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  • The dynamics between economic growth and living standards in EU Countries: A STATICO approach for the period 2006-2014
    Publication . Santos, Antonio Duarte; Ribeiro, Sandra; Castela, Guilherme; Tavares da Silva, Nelson
    The rate of economic growth is dissimilar between areas or regions, and these divergences generate potential impact on quality of life. The occurrence of the financial and economic crisis of 2008, can strengthen these gaps. Economic growth in this analysis includes six levels of gross domestic product growth rates (GDPgr) and seven variables with direct implications on the quality of life of families. The observations are fifteen EU countries, organized into three groups: northern, central and southern. The STATICO method (Simier et al., 1999) used in this research is a three-way multivariate analysis supported on a partial triadic analysis (PTA, Thioulose and Chessel, 1987) to find the stable part of the structure of a series of tables from 2006 to 2014, over a common structure resulting from the co-inertia analysis (Doledec and Chessel, 1994) applied to each pair of an economic growth tables and a life standard tables. With this method, it was possible to extract the stable part of economic growth-life standard common relationships and to analyze the influences of the financial crisis of 2008
  • Ambientes colaborativos virtuais: potencial das redes sociais. O caso das empresas do Algarve
    Publication . Belo, Ana; Castela, Guilherme; Fernandes, Silvia Brito
    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o potencial das redes sociais no desempenho das pequenas e médias empresas da região do Algarve, tendo sido efectuado um questionário para o efeito. O estudo empírico realizado revela que os dados recolhidos (de 70 empresas) possuem boas qualidades psico-métricas. Procedeu-se a uma análise categórica de componentes principais, a qual identificou duas principais tipologias de objectivos nas redes sociais: redes sociais para interacção produto-cliente e pesquisa ou conhecimento; e redes sociais com potencial para o marketing. Uma análise suplementar - análise hierárquica de clusters (com recurso ao método de agrupamento de Ward) - identificou três padrões de empresas consoante o seu grau de envolvimento em redes sociais: cluster Social Tec Grau 1; cluster Social Tec Grau 2 e cluster Social Tec Grau 3. Estas análises permitem validar uma metodologia sustentável para este tipo de avaliação.
  • How small and medium enterprises are using social networks? Evidence from the Algarve region
    Publication . Belo, Ana; Castela, Guilherme; Fernandes, Silvia Brito
    The evolution of internet created new opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SME), among which are social networks. This work aims at analyzing the potential of these networks for the SME in Algarve, creating a questionnaire for the purpose. The empirical study revealed that some firms have already an integrated business strategy with social networks, as well as a group in the firm responsible for it. Most of their managers consider that social networks enhance performance, but few really measure these results. A categorical principal component analysis identified two dimensions of social networks’ use: social networks for product-client interaction and knowledge; and social networks with potential for marketing. A supplementary analysis (hierarchical clustering) identified three patterns of SME’s involvement in social networks: cluster Social Net Level 1, cluster Social Net Level 2 and cluster Social Net Level 3. These groups validated the results described above, indicating a sustainable methodological approach.
  • A costatis approach to business sustainability in turbulent environments from 2008 to 2014
    Publication . Santos, António Duarte; Silva, Nelson Tavares Da; Castela, Guilherme
    European countries continue to differ considerably from one another economically, not only in economic growth assessed by GDP growth rates but also in their companies' population by Economic Activities. Nonetheless these regular differences, the occurrence of crisis and other economic events can promote economic turbulence conducing to different responses, conditioned by each country's specificities. The occurrence of the 2008 financial crisis, the subsequent economic and sovereign debt crisis introduced additional factors of turbulence in the business sustainability of the European (EU) companies. This research, supported by the COSTATIS method, analyses the co-structure and measures the discrepancy between the population of EU companies for each NACE and the GDP components in their dynamics from 2008 to 2014. The results detected greater discrepancies between the population of companies and the stability of economic growth for a subset of EU countries with particularities regarding their NACE and GDP components.
  • Social network enterprise behaviors and patterns in SMEs: Lessons from a Portuguese local community centered around the tourism industry
    Publication . Fernandes, Silvia Brito; Belo, Ana; Castela, Guilherme
    This study analyzes uses of social networks by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at the Algarve region in Portugal. Results suggest that some firms have integrated their business strategies with social networks, and have groups of professionals responsible for these platforms. Most managers perceive that social networks enhance business performance, but few measure the results. Firms that most frequently use social networks have managers with higher qualifications. This study identified two types of socialnetwork use: a) producteclient interaction and knowledge/(re) search, and b) marketing potential. A complementary analysis (cluster analysis) identified three behavioral patterns with varying involvement with social networks. These patterns relate with types of use, suggesting a level of social media involvement/ performance. Enhancing performance is likely related to knowledge-oriented social networks. This study also suggests an approach for measuring the gap between types of social network usebehavioral/ performance patterns and the reality in successful firms, which would be useful to apply or transfer to other firms and communities. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.