Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "1996"
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- Uma nova versão do romance A morte do Rei D. FernandoPublication . Fontes, Manuel da CostaEm 1869, Teófilo Braga publicou um extraordinário romance da ilha de S. Jorge, Açores (Cantos , nº 4; reimpresso no seu Romanceiro Geral, I: 475-77), que terminava com versos de Doliente estaba e Morir os queredes, padre, dois velhos romances épicos que ainda não tinham sido descobertos na tradição oral. O poema começa com Silvana (“í-a”; vv. 1-34)romance em que o pai, que também é frequentemente rei, pede à filha para ela se deitar com ele. A moça queixa-se à mãe, que toma o seu lugar junto ao marido, fingindo ser Silvana. .
- Fuentes paremiológicas francesas y españolas en la primera mitad del sglo XIXPublication . Sevilla Muñoz, JuliaLa literatura oral está despertando un interés cada vez mayor, lo que se refleja, por ejemplo, en el aumento de los coloquios sobre esta materia o en la creación de revistas dedicadas a estudiarla; actos muy loables, pues contribuyen a fomentar este tipo de investigación e ir cubriendo así las lagunas existentes en el estudio de las manifestaciones lingüísticas caracterizadas por su oralidad, como sucede con los refranes, los proverbios, las sentencias, las máximas.
- Estudo de polimorfismos genéticos e da sua associaçäo com capacidades de produçäo leiteira em caprinos de raça Algarvia e ovinos de raça Serra da EstrelaPublication . Barracosa, Helena Maria Guerreiro Pires; Cravador, AlfredoNeste estudo foram identificados e analisados polimorfismos de restrição (RFLPs) e conformacionais (SSCPs) a partir de DNA genómico extraído de 77 caprinos de raça Algarvia e 70 ovinos de raça Serra da Estrela. A análise por Southern fílot utilizando a enzima Pstl, revelou dois padrões RFLP designados por GH-Psíl ABC e GH-Psíl BC no gene codificante para a hormona de crescimento caprina. A análise em gel de poliacrilamida não desnaturante dos fragmentos PCR ("Polymerase Chain Reaction") desnaturados revelou a existência de polimorfismos conformacionais nos exões 9 e 10-11 do gene caprino codificaníes para a caseínas asi (3 padrões SSCP), no exão 1 da a-Lactoalbumina caprina (2 padrões SSCP) e no exão 7 do gene da P caseína caseína (3 padrões SSCP) bem como no exão 4 da k caseína ovina (2 padrões SSCP). A análise dos contrastes lineares entre o padrão RFLP designado por BC-GH-P^/I e o padrão ABC-GH-/A/I revelou que o primeiro está associado a uma maior teor proteico (p<0.08). Não foram detectadas associações sobre a quantidade de leite produzida e teor butiroso. Em relação à ccsi-caseína caprina-(exão 9) o padrão AB revelou ser superior ao padrão ABC em relação à quantidade de leite produzida (p<0.00001) teor butiroso (p<0.005) e proteico (p<0.00001) enquanto que o padrão AA (exão 10-11) da mesma caseína revelou ainda ser superior ao padrão AB em relação à quantidade de leite produzida (p<0.00001) teor butiroso (p<0.005) e proteico (p<0.00001). A quantidade de leite produzida, teor butiroso e teor proteico não parecem ser afectados pelos restantes polimorfismos conformacionais obtidos na a-La e P-caseína caprina.
- Comparison of alternative approaches to neural network PID autotuningPublication . Ruano, Antonio; Lima, João; Mamat, R.; Fleming, P. J.In this paper, a scheme for the automatic tuning of PID controllers on-line, with the assistance of trained neural networks, is proposed. The alternative approaches are presented and compared.
- Cartografia e estimativa da biomassa de macrófitas aquáticas nas lagoas da Vela e das Baças (Centro Litoral de Portugal) utilizando a técnica de detecçäo remotaPublication . Alface, Isabel Cristina; Boski, T.As zonas húmidas constituem ecossistemas de grande importância em termos de biodiversidade e produtividade, podendo a vegetação aquática, que normalmente lhes está associada, contribuir, de forma significativa, para a sua caracterização como unidade de paisagem.
- Flowering and fruit set of 'fortune' hybrid mandarin. Effect of girdling and growth regulatorsPublication . Duarte, Amílcar; Guardiola, J. L.Young orchards of 'Fortune' mandarin usually have a low productivity due to insufficient fruit set. The trees flower profusely, and most of the flowers are borne on leafless inflorescences. Leafy inflorescences are formed in a very low proportion and vegetative sprouts are nearly absent. This sprouting pattern results in a very low leaf/flower ratio. The carbohydrate reserves of the trees are lower than reported for other citrus cultivars, and are depleted shortly after anthesis. Therefore, the growth of the developing fruitlets depends mostly on current photosyntate formation. Most of the ovaries abscise shortly after flowering, having made very little growth. There is a main peak of abscission from early May until the end of June. Late fruitlet abscission lasts until late July. A GA3 spray at flowering retarded the abscission of reproductive organs, but failed to increase the final fruit set. On the other hand girdling did not affect the main wave of drop, but reduced late abscission, which resulted in an increase in set and final yield. Girdling did not increase the level of carbohydrates in the leaves, which indicates that carbohydrate use is determined by availability and fruit set may be limited by photosynthate supply.
- Seven songs from Costa RicaPublication . Cruz-Sàenz, Michèle S. deIn July of 1973, through the benificence of Professor Juan de Dios Trejos, music teacher from Cartago, Costa Rica, I had the pleasure of meeting doña Leticia de Céspedes. This tiny woman was in her nineties, with neatly cropped snow white hair and blue eyes. She received me in her humble home in Tres Ríos, a town located between San José and Cartago. Sra. de Céspedes had learned to read and transcribe music. She taught piano and guitar. She too, was interested in music which was orally transmitted, and most graciously bequeathed to me musical transcriptions which she had made from songs she had heard her grandparents sing when she was a child. She assured me that she learned them orally, and to my knowledge, they have never been recorded before now.
- A comparison of monofilament gillnet and small hook longline selectivity in a multispecies artisanal fishery in the Algarve, Southern PortugalPublication . Erzini, Karim; Santos, M. N.; Monteiro, C. C.; Gonçalves, J. M. S.; Bentes, L.; Lino, Pedro G.As part of ongoing studies concerned with the small-scale fisheries of the South of Portugal, experimental fishing was carried out with monofilament gillnets and small hook longlines within the same area. Sixty-two species were caught, of which 20 were common to both gears. Pronounced differences in terms of the relative importance of different species in the catches were observed. Size selection patterns also differed, with highly overlapped hook catch distributions and few species showing evidence for size selectivity. In contrast, strong selectivity was characteristic of species which tend to be "wedged" in gillnets. Whereas smaller stretched mesh sizes (particularly 40 and 50 mm) caught significant numbers of illegal sized fish, this was minimal in the longlines. Some implications for management are discussed.
- Ecos e ressonâncias: a onomatopéia na literatura oralPublication . Alcoforado, Doralice Fernandes XavierThis article deals with the nature of oral literature, highlighting the prosodical aspects that build the literary nature of the text. From these aspects, we chose to study onomatopoeia, one of the most expressive and explored stylistic procedures in the oral text. This study is illustrated with examples taken from folktales recently collected in the state of Bahia (Brazil).
- Marina Warner, from the beast to the blonde: on fairytales and their tellers, Londres, Chatto & Windus, 1994, 458 pp.Publication . Cardigos, IsabelNotas e recensões sobre Marina Warner, from the beast to the blonde: on fairytales and their tellers, Londres, Chatto & Windus, 1994, 458 pp.