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- Aplicação multimédia sobre a Ria Formosa e seus fins educacionais (ForDid)Publication . Oliveira, Sónia; Boski, T.; Moura, Delminda; Mendes da Silva de Sousa, Carlos A; Gomes, Ana; Pereira, LauraNa atualidade torna-se inquestionável a necessidade de integrar a aprendizagem com as novas tecnologias de modo a cativar e facilitar a compreensão dos temas abordados através de aplicações didáticas. Durante a última década o Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA) assumiu a responsabilidade de criar meios eficazes de comunicação entre o público em geral e a comunidade científica, através de plataformas multimédia interativas. Foram objecto destas aplicações didáticas as várias vertentes do património natural do Algarve. Após o sucesso das primeiras aplicações GuaDid e MonDid visando o Estuário do Rio Guadiana e a Serra de Monchique respectivamente, o desafio de criar e inovar foi acrescido, resultando numa nova aplicação – ForDid, visando a divulgação do importante sistema lagunar Ria Formosa.
- Mudança do nível do mar no golfo de Cádiz durante o Plistocénico tardio e HolocénicoPublication . Boski, T.; Moura, Delminda; Mendes da Silva de Sousa, Carlos A; Gomes, Ana; Pereira, Laura; Oliveira, Sónia; Santana, PauloThe multiproxy information data set obtained from borehole sequences permitted to establish a robust chronology of events, which led to the post glacial infilling of the terminal stretches of regional river palleovaleys. The paleoecological reconstructions combined with 14C age model of Guadiana Estuary sedimentary record revealed the fast sea level rise period since ca 13.5 kyr cal BP, halted during the Younger Dryas and resuming at ca 11500 yr cal BP. The Holocene history of coastal evolution is also well documented in the Estuary of Arade and in Ria Formoza, pointing to the sea level stabilization at ca 7500 cal BP after a last jump of up to 8 meters in 700 years which corresponds to the Meltwater pulse 1c. Since then, the upwards movement of the sea surface continued at much slower pace, ie with the 1.2 mm yr-1 rate. The integration of the data embracing the period from since ca 13.5 ka cal BP, to the actuality enabled us to propose the sea-level rise curve for the SW Iberian Atlantic margin. When confronted with the current altimetric data from TOPEX/POSEIDON, Jason I and Jason II satellites, the millennial time-scale natural trend enables to estimate the anthropogenic forcing of SLR to be in order of 1.2 – 1.8 mm year.
- Holocene history of Ria Formosa coastal lagoon system (Southern Portugal): borehole evidence and threedimensional paleotopographyPublication . Mendes da Silva de Sousa, Carlos A; Boski, T.; Gomes, Ana; Pereira, Laura; Lampreia, João; Oliveira, SóniaA paleotopographic model of Ria Formosa is presented based on two borehole campaigns and a systematic comparison with previous works, revealing the existence of a complex network of fluvial valleys. Vertical sediment profiles showed a mosaic of changing depositional environments, resulting from local hydrodynamics, sedimentary sources and, to an extent, by the structurally inherited accommodation space. Sedimentological, geochemical and micropaleontological data were put in the context of an age model obtained from 14C datings, pointing to the existence of an estuarine environment subjected to a rapid coastal flooding from ca. 10000 to 7500 cal. years B.P., followed by a period of infilling in an increasingly confined coastal lagoon environment.
- Holocene evolution of a barrier island system, Ria Formosa, South PortugalPublication . Sousa, Carlos; Boski, T.; Pereira, LauraHolocene evolution of the Ria Formosa barrier island system was studied through the examination of a large subsurface dataset acquired from 191 boreholes and five seismic refraction profiles. Two boreholes with total depths of 26 and 16.5 m were selected for a multi-proxy detailed laboratory analysis, including mean grain size distribution, organic matter (OM) content, color variation, shell identification, and benthic foraminifera assemblages. Selected cores are thought to be representative of the identified depositional sub-basins. Subsurface age data from 16 AMS C-14 dated samples were plotted against depth and resulted in a coherent age model of sedimentary infill. The system evolution was largely controlled by sediment availability, accommodation space, and Holocene sea level rise, first at a rapid rate of 7 mm/yr from 10 kcal yr BP to 7.25 kcal yr BP, followed by a slowdown to 1.1 mm/yr until present. A conceptual model for the origin and Holocene evolution of the Ria Formosa barrier island system implies three main steps, leading to the present system geomorphology: (1) marine flooding of incised palaeovalleys by the rapid transgression of palaeovalleys in the early Holocene
- Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal, during the Holocene: a modern foraminifera analog approachPublication . Camacho, Sarita; Boski, T.; Moura, Delminda; Scott, David; Connor, Simon; Pereira, LauraIn this paper, we reconstruct the Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Guadiana Estuary, southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Two previously studied boreholes (CM3 and CM5) were revisited and analyzed in the light of a foraminifera modern analog approach. Cluster analyses define four assemblages with different biocenotic, taphonomic, elevation and distance-to-sea settings, which serve as a baseline for paleoassemblages interpretation. Faunal changes along the sedimentary sequences, together with previous sedimentological and chronological data, redefine the different phases of environmental evolution in the Guadiana Estuary since ca. 13 kyr cal. BP, with special emphasis on the Holocene marine highstand. Estuarine flooding began synchronously in both locations (ca. 9 kyr cal. BP) but manifested differently in each sedimentary sequence. The most seaward borehole records a more evident and longer highstand (ca. 8.8–3.8 kyr cal. BP), characterized by the occurrence of subtidal environments and by the presence of open marine species (Pararotalia cf. spinigera, planktic forms and a significant number of exotic/allochthonous tests), indicating warmer and more marine conditions than today. In the most landward borehole, the highstand is shorter (ca. 8–7.6 kyr cal. BP) and less intense, characterized by the presence of a diverse, mainly autochthonous, open estuary assemblage, dominated by Ammonia aberdoveyensis and Haynesina germanica. At 4.4 kyr cal. BP, during a long deceleration phase of regional sea-level rise, a short but well-defined pulse of marine influence is recorded in CM5, when open estuarine assemblages reappear and replace marsh agglutinated assemblages, suggesting a new submergence phase. This short event is not identified in the previous works carried out in the same area, thus further data are needed to understand whether it is consequent from a global, warming period or whether it resulted only from local and ephemeral forcing effects.
- O registo de diatomáceas e foraminiferos da Ria Formosa (Sul da Península Ibérica): uma contribuição para a compreensão da evolução Holocénica do sistema lagunar.Publication . Gomes, Ana; Pereira, Laura; Boski, T.; Connor, Simon; Mendes da Silva de Sousa, Carlos A; Oliveira, Sónia; Santana, PauloAs part of a multi-proxy study to reconstruct the Holocene evolution of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, diatom and foraminifera assemblages were analyzed in a ca. 24.6-m-deep borehole, which crossed the entire infill sequence of the local paleovalley. Except in a few samples, diatom assemblages were generally poorly preserved, whereas foraminiferal assemblages were mostly well preserved. In the core depths interval from 23.5 and 3.2 m, both proxies indicate a marine environment installed during the progressive flooding of the fluvial valley during the Holocene. Above 3.2-m, both proxies