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Os traços socialmente indesejáveis da personalidade, como um grupo coeso de fatores
que devem ser estudados em conjunto, como é o caso da Tríade Negra (TN), têm
despertado interesse no seio da comunidade científica. Há evidências de que, os traços
de TN, podem ter relevância na etiologia de comportamentos delinquentes severos,
crónicos e violentos. O objetivo principal da presente investigação foi a análise das
associações da TN com a delinquência juvenil, perturbação do comportamento, trauma
e impulsividade. Como objetivo secundário a este foram efetuadas a validação de uma
medida de trauma, o Child Trauma Screen (CTS) e de uma medida de PC, o Conduct
Disorder Screener (CDS). A amostra foi constituída por adolescentes de ambos os
sexos (N = 601; M idade = 15.95 anos; DP = 1.05 anos; amplitude = 13-18 anos),
subdividida em grupo masculino forense (n = 131), grupo masculino escolar (n = 257) e
grupo feminino escolar (n = 213), aos quais foram aplicadas medidas de autorrelato. As
escalas demonstraram adequadas propriedades psicométricas, nomeadamente, em
termos de estrutura fatorial, consistência interna por alfa de Cronbach, validade
divergente e validade de grupos conhecidos, justificando a sua utilização em
adolescentes portugueses. O CTS e o CDS, vêm preencher uma lacuna significativa na
obtenção rápida de dados relevantes sobre trauma e PC em adolescentes. Na análise das
associações da TN com a delinquência juvenil, perturbação do comportamento, trauma
e impulsividade, após a elaboração de modelos de regressão linear múltipla, os
resultados indicaram que a dimensão psicopatia foi a que apresentou maior associação
com a delinquência juvenil, perturbação do comportamento e impulsividade, enquanto a
dimensão narcisismo foi a que apresentou maior associação com o trauma. A presente
investigação contribuiu para acrescentar informação à literatura especializada.
The socially undesirable personality traits, as a cohesive group of factors that must be studied together, as is the case of the Dark triad (DT), have aroused interest within the scientific community. There is evidence that the traits of DT may have relevance in the etiology of severe, chronic and violent delinquent behaviors. The main objectives of the present investigation was the analysis of the associations of DT with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, trauma and impulsivity. As a secondary objective to this, the validation of a measure of trauma, the Child Trauma Screen (CTS) and of a measure of CD, the Conduct Disorder Screener (CDS). The sample consisted of adolescents of both sexes (N = 601; M age = 15.95 years; SD = 1.05 years; range = 13-18 years), subdivided into a male forensic group (n = 131), a male school group (n = 257) and female school group (n = 213), to whom self-report measures were applied. The scales demonstrated adequate psychometric properties, namely, in terms of factor structure, internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha, divergent validity and validity of known groups, justifying its use in Portuguese adolescents. The CTS and CDS fill a significant gap in obtaining quickly relevant data on trauma and CD in adolescents. In the analysis of the associations of DT with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, trauma and impulsivity, after the development of multiple linear regression models, the results indicated that the psychopathic dimension was the one with the highest association with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder and impulsivity, while the narcissism dimension was the one with the greatest association with trauma. The present investigation contributed to add information to the specialized literature.
The socially undesirable personality traits, as a cohesive group of factors that must be studied together, as is the case of the Dark triad (DT), have aroused interest within the scientific community. There is evidence that the traits of DT may have relevance in the etiology of severe, chronic and violent delinquent behaviors. The main objectives of the present investigation was the analysis of the associations of DT with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, trauma and impulsivity. As a secondary objective to this, the validation of a measure of trauma, the Child Trauma Screen (CTS) and of a measure of CD, the Conduct Disorder Screener (CDS). The sample consisted of adolescents of both sexes (N = 601; M age = 15.95 years; SD = 1.05 years; range = 13-18 years), subdivided into a male forensic group (n = 131), a male school group (n = 257) and female school group (n = 213), to whom self-report measures were applied. The scales demonstrated adequate psychometric properties, namely, in terms of factor structure, internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha, divergent validity and validity of known groups, justifying its use in Portuguese adolescents. The CTS and CDS fill a significant gap in obtaining quickly relevant data on trauma and CD in adolescents. In the analysis of the associations of DT with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, trauma and impulsivity, after the development of multiple linear regression models, the results indicated that the psychopathic dimension was the one with the highest association with juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder and impulsivity, while the narcissism dimension was the one with the greatest association with trauma. The present investigation contributed to add information to the specialized literature.
Tríade Negra Adolescentes Perturbações Autocontrolo Trauma Delinquência Juvenil