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Many progressive aquariums worldwide house various elasmobranch species as part
of their commitment to conservation awareness and the long-term well-being of these creatures.
These aquariums face the challenge of enabling these natural predators to live harmoniously with
other fish without triggering natural predation. This research, conducted at Zoomarine Algarve in
Southern Portugal, aimed to investigate the behaviour of three elasmobranch species (Carcharhinus
melanopterus (1:1:0), Triaenodon obesus (1:0:0), and Pteroplatytrygon violacea (0:3:0)) when exposed to
different feeding mechanisms. The goal was to provide them with opportunities for alternative
predatory behaviours beyond their typical feeding techniques and to reduce the likelihood of natural
predation. The study took place under controlled conditions within a community habitat. Four
feeding methods (pole, short buoy, long buoy, and PVC) were tested during morning, afternoon,
and evening periods, using five different prey species. The results shed light on which feeding
method aligns best with each species’ distinct physiological standards and predatory tendencies and
revealed their prey preferences. All three species interacted with all feeding methods, with P. violacea
showing a strong preference for the pole method. T. obesus favoured bony fish, while C. melanopterus
showed a preference for cephalopods. P. violacea interacted with all prey types but displayed no
marked preference. These various feeding methods and prey options also function as environmental
enrichment strategies, enhancing the complexity of the habitat and providing the animals with more
choices and control, ultimately promoting their welfare in captivity.
Predatory responses Feeding behaviour Carcharhinus melanopterus Triaenodon obesus Pteroplatytrygon violacea Zoomarine aquarium
Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens 4 (4): 775-787 (2023)