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The Directive 2015/2302: new challenges to package travel and tourism law concepts

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Machado, Virgílio



The object of this article is to question and answer if the Directive 2015/2302, dated 25 th November 2015, by the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and related travel services is an important milestone in the systemic enhancement of package travel and tourism Law. Concerning the challenges that the current legal reality calls in the areas of information and communication to the tourist as well as the market organization in the provision of travel and tourism services. The research uses a comparative, historical and functional methodology to analyse and interpret the problems posed. In short, it questions whether the Directive meets functionally self-referential stability objectives in the market regulation of supply and demand for package travel, with benefits for the systemic understanding of the Tourism Law. The conclusions reveal a retreat of the framework law on the regulation of the sale of package travel market, with losses for the protection of consumer rights.



Package travel Tourism Law Consumer Directive 2015/2032 Tourism Tourism market


Machado,V.(2017), The Directive 2015/2302: New challenges to package travel and tourism law concepts, in Vincenzo Franceschelli,Francesco Morandi & Carlos Torres(eds). The New Package Travel Directive, pp.389-400, ESHTE, INATEL.ISBN: 978-989-99955-0-5.

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