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Partindo do debate sobre as interligações entre territórios criativos, cultura, turismo e políticas
de promoção da criatividade, o artigo analisa as condições que favorecem o desenvolvimento de
indústrias culturais e criativas, bem como a atração da classe criativa em destinos turísticos. A
análise baseia-se em estudos de caso, procurando fornecer pistas para o desenvolvimento do
Algarve (Portugal), comparando-o a outras regiões da Europa, destinos turísticos reconhecidos e
que conseguiram criar sinergias entre as atividades culturais e criativas e o turismo. A análise
comparativa inclui os casos de Málaga (Espanha), Graz (Áustria) e Cardiff (Reino Unido), dando
ênfase ao ambiente criativo e às dimensões relacionadas com infraestruturas, governança,
mercados e outros fatores intangíveis. O artigo conclui identificando implicações para as
políticas públicas potenciarem a criatividade regional em destinos turísticos.
Departing from the debate about the connections among creative territories, culture, tourism and creative-based policies, this article analyzes conditions that promote the development of cultural and creative industries as well as the attraction of the creative class to tourism destinations. The analysis includes case studies of regions in Europe, recognized tourism destinations that managed creating synergies between the cultural and creative activities and tourism, to provide insights to the case of Algarve (Portugal). The comparative analysis focuses the cases of Malaga (Spain), Graz (Austria) and Cardiff (UK), emphasizing the creative environment and dimensions related to infrastructure, governance, markets and other intangible factors. The article concludes to policy implications, enhancing regional creativity in tourism
Departing from the debate about the connections among creative territories, culture, tourism and creative-based policies, this article analyzes conditions that promote the development of cultural and creative industries as well as the attraction of the creative class to tourism destinations. The analysis includes case studies of regions in Europe, recognized tourism destinations that managed creating synergies between the cultural and creative activities and tourism, to provide insights to the case of Algarve (Portugal). The comparative analysis focuses the cases of Malaga (Spain), Graz (Austria) and Cardiff (UK), emphasizing the creative environment and dimensions related to infrastructure, governance, markets and other intangible factors. The article concludes to policy implications, enhancing regional creativity in tourism
Classe criativa Estudos de caso Europa Indústrias culturais e criativas Turismo Case study Creative class Cultural and creative industries Tourism Clase creativa Estudios de caso Industrias culturales y creativas Turismo
Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Brasil