmico é melhor no inverno do que no verão e a qualidade de ar interior é melhor no verão do que no inverno, mas para ambas situações inverno e verão são valores aceitáveis. O consumo energia é melhor no verão do que no inverno. O índice de distribuição de ar é melhor na situação de inverno do que na situação de verão. Os resultados experimentais e numéricos de velocidade do ar usados para comparar os modelos numéricos mostraram uma boa concordância. De modo geral os resultados de simulação numérica mostraram a viabilidade de utilização do sistema de jatos confluentes verticais de impacto nos sistemas AVAC.
This numerical and experimental research project was developed to evaluate the use of vertical confluent impinging jets in HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning). The part of the numerical investigation was done through numerical simulation models and the experimental investigation part was done through experimental tests in an experimental chamber without occupation equipped with a system of confluent vertical impinging jets. In the experimental investigation, air velocity measurement tests were carried out downstream of the jet outlet and at ground level. The air velocity obtained experimentally downstream of the jet outlet was used as input data in the numerical simulation and the experimental air velocity results obtained at ground level were used to compare with the numerical model used in the simulations. Visualization tests of the flow behavior in the chamber were also made through the technique of smoke injection and visualization using laser emission. In the numerical investigation numerical simulation models were used to calculate the variables of thermal comfort, indoor air quality, energy consumption and air distribution index. The numerical investigation was done in a virtual chamber with identical geometric characteristics of the experimental chamber, occupied with four mannequins, a table and four chairs. The indoor and outdoor air temperatures used in the simulation were 20 ° C and 10 ° C for winter and 25 ° C and 30 ° C for summer, respectively. The air velocity at the jet outlet was 8.41 m / s. The results showed that thermal comfort is better in winter than in summer and indoor air quality is better in summer than in winter, but for both winter and summer situations are acceptable values. Energy consumption is better in summer than in winter. The air distribution index is better in the winter situation than in the summer situation. The experimental and numerical air velocity results used to compare the numerical models showed good agreement. In general, numerical simulation results showed the feasibility of using the vertical confluence jets system in HVAC systems.
This numerical and experimental research project was developed to evaluate the use of vertical confluent impinging jets in HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning). The part of the numerical investigation was done through numerical simulation models and the experimental investigation part was done through experimental tests in an experimental chamber without occupation equipped with a system of confluent vertical impinging jets. In the experimental investigation, air velocity measurement tests were carried out downstream of the jet outlet and at ground level. The air velocity obtained experimentally downstream of the jet outlet was used as input data in the numerical simulation and the experimental air velocity results obtained at ground level were used to compare with the numerical model used in the simulations. Visualization tests of the flow behavior in the chamber were also made through the technique of smoke injection and visualization using laser emission. In the numerical investigation numerical simulation models were used to calculate the variables of thermal comfort, indoor air quality, energy consumption and air distribution index. The numerical investigation was done in a virtual chamber with identical geometric characteristics of the experimental chamber, occupied with four mannequins, a table and four chairs. The indoor and outdoor air temperatures used in the simulation were 20 ° C and 10 ° C for winter and 25 ° C and 30 ° C for summer, respectively. The air velocity at the jet outlet was 8.41 m / s. The results showed that thermal comfort is better in winter than in summer and indoor air quality is better in summer than in winter, but for both winter and summer situations are acceptable values. Energy consumption is better in summer than in winter. The air distribution index is better in the winter situation than in the summer situation. The experimental and numerical air velocity results used to compare the numerical models showed good agreement. In general, numerical simulation results showed the feasibility of using the vertical confluence jets system in HVAC systems.
Jatos Jatos de impacto Sistemas de ventilação Conforto térmico Sistemas de ventilação ar interior