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- Habitat suitability modelling of four terrestrial slug species in the Iberian Peninsula (Arionidae: Geomalacus species)Publication . Patrao, Claudia; Assis, J.; Rufino, MM; Silva, Goncalo; Jordaens, Kurt; Backeljau, Thierry; Castilho, RitaEcological niche modelling (ENM) determines habitat suitability of species by relating records of occurrence to environmental variables. Here, we investigated habitat suitability of four terrestrial slugs of the genus Geomalacus from the Iberian Peninsula using ENM. The potential distribution of these species was estimated using maximum entropy modelling. For this we used published presence records, together with observations from our fieldwork, and 10 layers of environmental variables in a crossvalidation design using ` minimum predicted area' as a measure of success. For each species, the models predicted distributions with high accuracy, while restricting predictions to minimum areas. Precipitation, and to a lesser extent temperature, were the most important variables to predict the distributions of the four species. We then compared the predicted distributions with the currently known distributions. For G. anguiformis and G. maculosus the predicted distributions included the known distributions, but also nearby mountain areas where these species have not previously been found. For G. malagensis and G. oliveirae the models predicted much wider distributions. Subsequent dedicated fieldwork could not confirm the presence of G. oliveirae in the newly predicted areas. Conversely, G. malagensis was found at five new and distant localities, including areas in Portugal where the species has not previously been recorded.
- Population structure and connectivity of the European conger eel (Conger conger) across the north-eastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean: Integrating molecular and otolith elemental approachesPublication . Correia, A. T.; Ramos, Ana; Barros, F.; Silva, Goncalo; Hamer, P.; Morais, P.; Cunha, R. L.; Castilho, RitaGenetic variation (mtDNA) of the European conger eel, Conger conger, was compared across five locations in the north-eastern Atlantic (Madeira, Azores, South Portugal, North Portugal and Ireland) and one location in the western Mediterranean (Mallorca). Genetic diversity of conger eel was high, and differentiation among regions was not significant. Additionally, comparisons of element:Ca ratios (Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca) in otolith cores (larval phase) and edges (3 months prior to capture) among the Azores, North Portugal, Madeira and Mallorca regions for 2 years indicated that variation among regions were greater for edges than cores. Therefore, while benthic conger may display residency at regional scales, recruitment may not necessarily be derived from local spawning and larval retention. Furthermore, data from otoliths suggest a separated replenishment source for western Mediterranean and NE Atlantic stocks. The combination of genetics and otolith chemistry suggests a population model for conger eel involving a broad-scale dispersal of larvae, with limited connectivity for benthic juvenile life stages at large spatial scales, although the existence of one or multiple spawning grounds for the species remains uncertain.
- Thermal adaptation and clinal mitochondrial DNA variation of European anchovyPublication . Silva, Goncalo; Lima, Fernando P.; Martel, Paulo; Castilho, RitaNatural populations of widely distributed organisms often exhibit genetic clinal variation over their geographical ranges. The European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, illustrates this by displaying a two-clade mitochondrial structure clinally arranged along the eastern Atlantic. One clade has low frequencies at higher latitudes, whereas the other has an anti-tropical distribution, with frequencies decreasing towards the tropics. The distribution pattern of these clades has been explained as a consequence of secondary contact after an ancient geographical isolation. However, it is not unlikely that selection acts on mitochondria whose genes are involved in relevant oxidative phosphorylation processes. In this study, we performed selection tests on a fragment of 1044 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene using 455 individuals from 18 locations. We also tested correlations of six environmental features: temperature, salinity, apparent oxygen utilization and nutrient concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and silicate, on a compilation of mitochondrial clade frequencies from 66 sampling sites comprising 2776 specimens from previously published studies. Positive selection in a single codon was detected predominantly (99%) in the anti-tropical clade and temperature was the most relevant environmental predictor, contributing with 59% of the variance in the geographical distribution of clade frequencies. These findings strongly suggest that temperature is shaping the contemporary distribution of mitochondrial DNA clade frequencies in the European anchovy.
- Wandering behaviour prevents inter and intra oceanic speciation in a coastal pelagic fishPublication . Silva, Goncalo; Cunha, Regina L.; Ramos, Ana; Castilho, RitaSmall pelagic fishes have the ability to disperse over long distances and may present complex evolutionary histories. Here, Old World Anchovies (OWA) were used as a model system to understand genetic patterns and connectivity of fish between the Atlantic and Pacific basins. We surveyed 16 locations worldwide using mtDNA and 8 microsatellite loci for genetic parameters, and mtDNA (cyt b; 16S) and nuclear (RAG1; RAG2) regions for dating major lineage-splitting events within Engraulidae family. The OWA genetic divergences (0-0.4%) are compatible with intra-specific divergence, showing evidence of both ancient and contemporary admixture between the Pacific and Atlantic populations, enhanced by high asymmetrical migration from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The estimated divergence between Atlantic and Pacific anchovies (0.67 [0.53-0.80] Ma) matches a severe drop of sea temperature during the Gunz glacial stage of the Pleistocene. Our results support an alternative evolutionary scenario for the OWA, suggesting a coastal migration along south Asia, Middle East and eastern Africa continental platforms, followed by the colonization of the Atlantic via the Cape of the Good Hope.