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O presente Relatório é o resultado do Estágio Curricular realizado no Gabinete Sociocultural da Junta de Freguesia de Quarteira, de outubro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022. Neste documento consta um breve enquadramento histórico do Envelhecimento em Portugal e na União Europeia, as causas, as consequências, os atuais desafios e o que significa o paradigma do Envelhecimento Ativo. Numa fase posterior, é feita uma caracterização da instituição, dos objetivos traçados e das tarefas desenvolvidas ao longo do Estágio no âmbito do Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável.
Neste Estágio Curricular houve a oportunidade de desenvolver uma investigação empírica multifacetada, de natureza exploratória e descritiva, com recurso a um Estudo de Caso, o qual se suportou em dados qualitativos (recolhidos através de entrevistas, da observação direta e da análise documental) e em dados quantitativos (obtidos por intermédio dos inquéritos por questionário).
Foram realizadas 22 entrevistas aos monitores do projeto “Academia do Saber” (entre os 34 e os 84 anos), por forma a perceber as motivações que os levaram a fazer voluntariado e quais as atividades que podem ser desenvolvidas num futuro próximo. Os resultados revelaram que os monitores estão muito satisfeitos com a participação no projeto e as motivações mencionadas relacionam-se, com o gosto de ajudar e de ensinar o próximo.
Já os resultados dos inquéritos aplicados a uma amostra de 14 participantes no Workshop “Escolhas Sustentáveis” revelam o interesse do público para futuras iniciativas deste género: a compostagem, as energias renováveis, como utilizar as matérias em desperdício e a alimentação saudável.
As limitações prenderam-se, particularmente, com os constrangimentos provocados pela Covid-19 e o número reduzido de atividades realizadas. Quanto às sugestões futuras salientam a importância da criação de atividades de partilha intergeracional e o desenvolvimento de atividades com recurso às novas tecnologias.
This report is the result of the Curricular Internship carried out at the Sociocultural Office of the Quarteira Parish Council, from October 2021 to February 2022. It includes a brief historical background of Ageing in Portugal and in the European Union, the causes, consequences, current challenges and what the paradigm of Active Ageing means. In a later stage, a characterization of the institution, the objectives set out and the tasks developed during the internship within the scope of Active and Healthy Ageing is made. In this Curricular Internship there was the opportunity to develop a multifaceted empirical investigation, of exploratory and descriptive nature, using a Case Study, which was supported by qualitative data (collected through and interviews, the direct observation and documentary analysis) and quantitative data (obtained through questionnaire surveys). Twenty-two interviews were conducted with the monitors of the "Academia do Saber" project (aged 34 to 84), in order to understand the motivations that led them to volunteer work and what activities could be developed in the near future. The results revealed that the monitors are very satisfied with their participation in the project and the motivations mentioned are related to the pleasure of helping and teaching others. The results of the surveys applied to a sample of 14 participants in the "Sustainable Choices" workshop reveal the public's interest in future initiatives of this kind: composting, renewable energy, how to use waste materials, and healthy eating. The limitations were particularly related to the constraints caused by Covid-19 and the small number of activities carried out. As for future suggestions, they emphasize the importance of creating intergenerational sharing activities, and the development of activities using new technologies.
This report is the result of the Curricular Internship carried out at the Sociocultural Office of the Quarteira Parish Council, from October 2021 to February 2022. It includes a brief historical background of Ageing in Portugal and in the European Union, the causes, consequences, current challenges and what the paradigm of Active Ageing means. In a later stage, a characterization of the institution, the objectives set out and the tasks developed during the internship within the scope of Active and Healthy Ageing is made. In this Curricular Internship there was the opportunity to develop a multifaceted empirical investigation, of exploratory and descriptive nature, using a Case Study, which was supported by qualitative data (collected through and interviews, the direct observation and documentary analysis) and quantitative data (obtained through questionnaire surveys). Twenty-two interviews were conducted with the monitors of the "Academia do Saber" project (aged 34 to 84), in order to understand the motivations that led them to volunteer work and what activities could be developed in the near future. The results revealed that the monitors are very satisfied with their participation in the project and the motivations mentioned are related to the pleasure of helping and teaching others. The results of the surveys applied to a sample of 14 participants in the "Sustainable Choices" workshop reveal the public's interest in future initiatives of this kind: composting, renewable energy, how to use waste materials, and healthy eating. The limitations were particularly related to the constraints caused by Covid-19 and the small number of activities carried out. As for future suggestions, they emphasize the importance of creating intergenerational sharing activities, and the development of activities using new technologies.
Covid-19 Envelhecimento ativo Junta de freguesia de Quarteira Pessoas idosas Voluntariado