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Activie vision in robot cognition
Publication . Saleiro, Mário Alexandre Nobre; du Buf, J. M. H.; Rodrigues, J. M. F.
As technology and our understanding of the human brain evolve, the idea of creating robots that behave and learn like humans seems to get more and more attention. However, although that knowledge and computational power are constantly growing we still have much to learn to be able to create such machines. Nonetheless, that does not mean we cannot try to validate our knowledge by creating biologically inspired models to mimic some of our brain processes and use them for robotics applications. In this thesis several biologically inspired models for vision are presented: a keypoint descriptor based on cortical cell responses that allows to create binary codes which can be used to represent speci c image regions; and a stereo vision model based on cortical cell responses and visual saliency based on color, disparity and motion. Active vision is achieved by combining these vision modules with an attractor dynamics approach for head pan control. Although biologically inspired models are usually very heavy in terms of processing power, these models were designed to be lightweight so that they can be tested for real-time robot navigation, object recognition and vision steering. The developed vision modules were tested on a child-sized robot, which uses only visual information to navigate, to detect obstacles and to recognize objects in real time. The biologically inspired visual system is integrated with a cognitive architecture, which combines vision with short- and long-term memory for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Motor control for navigation is also done using attractor dynamics.
Multi-scale cortical keypoints for realtime hand tracking and gesture recognition
Publication . Farrajota, Miguel; Saleiro, Mário; Terzic, Kasim; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.
Human-robot interaction is an interdisciplinary research area which aims at integrating human factors, cognitive psychology and robot technology. The ultimate goal is the development of social robots. These robots are expected to work in human environments, and to understand behavior of persons through gestures and body movements. In this paper we present a biological and realtime framework for detecting and tracking hands. This framework is based on keypoints extracted from cortical V1 end-stopped cells. Detected keypoints and the cells’ responses are used to classify the junction type. By combining annotated keypoints in a hierarchical, multi-scale tree structure, moving and deformable hands can be segregated, their movements can be obtained, and they can be tracked over time. By using hand templates with keypoints at only two scales, a hand’s gestures can be recognized.
Minimalistic vision-based cognitive SLAM
Publication . Saleiro, Mário; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.
The interest in cognitive robotics is still increasing, a major goal being to create a system which can adapt to dynamic environments and which can learn from its own experiences. We present a new cognitive SLAM architecture, but one which is minimalistic in terms of sensors and memory. It employs only one camera with pan and tilt control and three memories, without additional sensors nor any odometry. Short-term memory is an egocentric map which holds information at close range at the actual robot position. Long-term memory is used for mapping the environment and registration of encountered objects. Object memory holds features of learned objects which are used as navigation landmarks and task targets. Saliency maps are used to sequentially focus important areas for object and obstacle detection, but also for selecting directions of movements. Reinforcement learning is used to consolidate or enfeeble environmental information in long-term memory. The system is able to achieve complex tasks by executing sequences of visuomotor actions, decisions being taken by goal-detection and goal-completion tasks. Experimental results show that the system is capable of executing tasks like localizing specific objects while building a map, after which it manages to return to the start position even when new obstacles have appeared.
A biological and real-time framework for hand gestures and head poses
Publication . Saleiro, Mário; Farrajota, Miguel; Terzic, Kasim; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.
Human-robot interaction is an interdisciplinary research area that aims at the development of social robots. Since social robots are expected to interact with humans and understand their behavior through gestures and body movements, cognitive psychology and robot technology must be integrated. In this paper we present a biological and real-time framework for detecting and tracking hands and heads. This framework is based on keypoints extracted by means of cortical V1 end-stopped cells. Detected keypoints and the cells’ responses are used to classify the junction type. Through the combination of annotated keypoints in a hierarchical, multi-scale tree structure, moving and deformable hands can be segregated and tracked over time. By using hand templates with lines and edges at only a few scales, a hand’s gestures can be recognized. Head tracking and pose detection are also implemented, which can be integrated with detection of facial expressions in the future. Through the combinations of head poses and hand gestures a large number of commands can be given to a robot.
A low-cost classroom-oriented educational robotics system
Publication . Saleiro, Mário; Carmo, Bruna; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.
Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in using robots in education. The use of these tangible devices in combination with problem-based learning activities results in more motivated students, higher grades and a growing interest in the STEM areas. However, most educational robotics systems still have some restrictions like high cost, long setup time, need of installing software in children's computers, etc. We present a new, Iow-cost, classroom-oriented educational robotics system that does not require the installation of any software. It can be used with computers, tablets or smartphones. It also supports multiple robots and the system can be setup and is ready to be used in under 5 minutes. The robotics system that will be presented has been successfully used by two classes of 3rd and 4th graders. Besides improving mathematical reasoning, the system can be employed as a motivational tool for any subject.

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Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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