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  • Guided tour to the antiquity's factory: sociology, tourism and authenticity
    Publication . Guerreiro, Jorge Andre; Marques, Joao Filipe
    Authenticity has been one of the most used words as well as one of the most discussed subjects in the Sociology of Tourism over the last four decades. Having experienced several changes in its meaning, the term has followed the overall progression of tourism studies - from the functionalist to the constructivist approaches, culminating in the postmodern and phenomenological turn. Yet, as a scientific concept, authenticity hasn't always been heuristic enough to support the empirical requirements of research, a trait that can be traced back to the philosophical influences of the word, resulting in its lack of a clear definition. This article critically reviews the abundant literature regarding the subject of authenticity in tourism, from its origins to the present, ending with recommendations to future uses.
  • From the April revolution to times of austerity in Portugal: a portrait of poverty, social exclusion and inequalities
    Publication . Pinto, Hugo; Guerreiro, André
    In the last forty years Portugal was confronted with a series of transformations. The revolutionary process of April 1974 and the European integration drove the country towards the economic policy convergence of the most developed member-states of European Union. This approach was slowing since the beginning of the Millennium, reversed with the advent of the economic and financial crisis in 2007. The crisis generated a response on austerity policies, with deep impacts on public policy with consequences in different dimensions. Poverty, a persistent phenomenon in Portugal, affecting hundreds of thousands of families in the last decades, increased with the crisis. This article discusses ideas about poverty, social exclusion and inequality, to analyze in synthetic form the recent evolution of the Portuguese case in the context of austerity.
  • Visita guiada à Fábrica de Antiguidades: sociologia, turismo e autenticidade
    Publication . Marques, João Filipe; Guerreiro, Jorge Andre
    Autenticidade constitui uma das palavras mais utilizadas e um dos temas mais discutidos na Sociologia do Turismo nas últimas quatro décadas. Tendo sofrido várias mudanças de sentido, o termo acompanhou a evolução dos estudos sobre turismo – desde a abordagem funcionalista à construtivista, culminando na viragem pós-moderna e fenomenológica. Ainda assim, a autenticidade enquanto conceito científico nem sempre se tem revelado suficientemente heurístico para suportar a investigação no plano empírico, mercê das influências filosóficas que o termo ainda carrega e que parecem continuar bem presentes mesmo hoje em dia, contribuindo para a sua indefinição. Este artigo faz uma análise crítica da extensa literatura que aborda o tema da autenticidade no turismo, desde as suas origens até ao presente, terminando com algumas recomendações para as suas utilizações futuras.