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Atualmente o cancro da mama continua a ter uma grande importância a nível mundial,
particularmente no que respeita à sua incidência e mortalidade. Neste contexto, o diagnóstico
correto e precoce apresentam um valor imensurável, contribuindo assim para a cura deste
tumor. Muitos são os estudos realizados que procuram encontrar fatores preditivos e de
prognóstico, de modo a auxiliar a tarefa árdua de diagnosticar, orientar a terapêutica e avaliar
o prognóstico do cancro da mama. No entanto, atualmente este tema ainda carece de respostas
para muitas questões.
Com o intuito de encontrar algumas respostas, no presente estudo foram analisadas
correlações entre várias variáveis clínicas, histológicas e biológicas, a fim de validar
determinados biomarcadores, como fatores preditivos e de prognóstico. Neste projeto, foi nosso
objetivo comparar duas coortes de carcinoma da mama de tipos histológicos diferentes
(carcinoma lobular invasivo e carcinoma sem tipo especial), mas com grau de diferenciação e
estádios clínicos e patológicos sobreponíveis. Foram selecionados 60 casos de carcinoma da
mama, dos quais 30 carcinomas lobulares e 30 carcinomas de tipo NST e foram recolhidas as
características específicas de cada tipo de tumor, bem como os dados clínicos relevantes. Foram
comparadas variáveis clínicas (idade, a presença ou ausência de metástases, recidiva e por fim,
seguimento) e variáveis histológicas e biológicas (expressão de recetores hormonais,
amplificação de HER2, expressão de Ki-67 e densidade da infiltração linfocitária) entre as duas
coortes e correlacionadas estas variáveis entre si e com os dados de seguimento. Um total de 8
correlações foram identificadas, em ambos os carcinomas, entre os vários parâmetros de
interesse. Evidencia-se a correlação da expressão de Ki-67 com a infiltração linfocitária
peritumoral e intratumoral, que revelaram relações ligeiramente superiores às restantes
correlações efetuadas.
Currently, breast cancer continues to be of great importance worldwide, particularly with regard to its incidence and mortality. In this context, correct and early diagnosis has immeasurable value, thus contributing to the cure of this tumor. There are many studies carried out that seek to find predictive and prognostic factors, in order to assist in the arduous task of diagnosing, guiding therapy and evaluating the prognosis of breast cancer. However, this topic still lacks answers to many questions. In order to find some answers, in the present study correlations between several clinical, histological and biological variables were analyzed, in order to validate certain biomarkers, such as predictive and prognostic factors. In this project, our objective was to compare two cohorts of breast carcinoma of different histological types (invasive lobular carcinoma and carcinoma without special type), but with overlapping degree of differentiation and clinical and pathological stages. 60 cases of breast carcinoma were selected, including 30 lobular carcinomas and 30 NST-type carcinomas, and the specific characteristics of each type of tumor were collected, as well as relevant clinical data. Clinical variables (age, presence or absence of metastases, recurrence and, finally, follow-up) and histological and biological variables (expression of hormone receptors, amplification of HER2, expression of Ki-67 and density of lymphocytic infiltration) were compared between the two cohorts and correlated these variables with each other and with follow-up data. A total of 8 correlations were identified, in both carcinomas, between the various parameters of interest. The correlation of Ki-67 expression with peritumoral and intratumoral lymphocytic infiltration is evident, which revealed slightly higher relationships than the other correlations carried out.
Currently, breast cancer continues to be of great importance worldwide, particularly with regard to its incidence and mortality. In this context, correct and early diagnosis has immeasurable value, thus contributing to the cure of this tumor. There are many studies carried out that seek to find predictive and prognostic factors, in order to assist in the arduous task of diagnosing, guiding therapy and evaluating the prognosis of breast cancer. However, this topic still lacks answers to many questions. In order to find some answers, in the present study correlations between several clinical, histological and biological variables were analyzed, in order to validate certain biomarkers, such as predictive and prognostic factors. In this project, our objective was to compare two cohorts of breast carcinoma of different histological types (invasive lobular carcinoma and carcinoma without special type), but with overlapping degree of differentiation and clinical and pathological stages. 60 cases of breast carcinoma were selected, including 30 lobular carcinomas and 30 NST-type carcinomas, and the specific characteristics of each type of tumor were collected, as well as relevant clinical data. Clinical variables (age, presence or absence of metastases, recurrence and, finally, follow-up) and histological and biological variables (expression of hormone receptors, amplification of HER2, expression of Ki-67 and density of lymphocytic infiltration) were compared between the two cohorts and correlated these variables with each other and with follow-up data. A total of 8 correlations were identified, in both carcinomas, between the various parameters of interest. The correlation of Ki-67 expression with peritumoral and intratumoral lymphocytic infiltration is evident, which revealed slightly higher relationships than the other correlations carried out.
Carcinoma lobular da mama Carcinoma nst da mama KI-67 Infiltração linfocitaria Anatomia patológica Parametros clínicos