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O presente relatório de investigação pretende evidenciar a importância da aprendizagem
do Inglês como língua estrangeira na infância e o impacto da música enquanto estratégia
para a sua implementação. A música é considerada, por alguns estudiosos, um recurso
didático-pedagógico relevante na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, pois tem
efeitos benéficos na aquisição das quatro competências específicas da língua (neste
caso: listening, speaking, reading e writing), facilita a aquisição da pronúncia, da
entoação e do vocabulário, torna a interação em sala de aula mais fluída através de
situações reais de comunicação e desperta emoções que fazem com que as crianças
criem uma relação afetiva com a língua. Em suma, a música beneficia o processo de
aprendizagem da língua inglesa, agindo como elemento motivador e facilitador. Este
estudo de caso realizou-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino
Supervisionada, inserida no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês no 1.º
ciclo do ensino básico, e teve como público-alvo duas turmas do 1.º ciclo do ensino
básico. Foi construído um conjunto de materiais para observação em sala de aula e a
análise dos dados recolhidos permite concluir da importância da música na prática
This research report aims to highlight the importance of learning English as a foreign language in childhood and the impact of music as a strategy for its implementation. Music is considered by some scholars to be a relevant didactic-pedagogical resource in learning a foreign language, as it has beneficial effects on the acquisition of the four specific language skills (in this case: listening, speaking, reading and writing), it facilitates the acquisition pronunciation, intonation and vocabulary, makes classroom interaction more fluid through real communication situations and arouses emotions that cause children to create an affective relationship with the language. In short, music benefits the process of learning the English language, acting as a motivating and facilitating element. This case study was carried out within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice curricular unit, inserted in the study plan of the Master in Teaching English in the 1st cycle of basic education, and had as target audience two classes of the 1st cycle of basic education. A set of materials for observation in the classroom was built and the analysis of the data collected allows us to conclude the importance of music in pedagogical practice.
This research report aims to highlight the importance of learning English as a foreign language in childhood and the impact of music as a strategy for its implementation. Music is considered by some scholars to be a relevant didactic-pedagogical resource in learning a foreign language, as it has beneficial effects on the acquisition of the four specific language skills (in this case: listening, speaking, reading and writing), it facilitates the acquisition pronunciation, intonation and vocabulary, makes classroom interaction more fluid through real communication situations and arouses emotions that cause children to create an affective relationship with the language. In short, music benefits the process of learning the English language, acting as a motivating and facilitating element. This case study was carried out within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice curricular unit, inserted in the study plan of the Master in Teaching English in the 1st cycle of basic education, and had as target audience two classes of the 1st cycle of basic education. A set of materials for observation in the classroom was built and the analysis of the data collected allows us to conclude the importance of music in pedagogical practice.
Ensino de Inglês [da língua inglesa] no 1.º ciclo [do ensino básico /em Portugal Inglês[a língua inglesa]como segunda língua Música e aprendizagem desegunda língua Música e motivação