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Os micronutrientes são vitaminas e minerais essenciais necessários em pequenas quantidades para a manutenção do estado de saúde do corpo humano. As vitaminas são moléculas orgânicas, que podem ser classificadas em hidrossolúveis ou lipossolúveis, enquanto os minerais essenciais, ou oligoelementos, são substâncias inorgânicas.
Este tipo de nutrientes apesar de serem indispensáveis ao organismo, não são, na sua maioria, por ele produzidos. Assim, os micronutrientes têm de ser ingeridos a partir de uma alimentação equilibrada e diversificada e, em casos de necessidade, sob a forma de suplementos alimentares ou através da fortificação de alimentos.
Os micronutrientes têm um papel fundamental na prevenção e no tratamento de doenças, e quando em deficiência no corpo humano podem levar a problemas de saúde.
A deficiência em micronutrientes é considerada um problema de saúde pública, uma vez que abrange cerca de 2 biliões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Apesar do problema estar presente em todas as partes do globo, os países em desenvolvimento são os mais afetados, devido há maior falta de alimentos, não existindo por isso diversidade na alimentação, e uma maior incidência de patologias como infeções, inflamações e doenças crónicas, que comprometem ainda mais estes indivíduos.
As deficiências em micronutrientes têm impacto na morbilidade e mortalidade, aumentando a probabilidade de deficiência física ou ao nível do desenvolvimento cognitivo, sendo os grupos de pessoas com maior risco de desenvolver este tipo de deficiências crianças e mulheres em idade reprodutiva.
Em contraste, o consumo excessivo de micronutrientes pode também causar problemas de toxicidade, provocando lesões, patologias e, por vezes, levando à morte. Desta forma, é importante estabelecer doses adequadas para cada indivíduo.
Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals required in small quantities for the maintenance of the human body's state of health. Vitamins are organic molecules, which can be classified as hydrosoluble or liposoluble, whereas essential minerals, or trace elements, are inorganic substances. These types of nutrients, despite being indispensable to the body, are not, for the most part, produced by it. Therefore, micronutrients must be ingested from a balanced and diversified diet and, if necessary, in the form of food supplements or through food fortification. Micronutrients play a key role in both prevention and treatment of diseases, when in deficiency in the human body they can lead to health problems. Micronutrient deficiency is a public health problem as it affects about 2 billion people worldwide. Although the problem is present in all parts of the globe, developing countries are the most affected, due to a greater lack of food, lack of diversity in the diet, and a higher incidence of pathologies such as infections, inflammations, and chronic diseases, which compromise these individuals even more. Micronutrient deficiencies have an impact on morbidity and mortality, increasing the likelihood of a physical or cognitive development disability, being children and women of reproductive age the groups with the greatest risk of developing these types of deficiencies. In contrast, excessive micronutrient consumption can also cause toxicity problems, leading to injuries, pathologies, and sometimes death. As such, it is important to establish appropriate doses for each individual.
Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals required in small quantities for the maintenance of the human body's state of health. Vitamins are organic molecules, which can be classified as hydrosoluble or liposoluble, whereas essential minerals, or trace elements, are inorganic substances. These types of nutrients, despite being indispensable to the body, are not, for the most part, produced by it. Therefore, micronutrients must be ingested from a balanced and diversified diet and, if necessary, in the form of food supplements or through food fortification. Micronutrients play a key role in both prevention and treatment of diseases, when in deficiency in the human body they can lead to health problems. Micronutrient deficiency is a public health problem as it affects about 2 billion people worldwide. Although the problem is present in all parts of the globe, developing countries are the most affected, due to a greater lack of food, lack of diversity in the diet, and a higher incidence of pathologies such as infections, inflammations, and chronic diseases, which compromise these individuals even more. Micronutrient deficiencies have an impact on morbidity and mortality, increasing the likelihood of a physical or cognitive development disability, being children and women of reproductive age the groups with the greatest risk of developing these types of deficiencies. In contrast, excessive micronutrient consumption can also cause toxicity problems, leading to injuries, pathologies, and sometimes death. As such, it is important to establish appropriate doses for each individual.
Deficiência Doença Micronutrientes Minerais essenciais Toxicidade Vitaminas