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O conceito de Turismo Acessível evoluiu de um segmento promotor da acessibilidade segundo a abordagem do design universal, que atende às necessidades das pessoas com deficiência, a uma abordagem mais abrangente de Turismo de
qualidade. As Rotas Turísticas visam a promoção do destino e da cultura local, possibilitando formas de estimular os visitantes à obtenção de experiências culturais, e.g, a observação da arquitetura local na paisagem urbana. A atual investigação tem como tema o Turismo Cultural Acessível no destino Algarve, pretendendo analisar as rotas turísticas pedonais existentes em dois centros históricos: “Rota Turística Acessível” de Portimão e os Itinerários Pedonais “Comércio”
e “Património” de Loulé. Existe um gap na literatura sobre a satisfação dos consumidores das Rotas Culturais e a Acessibilidade percebida. O objetivo proposto neste estudo consiste em analisar a satisfação dos consumidores das referidas rotas, a partir de inquéritos realizados na Época Alta e na Época Baixa. A análise foi limitada pelos seus produtos, serviços e experiências culturais acessíveis. Através da análise estatística, Regressão Logística Binária, pretende-se verificar quais os determinantes da satisfação dos consumidores dos percursos pedonais culturais, ao nível da acessibilidade, bem como
apurar quais os atributos do Turismo Cultural Acessível de um itinerário que podem ser benéficos e complementares para o outro e vice-versa. Os resultados apresentados indicam que existem boas práticas associadas ao Turismo Cultural Acessível e ao desenvolvimento sustentável do destino Algarve, podendo a acessibilidade ser um elemento contribuidor no planeamento e gestão sustentável dos destinos turísticos.
The concept of Accessible Tourism has evolved from a segment that promotes accessibility according to the universal design approach, which meets the needs of people with disabilities, to a more comprehensive approach of quality Tourism. The Tourist Routes aim to promote the destination and the local culture, enabling ways to stimulate visitors to obtain cultural experiences, e.g., the observation of local architecture in the urban landscape. The theme of the current research is the Accessible Cultural Tourism in the Algarve destination, intending to analyze the pedestrian tourist routes existing in two historic town centers: the "Accessible Tourist Route" of Portimão and the Pedestrian Itineraries "Commerce" and "Heritage" of Loulé. There is a gap in the literature about the satisfaction of consumers of the Cultural Routes and the associated perceived accessibility. The objective of this study is to analyze the satisfaction of consumers of these routes, based on surveys carried out in the High and Low Seasons. The analysis was limited by its accessible products, services, and cultural experiences. Through the statistical analysis, Binary Logistic Regression, it is intended to verify which variables are determinants to the satisfaction of consumers of Cultural Pedestrian Routes, in terms of accessibility, as well as to identify which attributes of Accessible Cultural Tourism of one itinerary can be beneficial and complementary to the other and vice versa. The results presented indicate that there are good practices associated with Accessible Cultural Tourism and the sustainable development of the Algarve destination, and accessibility can be a contributing element in the planning and sustainable management of tourist destinations.
The concept of Accessible Tourism has evolved from a segment that promotes accessibility according to the universal design approach, which meets the needs of people with disabilities, to a more comprehensive approach of quality Tourism. The Tourist Routes aim to promote the destination and the local culture, enabling ways to stimulate visitors to obtain cultural experiences, e.g., the observation of local architecture in the urban landscape. The theme of the current research is the Accessible Cultural Tourism in the Algarve destination, intending to analyze the pedestrian tourist routes existing in two historic town centers: the "Accessible Tourist Route" of Portimão and the Pedestrian Itineraries "Commerce" and "Heritage" of Loulé. There is a gap in the literature about the satisfaction of consumers of the Cultural Routes and the associated perceived accessibility. The objective of this study is to analyze the satisfaction of consumers of these routes, based on surveys carried out in the High and Low Seasons. The analysis was limited by its accessible products, services, and cultural experiences. Through the statistical analysis, Binary Logistic Regression, it is intended to verify which variables are determinants to the satisfaction of consumers of Cultural Pedestrian Routes, in terms of accessibility, as well as to identify which attributes of Accessible Cultural Tourism of one itinerary can be beneficial and complementary to the other and vice versa. The results presented indicate that there are good practices associated with Accessible Cultural Tourism and the sustainable development of the Algarve destination, and accessibility can be a contributing element in the planning and sustainable management of tourist destinations.
Turismo Cultural Acessível Acessibilidade Rotas pedonais culturais Satisfação dos consumidores Centros históricos acessíveis