ESG3-Livros (ou partes, com ou sem arbitragem científica)
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Livro científico ou capítulo de livro científico ou obra que resulte de investigação
a) livro científico, com arbitragem científica, ou exposição com carácter individual e com comissariado ou direcção de trabalho performativo, com relatório avaliadob) capítulo de livro científico, com arbitragem científica, ou exposição em evento colectivo com comissariado ou participação em trabalho performativo, com relatório avaliado
c) livro científico, sem arbitragem científica, ou exposição com carácter individual e com comissariado ou direcção de trabalho performativo, sem relatório avaliado
d) capítulo de livro científico, sem arbitragem científica, ou exposição em evento colectivo com comissariado ou participação em trabalho performativo, sem relatório avaliado
Recent Submissions
- As tecnologias, o património cultural e os itinerários turísticos em destinos smartPublication . Rodrigues Gonçalves, Alexandra
- Gastronomy innovation, experiences and sustainabilityPublication . Gonçalves, Alexandra; Ramos, Célia; Rassal, C.O Algarve é uma região peculiar, distinta e original comparativamente às outras regiões do país, mesmo aquelas geograficamente próximas. A produção de frutos secos, nomeadamente a amendoeira, a figueira e a alfarrobeira, o olival e a vinha, mas também os citrinos, como a laranjeira e a tangerineira, fazem parte integrante do património genético das frutas da região. A vitivinicultura é um fenómeno com maior expansão recente, ainda que documentos históricos demonstrem que noutros séculos também proliferou em pequenas produções. Ao longo de 3 anos e a partir da Universidade do Algarve, uma equipa multidisciplinar que integrou as áreas do Turismo, da Hotelaria, da Engenharia Alimentar, das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e do Marketing, promoveram experiências inovadoras e sustentáveis, em torno da gastronomia, da enologia, da Dieta Mediterrânica e da Hotelaria e do Turismo.
- Climate-friendly Hotels and the promotion of sustainability in Tourist Destinations: A study in Algarve from Hotel Management PerspectivesPublication . Arraes Viegas, MargaridaTourism promotes the interaction of visitors with destination places and their communities, resulting in a set of impacts for the local population. Although traditionally no major environmental damage due to tourism in general, and hospitality, in particular, has been recognized, as the concept of sustainability develops, its negative impacts are becoming evident. As the hotel sector is one of the most important components of the tourism offer, minimizing its environmental impacts plays a fundamental role in the sustainability of tourist destinations. Since Algarve is one of the top 20 travel destinations worldwide, the present study aims to identify the environmental behaviour of the hotels in the region and thus evaluate their contribution to the sustainability of this tourist destination. In the empirical analysis, statistical techniques such as principal components and cluster analysis were used, and the results allowed the identification of three groups with different environmental behaviours.
- Dissemination report on preliminary findings of the T-rELMA research project july 2023Publication . Torkington, Kate; Ribeiro, Filipa Perdigão; Rebelo, Sandra; Conceição, SusanaThis report follows the seminar on Algarve Tourism: Sustainability, Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, jointly organised by the T-rELMA and IMPACTUR Algarve research project teams at the School of Management, Hospitality &Tourism, University of the Algarve, on 22June 2023.
- Relatório de divulgação dos resultados preliminares do projeto de investigação T-rELMA julho 2023Publication . Torkington, Kate; Ribeiro, Filipa Perdigão; Rebelo, Sandra; Conceição, SusanaT-rELMA é um projeto exploratório, com a duração de 18 meses, iniciado em janeiro de 2022. É financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) e conta com uma equipa de investigação internacional composta por nove investigadores. Este relatório surge na sequência do seminário Turismo no Algarve: Sustentabilidade, Competitividade e Empreendedorismo, organizado conjuntamente pelas equipas dos projetos de investigação T-rELMA e IMPACTUR Algarve, na Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo da Universidade do Algarve, no dia 22 de junho de 2023.
- Cooperação, redes, criatividade e promoção de experiências - O grande desafioPublication . Gonçalves, AlexandraUma breve introdução a este capítulo enuncia informação partilhada nesta Semana Cultural, para recordar que os “Lugares de Globalização” deram nome à candidatura conjunta da Região de Turismo do Algarve, da Direção Regional de Cultura do Algarve e dos Municípios de Vila do Bispo, Lagos, Aljezur, Monchique e Silves, a que também se associou a Universidade do Algarve; proposta que ficou inscrita na Lista Indicativa de Património Mundial da UNESCO em 2016. A centralidade da candidatura pretendeu reconhecer o valor universal dos lugares associados às viagens da Expansão Marítima Portuguesa, que integra elementos patrimoniais, mas também a história associada aos lugares.
- Os visitantes do património cultural do Algarve: outros mundosPublication . Gonçalves, Alexandra; Correia, AntóniaÉ um enorme desafio escrever sobre turismo cultural no Algarve, o destino turístico nacional privilegiado do "sol e praia".
- Museus, comunidade local e turismo.Publication . Gonçalves, AlexandraEsta reflexão pretende estabelecer a ponte entre o que são, e o que se espera que sejam, os museus contemporâneos e as relações que estabelecem com a comunidade local e o turismo
- Destination: Tourism and CulturePublication . Gonçalves, Alexandra; Correia, Antonia; Dolnicar, SaraCultural tourism is today a phenomenon identified with a growing market that encompasses a set of diverse activities that changed from its dimension to its concept in consideration as “mass consumption”. Cultural tourism was assumed as an autonomous category in the 1980s, a period in which tourist consumption of cultural heritage was consolidated (McKercher and du Cros, 2006; UNWTO, 2018).
- A componente cultural do turismo urbano como oferta complementar ao produto sol e praia no Algarve - o caso de Faro e SilvesPublication . Gonçalves, AlexandraThe cultural component of urban tourism as complementary offer to the ‘sun and beach’ product – The case studies of Faro and Silves Tourism in an urban environment is an economic and social activity of great importance. However, local planning has seldom included it in its domain of action. The cultural component of cities asserts itself as one of its main resources to attract visitors. Hence, in this work it is intended to examine if there is a product of cultural tourism in the towns of Faro and Silves and the ways of developing it in the future. Simultaneously it was tried to perspective the role of cities in the development of diversification and complementary strategies in view of the main Algarvian tourist product ‘Sun and Beach’. The present study is structured in six main chapters. In the first, the theoretical framing is established, in which the conceptual orientations and assumptions of the theorising model that will serve the framing to the empirical analysis to be developed are systematised. In the second, the evolution of tourism trends is presented not only through reference to statistics but also through the descriptions of associated trends to contemporary changes: the emergence of a new tourism model, recognised as “post-fordist” or “post–modernist” and its characterisation and contextualisation at a time of global economies. The approach developed in chapter three presents two great parts: in the first, culture is discussed as a way of local development- the cultural and political practices; while in the second the cultural dimension in the urban context and in the local politics of cities is integrated and analysed. In the next chapter the managing politics of cultural patrimony and the planning lines which integrate their specificities are looked into. In a similar way, the transformation of managing models and rigid planning for dynamic planning processes (participated and integrated) is discussed, going on to its characterisation in order to show the need of developing new ways of strategic organisation and agreement, which enable the sustained development of the cultural patrimony as a tourist resource. Methodology is introduced in chapter 5, in which the varied methods available to tourism investigation are analysed, as well as the use of “group interview” and “the Delphi method” justified as the most suitable to answer the problem and the proposed aims of the investigation. At last, as case study the towns of Faro and Silves are presented, towards which a strategic diagnosis of present and future options and their dynamics is done, based on quantifying and qualifying elements. At the same time, an analysis of investment and development options assumed by the different participants in the investigation is developed, as a way to structure the foreseen and necessary interventions, which will enable the assertion of the cultural component in the Algarve, as a complement of the offer to the main producer “Sun and Beach”. The methodology that was followed includes a multiplicity of methods ranging from descriptive statistics to contents analysis. The option for the study of specific cases, its discussion and analysis, as often as possible, were framed around the world trends of tourism, so the recommendations and proposals can be applied to other cases in similar stadiums of development.