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Esta dissertação emprega a metodologia da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura com o intuito de relacionar o tema do excesso de confiança com a tomada de decisão dos gestores que trabalham no sector da hotelaria. Apesar do esforço de procura efetuado nas bases de dados disponíveis, os resultados obtidos mostram que os estudos neste domínio são ainda bastante escassos. De facto, de toda a literatura considerada, apenas onze artigos exploram de forma direta de que forma os vieses cognitivos impactam a tomada de decisão dos gestores que operam neste sector de atividade. Ainda assim, a literatura consultada permite concluir que, em linha com esperado, as atitudes e perceções dos gestores são peças fundamentais da realidade empresarial, com as suas decisões a afetarem de forma importante o desempenho das empresas para as quais trabalham. Os resultados da investigação mostram ainda que muitos dos problemas que existem nas empresas resultam de decisões que os gestores tomam com base em impulsos e crenças pessoais, algo que coloca em causa a ideia de que são os conhecimentos técnicos e científicos assentes numa base de racionalidade que orientam a tomada de decisão nas empresas. Em face dos resultados obtidos, sugere-se que novos estudos abordem o tema do excesso de confiança no contexto do sector hoteleiro, o qual tem vindo a assumir um papel cada vez mais relevante para a economia nacional.
This dissertation uses the systematic review of literature methodology in relation to the topic of overconfidence in decision-making by managers who work in the hotel sector. Despite considerable research efforts, the available databases show that studies in this field are still very scarce. In fact, in all the literature considered, only eleven articles directly explore how cognitive biases impact the decision-making of managers operating in this sector. Nevertheless, the literature supports the expected conclusion that managers' attitudes and perceptions have a direct impact on their decisions, which in turn affects the performance of the companies for which they work. Research also shows that many of the problems that exist in companies are directly related to decisions made by managers on impulse or based on their personal belief systems. Thus, any notion that technical and scientific knowledge are sufficient to guarantee rational decision-making by managers, without considering personal attitudes and perceptions, is naive. This dissertation concludes that further studies should address the issue of overconfidence and decision-making in hotel management, particularly since such sector has become increasingly important for the national economy.
This dissertation uses the systematic review of literature methodology in relation to the topic of overconfidence in decision-making by managers who work in the hotel sector. Despite considerable research efforts, the available databases show that studies in this field are still very scarce. In fact, in all the literature considered, only eleven articles directly explore how cognitive biases impact the decision-making of managers operating in this sector. Nevertheless, the literature supports the expected conclusion that managers' attitudes and perceptions have a direct impact on their decisions, which in turn affects the performance of the companies for which they work. Research also shows that many of the problems that exist in companies are directly related to decisions made by managers on impulse or based on their personal belief systems. Thus, any notion that technical and scientific knowledge are sufficient to guarantee rational decision-making by managers, without considering personal attitudes and perceptions, is naive. This dissertation concludes that further studies should address the issue of overconfidence and decision-making in hotel management, particularly since such sector has become increasingly important for the national economy.
Finanças comportamentais Excesso de confiança Hospitalidade Atitudes do gestor Revisão sistemática