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In recent decades there have been an enormous number of studies about innovation
systems, partly inspired by a great interest among policy makers in search for a solid
scientific foundation and professional support to identify appropriate development
strategies. Despite different perspectives, most studies highlight knowledge creation and
innovation as the major drivers of change and growth. This consensus disappears,
however, as soon as the complexity of innovation and knowledge are taken into
consideration. Innovation goes far beyond new product or process development on
account of its interactive nature, while knowledge often surpasses the firms’ internal
mechanisms, because, frequently, it is a spatially endogenous characteristic.
Innovation firms
Vaz, E., Noronha Vaz, T. and Nijkamp, P. (2013) “The Spatial-Institutional Architecture of Firms’ Innovative Behaviour” in K. Kourtit, P. Nijkamp, B. Stimson (Ed) in Applied Regional Growth and Innovation Models, Series: Advances in Spatial Science, Springer Verlag