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Esta dissertação, na modalidade projeto, tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma proposta de jardim terapêutico ao nível do projeto de anteprojeto para o Departamento de Psiquiatria do Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (DPCHUA), localizado na ci-dade de Faro. Atualmente o espaço exterior do hospital encontra-se pouco cuidado e sem capacidade de oferecer benefícios terapêuticos aos seus utilizadores. Com esta requalifi-cação pretende-se uma humanização do hospital, amplificação do potencial terapêutico das instalações e o aumento da satisfação e bem-estar, especialmente dos utentes, mas também dos profissionais de saúde e visitantes. Para apoiar e enriquecer a proposta, apre-senta-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre jardins em ambiente hospitalar.
Os benefícios terapêuticos do contacto com a natureza são conhecidos desde tempos mui-tos antigos, embora o conceito de jardim terapêutico e o estudo dos seus benefícios, fo-cados no paciente, sejam relativamente recentes. São descritos alguns dos princípios ge-rais de desenho de jardins terapêuticos, bem como princípios específicos para doenças mentais.
Foram realizadas visitas ao espaço exterior do DPCHUA para levantamento e diagnóstico da situação existente, e efetuadas reuniões com variados técnicos de saúde do Centro Hospitalar, para recolha de informação sobre as suas perceções das necessidades e expec-tativas e relativamente a este espaço exterior.
Resultado da aplicação dos princípios de desenho de jardins terapêuticos destinados a doentes mentais, ajustada à realidade do espaço existente e às necessidades e expectativas percebidas dos utentes, foi desenvolvida uma proposta de intervenção para o DPCHUA, incluindo as peças técnicas de anteprojeto.
Espera-se que em estudos futuros seja realizada uma lista das espécies vegetativas de valor para esta tipologia de jardim, um levantamento dos jardins terapêuticos existentes em território nacional, bem como as respetivas análises pré e pós ocupação, que são tão importantes na estruturação de princípios de desenho para esta tipologia de espaços.
This dissertation, as a project, aims to develop a proposal for a therapeutic garden at the preliminary project level for the Psychiatry Department of the University Hospital Center of the Algarve (PDUHCA), located in the city of Faro. Currently, the hospital's outdoor space is poorly maintained and lacks the ability to offer therapeutic benefits to its users. This requalification aims to humanize the hospital, amplify the therapeutic potential of the facilities, and increase satisfaction and well-being, especially of patients, but also of healthcare professionals and visitors. To support and enrich the proposal, a literature re-view on gardens in a hospital environment is presented. The therapeutic benefits of contact with nature have been known since ancient times, although the concept of a therapeutic garden and the study of its patient-focused benefits are relatively recent. Some of the general principles of therapeutic garden design, as well as specific principles for mental illnesses, are described. Visits were made to the PDUHCA's outdoor space to survey and diagnose the existing situation, and meetings were held with various healthcare professionals from the Hospital Center to gather information on their perceptions of needs and expectations regarding this outdoor space. As a result of applying the principles of therapeutic garden design for mental patients, adjusted to the reality of the existing space and the perceived needs and expectations of users, an intervention proposal was developed for the PDUHCA, including the technical pieces of the preliminary project. It is hoped that in future studies, a list of valuable plant species for this type of garden will be made, a survey of existing therapeutic gardens in the national territory will be conducted, as well as respective pre- and post-occupancy analyses, which are so im-portant in structuring design principles for this type of space.
This dissertation, as a project, aims to develop a proposal for a therapeutic garden at the preliminary project level for the Psychiatry Department of the University Hospital Center of the Algarve (PDUHCA), located in the city of Faro. Currently, the hospital's outdoor space is poorly maintained and lacks the ability to offer therapeutic benefits to its users. This requalification aims to humanize the hospital, amplify the therapeutic potential of the facilities, and increase satisfaction and well-being, especially of patients, but also of healthcare professionals and visitors. To support and enrich the proposal, a literature re-view on gardens in a hospital environment is presented. The therapeutic benefits of contact with nature have been known since ancient times, although the concept of a therapeutic garden and the study of its patient-focused benefits are relatively recent. Some of the general principles of therapeutic garden design, as well as specific principles for mental illnesses, are described. Visits were made to the PDUHCA's outdoor space to survey and diagnose the existing situation, and meetings were held with various healthcare professionals from the Hospital Center to gather information on their perceptions of needs and expectations regarding this outdoor space. As a result of applying the principles of therapeutic garden design for mental patients, adjusted to the reality of the existing space and the perceived needs and expectations of users, an intervention proposal was developed for the PDUHCA, including the technical pieces of the preliminary project. It is hoped that in future studies, a list of valuable plant species for this type of garden will be made, a survey of existing therapeutic gardens in the national territory will be conducted, as well as respective pre- and post-occupancy analyses, which are so im-portant in structuring design principles for this type of space.
Arquitetura paisagista Princípios de desenho Jardim terapêutico Bene-fícios terapêuticos Saúde mental