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  • Nursing education during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: assessment of students’ satisfaction with e-Learning environment
    Publication . Moreno-Sánchez, Emilia; Merino-Godoy, María-de-los-Ángeles; Piñero-Claros, Sara; Santiago-Sánchez, Alba; Del-Campo-Jiménez, Ángela; Mariscal-Pérez, Laura; Rodríguez-Miranda, Francisco de Paula; Costa, Emília Isabel; Gago-Valiente, Francisco-Javier
    The disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus led to the disruption of normality with respect to education, public healthcare and new technologies. Education is a fundamental pillar to increase the knowledge and morale of people. However, due to the lockdown implemented to protect the population from an infection of unknown aetiology, the education system decided to switch from face-to-face education to virtual education. This modality has affected the teaching–learning process in the Degree of Nursing, since its competencies and knowledge demand in-presence learning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact that telematic education had on students of the Degree of Nursing who were studying in the final year of said degree, which involves their imminent entry into the labour market. We used the client satisfaction questionnaire of Bob Hayes to gather data and analyse the satisfaction level of the nursing students. As a result, a considerable amount of information was obtained about teaching, which shows the absence of practical activities and the lack of information about safety and protection measures related to the pandemic. Most educators themselves were struggling to understand the implications of the virus and implement appropriate safety measures, since there was quite a bit of conflicting information relating to the effectiveness of personal protective safety equipment and the lifespan of the virus on various media outside of the host. It is, therefore, not surprising that education for students in this regard was lacking. In general, most of the students showed dissatisfaction with the virtual education they received.
  • Dimensões socio-cognitivas na adesão das mulheres à contracepção
    Publication . Costa, Emília; Leal, Isabel Pereira
    As autoras propõem um modelo compreensivo da adesão à contracepção considerando cinco dimensões sócio-cognitivas: a percepção de auto-eficácia, o locus de controlo para a saúde, a satisfação com o suporte social, o nível de informação de carácter contraceptivo e a atitude face à sexualidade, cuja pertinência explanam e discutem.
  • Assessment of levels of anxiety and fear of Covid-19 in a population of pregnant women in Spain
    Publication . Muñoz-Vela, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Carrasco, Francisco Javier; Gómez-Salgado, Juan; Allande-Cussó, Regina; Marques Monteiro Dias Mendes, Isabel Margarida; Costa, Emília Isabel; Vázquez-Lara, Juana María; Fagundo-Rivera, Javier; Rodríguez-Díaz, Luciano
    Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the levels of fear and anxiety in the particularly vulnerable population group of women during pregnancy.Methods: Cross-sectional study between March 2022 and July 2022 involving 978 pregnant women aged 16 to 50 years. It was carried out based on the scale for the assessment of fear and anxiety in pregnant women (AMICO_Pregnant) and the collection of sociodemographic data. Normality analysis was performed prior to univariate and bivariate statistical analysis.Results: The sample was composed of a total of 978 pregnant women. The mean of the AMICO_Pregnant scale was intermediate (5.04 points; SD=2.36). The bivariate analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between the AMICO_Pregnant scale and the following variables: vaccination schedule status, contact with the disease, weeks of gestation, altered delivery or birth plan.Conclusion: Women with pregnancies closer to term, with no contact with the disease, without a complete vaccination schedule, or who had undergone changes in their delivery or birth plans, showed higher levels of fear and anxiety.
  • Quando chega o fim da vida. Como nos podemos preparar para a morte dos nossos entes queridos e para a nossa própria morte
    Publication . Costa, Emília; Esperanza Begoña García Navarro
    Mais, poderíamos parafrasear Freud e dizer mesmo o óbvio: que a morte é natural, inegável e inevitável. Algo de que não nos restam quaisquer dúvidas. À partida… No entanto, constatamos hoje, que a morte é quase um conceito abstrato que temos dificuldade em elaborar, porque a sentimos cada vez mais distante – vivemos vidas mais longas, a morte é cada vez mais vivida em silêncio e o mais “invisível” possível.
  • Determinants of quality of life after stroke in Southern Portugal: a cross sectional community-based study
    Publication . Lourenço, Eva; Sampaio, Mário Rui dos Mártires; Nzwalo, Hipólito; Costa, Emília Isabel; Ramos, José Luis Sánchez
    : Introduction: the perception of Quality of Life (QoL) has been used to evaluate the treatment and evolution of several pathologies. QoL evaluation allows a better understanding of the patient and his adaptation to the disease. An observational, community-based and descriptive correlational study was carried out to analyze stroke survivors’ perception of QoL. Methods: consecutive caseseries of stroke survivors (≥3 months) followed in a single public primary health center (“Tavira Primary Health Centre”) from Algarve, southern Portugal. The Portuguese version of the World Health Organization Quality of life instrument was administered in 102 stroke survivors. Results: Perception of QoL was associated (p < 0.05) with specific sociodemographic (age, sex, marital status, academic training), economic (monthly family income) and clinical factors (number of vascular risk factors, type of stroke, evolution, chronic mRankin score). On multivariate analysis, chronic mRankin score on physical (R2 = 0.406; F = 8.757; p < 0.001), psychological (R2 = 0.286; F = 5.536; p < 0.001) and general domain (R2 = 0.357; F = 7.287; p < 0.001); and family income (R2 = 0.160; F = 3.156; p < 0.005) on environmental domain, emerged as predictors of QoL. Conclusion: Different socio-demographic, economic and health factors are associated with post-stroke QoL. Description of QoL contributes to the overall evaluation of the impact of stroke on health and should be a priority for health professionals.
  • Confirmatory analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) short form in a portuguese sample
    Publication . Martins, Cátia; Ayala Nunes, Lara; Nunes, Cristina; Pechorro, Pedro; Costa, Emília; Matos, Filomena
    An important research field in family studies relates to the role parenting practices can have on several domains of children's development. Regarding to parenting styles, it was Baumrind's conceptualization that was responsible for a relevant research boost in this area. She proposed a model contemplating three different styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The aim of our study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The participants were 424 parents (mainly mothers, 81.2%) from Algarve (South of Portugal), that answered to PSDQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The instrument comprises 32 items: 12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and 5 questions regarding the permissive style. Several competing models (i.e., one and three-factorial, and another where latent variables were organized in a 1st and 2nd order factors) were tested in regards to PSDQ factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis. A fourth model, contemplating inter-correlations between item 7 and 8 was also proposed, which showed adequate fit and internal consistency. These findings support the PSDQ original structure. Implications concerning the use and contributes to social and emotional child' adjustment are discussed.
  • Parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustment
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Martins, Cátia; Nunes, Lara; Adelaide de Matos, Filomena; Costa, Emília Isabel; Gonçalves, Andrea
    Perceived social support has often been investigated due to its direct and indirect effects in reducing the impact of several risk factors on physical and psychological well-being. Moreover, many studies have revealed a link between social support and positive parenting, which in turn has an impact on children's well-being. In Portugal, there is a significant lack of studies in this area. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustment. The sample consisted of 409 parents (83.13% mothers) living in the region of Algarve (South of Portugal). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires were used. Findings The results showed that, on average, families had a social support network of nine people, with a balanced presence of family (M = 4.25, SD = 3.54) and friends (M = 4.36, SD = 3.17). Parents reported medium-high levels of confidant and affective support, but instrumental support was lower. However, single-parent families, immigrant families, and divorced parents were found to be more socially isolated and received less support than they needed. Affective social support showed predictive value for child psychological adjustment. Applications These findings suggest that developing universal and selective parental education and support programs that focus on strengthening informal social support networks is needed, especially for vulnerable families. Implications for social workers who intervene with families are discussed.
  • Qualidade de vida do idoso institucionalizado: realidade vivida na rede de cuidados continuados integrados do Algarve.
    Publication . Catarina de Paiva Ribeiro, Helena; Costa, Emília; Jorge Gamboa Martins Nave, Filipe; Silva Sousa, Carolina
    A Qualidade de Vida do idoso institucionalizado é uma temática cada vez mais debatida na sociedade contemporânea. Se por um lado se constata um acréscimo no recurso às instituições por parte dos idosos, por outro surge a necessidade de avaliar sua Qualidade de Vida. Na presente investigação, os objetivos do estudo passam por caracterizar os idosos institucionalizados e identificar as necessidades dos mesmos quanto à condição de idoso na instituição, fundamentando-nos na sua percepção de Qualidade de Vida. Neste projeto participaram 105 idosos internados nas unidades da Rede de Cuidados Continuados Integrados do Algarve. No estudo descritivo, de caráter transversal e de metodologia quantitativa, os dados foram obtidos através da aplicação de dois questionários: sociodemográfico e de caracterização da instituição; e através da aplicação da escala de Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL-BREF. No estudo original, as variáveis foram agrupadas em três categorias: Idoso, Instituição e Idoso na Instituição. Neste artigo apresentamos apenas os resultados referentes à categoria de Idoso na Instituição. Os resultados obtidos revelam diferenças estatisticamente significativas no que se refere à condição física do idoso, presença de suporte social, qualidade das visitas, participação do suporte social nos cuidados, possibilidade de obter períodos temporários de ausência da instituição e grau de autonomia. A condição física do idoso e o grau de autonomia demonstraram ser aspectos fundamentais na boa percepção de Qualidade de Vida do idoso. De igual modo, o suporte social/familiar é um fator importante para o idoso institucionalizado e deve ser preservado, rumo à adequada reintegração social e familiar.
  • Qualidade de vida e bem-estar nas crianças em Albufeira
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Matos, Filomena; Costa, Emília
    Neste relatório apresentamos os resultados da investigação realizada pela equipa composta pelas doutoras Cristina Nunes, Filomena Matos e Emília Costa para dar resposta ao pedido feito pela Câmara Municipal de Albufeira (CMA) à Universidade do Algarve (UAlg) na elaboração de um estudo sobre a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar das crianças em idade pré-escolar e escolar no Concelho. A utilidade deste estudo decorre do facto de que o conhecimento sobre os fatores de risco e de proteção para o bem-estar infantil contribuirá para aumentar a eficácia das intervenções pois assim estas poderão ajustar-se melhor às características e necessidades das crianças e famílias. A crise económica dos últimos anos tem tornado mais vulneráveis um considerável número de famílias e afetado o seu bem-estar. Na última avaliação sobre o bem-estar infantil, realizada pela UNICEF (2013), Portugal ocupava o 15º lugar entre os 29 países estudados. Nesta avaliação foram utilizados 26 indicadores agrupados nas seguintes dimensões: Bem-estar material, saúde e segurança, educação, comportamentos de risco, habitação e ambiente.
  • Aprendizagem e relação interpessoal no ensino à distância em Enfermagem
    Publication . Adelaide de Matos, Filomena; Costa, Emília Isabel
    A situação de pandemia instalada em Portugal desde março de 2020 implicou o desenvolvimento de estratégias de adaptação ao ensino à distância na Universidade. O objetivo desta investigação de metodologia qualitativa, em formato de relato, é descrever e analisar a experiência dos intervenientes (22 estudantes e 2 professores) do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem, no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, utilizando exclusivamente o ensino virtual como espaço de aprendizagem. Os professores relataram a sua experiência e criaram um questionário on-line para estudantes, para avaliar as dimensões de aprendizagem e relação interpessoal. Dos resultados obtidos enfatizamos que a adaptação não foi difícil, mas foi sentida a necessidade, por estudantes e docentes, de ampliar competências digitais. Os estudantes referiram menor nível de atenção e motivação como obstáculos à aprendizagem, bem como menor satisfação nas relações interpessoais, sentindo mais difícil esta modalidade quando comparada com o ensino presencial.