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Strategy implementation rate of failure – a research agenda

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Numerous estimates have been made of failure rates on strategy implementation and on new management methods implementation. These estimates have been used as evidence to propose and to dismiss many new strategies and business management methods. A review of the literature reveals that current estimates can vary from 10% to 90% and that these are frequently based on evidence that is either outdated, fragmentary, fragile, or just absent. Careful consideration is therefore advised before using these estimates to promote changes in the theory and/or practice of strategic management. This research intends to provide a more reliable estimate of the rate of failure on strategy implementation by considering the contextual factors that affect it. The research further intends to study whether relationships between obstacles affect strategy implementation and whether the guidelines for implementation provided in the literature have improved implementation success rates.



Strategic management Alternatively Organizational transformation Change Development


Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


British Academy of Management and University of Brighton