8 results
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- Correlates of rejection by the peer group: a study comparing students with and without SENPublication . Gamboa, Patrícia; Freire, Sofia; Anica, Aurízia; João Mogarro, Maria; Fátima Moreira, Maria; Vaz da Silva, FranciscoOne argument for the inclusion of children with special education needs (SEN) is that they will benefit from the interactions and relationships with their typically developing peers. However, students with SEN tend to be more rejected than their non-SEN peers. Considering the negative consequences of peer rejection on socioemotional development and school adjustment, the current study aims to understand the behavioural correlates and specific characteristics of the students with SEN associated with peer rejection. Participants were 227 students (107 with SEN); 53.7% male; mean age 10.79 (SD = 2.16); attending the 3rd (33.9%), 5th (35.3%) and 7th grades (30.8%). Students filled in a Sociometric task and 47 regular school teachers and 31 special education teachers provided information regarding sociodemographic and educational data, behavioural characteristics and student-teacher relationship. SEN status was the most important predictor of rejection followed by social skills. In the case of students with SEN, less familiarity with peers and a less close student-teacher relationship were also associated with rejection. Thus, the findings emphasise the need of professional development programs to assist teachers in the promotion of positive relationships with their students and a positive peer culture within the class.
- Aplicación de la música en actividades sociales de ocio en asociaciones para mayores de la región del AlgarvePublication . González, Estefanía Cestino; Sousa, Carolina de; Correia, Raquel; Anica, AuríziaThis study analyses the presence of music in social activities of leisure and entertainment programs organized by associations for the elderly in the Algarve region that have participated in this study in a disinterested way, during the months of June and July 2019. A qualitative methodology is used andit is based in an interview that we carry out with directors, with workers who use music in their classes and / or sessions, and, also, with the elderly people who use these recreational activities. All of them have participated voluntarily showing great interest in the initiative of this study. Among the results it can be seen that the activities with music have a very good acceptance in the programming of activities in all the associations and are highly valued by the entire community.
- IntroduçãoPublication . Anica, AuríziaA II Conferência Internacional Envelhecimento Ativo e Educação (IICIEAE) realizada no âmbito das comemorações do 40º Aniversário da Universidade do Algarve, em setembro de 2019, constituiu um marco no percurso de mais de uma década de ensino e investigação da Gerontologia Social nesta instituição. Pretendeu-se destacar o contributo da Educação na promoção de modos mais positivos de envelhecer, desiderato concebível no contexto da construção de uma sociedade mais democrática, em que as políticas e as práticas de inclusão são chamadas a dar resposta a aspetos específicos relacionados com a transformação demográfica e social contemporânea. A proposta consistiu, em primeiro lugar, na discussão do conceito de envelhecimento ativo e de outros conceitos correlacionados, num esforço de síntese e reflexão teórica e crítica atualizada. Em segundo lugar, propôs-se a análise de importantes dimensões - sociais, individuais, institucionais e culturais - implicadas no processo de envelhecimento humano, a partir de estudos empíricos inéditos. Em terceiro lugar, colocou-se o foco no papel da educação na construção de uma sociedade mais equilibrada e amiga das pessoas em processo de envelhecimento.
- Projeto Lado a Lado - Dispositivo móvel de animação sociocultural rural. Relatório de resultados.Publication . Anica, Aurízia; Nave, Filipe; Gaudêncio, Jacinto; Pereira, AntónioCom o objetivo de avaliar os resultados e impacte social do Projeto Lado a Lado, cuja área de intervenção selecionada foi a zona rural da freguesia de Tavira (Santa Maria-Santiago), concelho de Tavira, pretendeu-se avaliar alterações na perceção da qualidade de vida, na depressão e no suporte das redes sociais, tendo sido desenhado um processo de avaliação que se desenrolou em duas fases: a) primeira fase que decorreu entre novembro de 2019 e março de 2020, com n= 59; b) fase de avaliação final que decorreu entre maio e setembro de 2022, com n= 102, em pleno contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. O indicador de sucesso do Projeto, em sede de candidatura, foi fixado na melhoria em 10%, em relação ao valor obtido à entrada, na qualidade de vida percecionada, bem como na presença de sintomas depressivos e no suporte das redes sociais.
- Memórias musicais em pessoas idosas. Estudo de casoPublication . Caro, Cátia; Anica, AuríziaMusic is strongly intertwined with memory and these are related to the cognitive and perceptual operations of brain mechanisms. These musical memories, filled with emotional and affective aspects, influence the way of life. The research challenge is to study this questions in the senior person: "Witch are the musical memories in the life course of the elderly and what meanings do they assume?" This study focuses on the musical memories of people over 64 years’ old who attend the University of Algarve for the Elderly (UATI). The research paradigm of this study is predominantly qualitative. We applied the ethnographic method and a methodological strategy, that assumed an exploratory, descriptive and interpretative character. The techniques and instruments used for the data collection were: questionnaires, semi structured interview in video-recording and documentary analysis. For the statistical analysis we used the Excel® program. The phenomenological method of Max Van Manen was used in the interpretation of the interviews. The study included twenty-six participants, of whom twenty participated in the questionnaires and six in the interviews. The data collection took place during six months in the physical space of the UATI. The musical memories present different meanings according to the life course of the participants. Factors such as education, culture, traditions and personal experiences are decisive in this matter. Memories are marked positively or negatively, according to the life events to which the musical memories are associated. The data collection process acted as a cognitive-emotional stimulus for the participants, allowing them to recover memories and relive the past, which suggests the use of strategies based on the concrete knowledge of the musical memories of the participants in the cognitive and emotional activation programs and in music therapy for the elderly.
- Qualidade de vida dos idosos no concelho de AlcoutimPublication . Gomes, Sónia; Anica, Aurízia; Nave, FilipeAlcoutim is one of the oldest rural municipalities in Portugal. an investigation was carried out in order to answer the question of departure: Does ageing in the municipality of Alcoutim provide good quality of life for the elderly? We aimed to examine the reality of ageing in the municipality of Alcoutim, analyzing the quality of life perceived by the elderly and provided by social care networks. In the design of this descriptive and exploratory study, we opted for a mixed methodology. Through the method of purposive sampling of the population over 65 years old in the county, which corresponds to 44% of the total population, a sample of about 5% was selected, which means 76 people were surveyed. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF and data analysis was performed using the SPSS-IBM program25. The qualitative methodology was used in the semi-structured interviews, as well as in the analysis and interpretation of the latter, which were conducted with the municipal authorities of the municipality. From the analysis of the results, there was a statistically significant relationship between: the Quality of Life (QoL) of elderly people and their relationship with their neighbours; between the QoL and the environment; between the QoL and the ease of locomotion in the county; between QoL and participation in events; between QoS and existing health services. Based on the results of this study, we concluded that the perceptions of elderly people, as well as the perceptions of the municipal authorities, reveal that the ageing process in the Municipality of Alcoutim provides quality of life to its residents. This quality of life is positively associated to the variables: neighbour relations, environment, accessibility, social participation and health services.
- Qualidade de vida de idosos em comunidade na pandemia de COVID-19: O caso do Projeto Lado a LadoPublication . Anica, Aurízia; Nave, Filipe Jorge Gamboa Martins; Santos Gaudêncio, Jacinto José; António PereiraNo Projeto Lado a Lado, desenvolvido na zona rural da freguesia de Tavira durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19, foram avaliadas as alterações na perceção da qualidade de vida, na depressão e no suporte das redes sociais. Os dados recolhidos para a referida avaliação foram obtidos em dois momentos: a) o primeiro, decorreu entre novembro de 2019 e março de 2020, no qual intervieram 59 participantes no Projeto; b) o último, decorreu entre maio e setembro de 2022, tendo os dados sido obtidos junto de 102 participantes no mesmo. Este estudo assumiu cariz quantitativo, exploratório, descritivo, comparativo e correlacional. O instrumento de recolha de dados foi constituído por um formulário integrando um questionário sociodemográfico e de apreciação do Projeto, a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de Yesavage, a Escala Breve de Redes Sociais de Lubben e o questionário WHOQOL-OLD, nas versões portuguesas. A análise dos dados foi realizada com recurso ao programa SPSS-IBM25. Os resultados revelam recuo dos sintomas depressivos nos participantes, apesar do contexto pandémico e da alteração que este implicou nas estratégias de intervenção previstas. O indicador de qualidade de vida percecionada também foi positivo, nomeadamente ao nível da autonomia, atividades, participação social, morte e morrer, intimidade e vida familiar. Os participantes apreciaram positivamente o Projeto.
- Apresentação do Nº 1 da Revista Folium.Publication . Anica, AuríziaRevistas históricas de municípios ou de arquivos históricos municipais Algarve, 50º aniversário da Revolução de Abril.