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A importância de se ter acesso a informação contabilística fiável, comparável e atempada é uma realidade que tem crescido, ao longo dos últimos anos, não só como consequência da internacionalização e globalização da economia, como também, de uma maior consciência e noção da gestão, num ambiente que se verifica cada vez mais dinâmico e competitivo.
Impõe-se a adoção das normas internacionais adaptadas ao setor público português, através da implementação do Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas (SNC-AP) e das suas Normas de Contabilidade Pública (NCP) mediante o Decreto-Lei n.º 192/2015, de 11 de setembro, que aprovou o SNC-AP. As Autarquias iniciaram a implementação do SNC-AP, em janeiro de 2020, apesar deste já ter entrado em vigor em 2018 para o resto da administração pública. Esta implementação surge em resultado da convergência de Portugal com a estratégia da União Europeia (UE) em termos contabilísticos e da adaptação dos normativos nacionais de cada Estado-Membro às normas internacionais de contabilidade, emitidas pelo International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). A metodologia utilizada é o estudo de caso e tem como objetivo principal analisar o processo de implementação do SNC-AP, na autarquia de Loulé, de forma a compreender os aspetos mais relevantes do mesmo, as principais diferenças do POCAL para o novo normativo, a relevância da nova informação financeira, as motivações, as dificuldades e as críticas. É possível afirmar-se que o objetivo deste estudo passa pela avaliação dos procedimentos adotados na passagem para o SNC-AP e as diferentes implicações nas Demonstrações Financeiras do Município de Loulé. Em conclusão, é importante salientar que a implementação do novo normativo na CML não provocou alterações significativas no que diz respeito à forma de registo e relato de movimentos financeiros, mas alterou a forma de reporte de informação financeira.
The importance of having access to reliable, comparable and timely accounting information is a reality that has grown over the last few years, not only as a result of the internationalization and globalization of the economy, but also of a greater awareness and notion of management, in an environment that is increasingly dynamic and competitive. It is imperative to adopt international standards adapted to the Portuguese public sector, through the implementation of the Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP) and its Public Accounting Standards (NCP).In this sense, through Decree-Law No. 192/2015, of September 11, the SNC-AP was approved. Local Authorities started implementing the SNC-AP in 2020, despite it having already entered into force in 2018 in the rest of the public administration. This was a result of Portugal's convergence with the European Union (EU) strategy in accounting terms and the adaptation of the national regulations of each Member State to international accounting standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The methodology used is the case study and the main objective is to analyse and compare the implementation process of the SNC-AP, at the Municipality of Loulé (CML), in order to understand its most relevant aspects, the main differences between POCAL and the new regulations, the relevance of new financial information, motivations, difficulties and criticisms. It is possible to say that the main objective of this study involves the evaluation of the procedures adopted in the passage to the SNC-AP and the different implications in the Financial Statements of the Municipality of Loulé. In conclusion, it is important to highlight that the implementation of the new regulations did not cause significant changes with regard to the way in which financial movements are recorded and accounted, but it did change the way in which financial information was reported.
The importance of having access to reliable, comparable and timely accounting information is a reality that has grown over the last few years, not only as a result of the internationalization and globalization of the economy, but also of a greater awareness and notion of management, in an environment that is increasingly dynamic and competitive. It is imperative to adopt international standards adapted to the Portuguese public sector, through the implementation of the Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP) and its Public Accounting Standards (NCP).In this sense, through Decree-Law No. 192/2015, of September 11, the SNC-AP was approved. Local Authorities started implementing the SNC-AP in 2020, despite it having already entered into force in 2018 in the rest of the public administration. This was a result of Portugal's convergence with the European Union (EU) strategy in accounting terms and the adaptation of the national regulations of each Member State to international accounting standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The methodology used is the case study and the main objective is to analyse and compare the implementation process of the SNC-AP, at the Municipality of Loulé (CML), in order to understand its most relevant aspects, the main differences between POCAL and the new regulations, the relevance of new financial information, motivations, difficulties and criticisms. It is possible to say that the main objective of this study involves the evaluation of the procedures adopted in the passage to the SNC-AP and the different implications in the Financial Statements of the Municipality of Loulé. In conclusion, it is important to highlight that the implementation of the new regulations did not cause significant changes with regard to the way in which financial movements are recorded and accounted, but it did change the way in which financial information was reported.
Contabilidade pública POCAL SNC-AP