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A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é considerada, pelos líderes mundiais, uma das quatro doenças crónicas cujo tratamento é prioritário. A prevalência mundial quase duplicou desde 1980, passando de 4,7% a 8,5% na população adulta. Em Portugal, estima-se que a DM afete 13,3% da população com idades entre os 20-79 anos, das quais 44% desconhecem ter a doença.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar o padrão de prescrição de antidiabéticos numa amostra de utentes com DM frequentadores da farmácia comunitária de forma a avaliar a concordância do padrão de prescrição com as recomendações nacionais e internacionais. Pretende-se também perspetivar as possibilidades de intervenção do farmacêutico no contexto do tratamento da DM.
Aplicação de um questionário, elaborado para o efeito, a uma amostra de diabéticos, selecionados de forma oportunística, durante o atendimento na farmácia Ribeiro Soares. O consentimento informado dos participantes foi salvaguardado. Os dados foram tratados e analisados com recurso ao Microsoft Excel.
Durante 3 meses, abordaram-se 119 pessoas, sendo que apenas 30 aceitaram entrar no estudo. A amostra era maioritariamente composta por idosos polimedicados, sendo 27 diabéticos do tipo 2. Relativamente à terapêutica, esta era maioritariamente composta por antidiabéticos orais, sendo a Biguanida a classe farmacológica mais utilizada. Dos 18 utentes que apresentaram análises laboratoriais 10 apresentavam valores de HbA1c inferiores a 7%. Quando comparados com as guidelines da ADA (2018), de uma forma geral, 64% dos utentes não apresentaram perfis farmacoterapêuticos em concordância com a mesma. Relativamente à comparação com a guideline da EASD/ADA (2015), 57% dos utentes não estavam de acordo com as recomendações desta guideline.
Concluiu-se que o padrão de prescrição de antidiabéticos não parece estar de acordo com as guidelines em vigor no momento do estudo, para a maioria dos utentes. Acredita-se que o farmacêutico pode dar um contributo importante para a melhoria do estado de saúde dos indivíduos com diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is considered by world leaders as one of the four chronic diseases whose treatment is a priority. World prevalence has almost doubled since 1980, rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population. In Portugal, it is estimated that DM affects 13.3% of the population aged 20-79 years, of which 44% are unaware of having the disease. This study has as main objective to study the prescription pattern of antidiabetics in a sample of patients with DM attending the community pharmacy in order to evaluate the agreement of the prescription pattern with national and international recommendations. It is also intended to investigate the possibilities of pharmacist intervention in the context of DM treatment. Application of a questionnaire, designed for this purpose, to a sample of diabetics, selected opportunistically, during the attendance at the Ribeiro Soares pharmacy. The informed consent of the participants was safeguarded. The data was processed and analyzed using Microsoft Excel. For 3 months, 119 people were approached, and only 30 accepted to enter the study. The sample consisted mostly of polymedicated elderly, 27 of whom were diabetic type 2. Regarding therapeutics, this was mostly composed of oral antidiabetics, and Biguanide is the most used pharmacological class. Of the 18 users who presented laboratory tests 10 had HbA1c under 7%. When compared to the ADA guidelines (2018), overall, 64% of the users did not present pharmacotherapeutic profiles in agreement with it. Regarding the comparison with the EASD / ADA guideline (2015), 57% of users were not in agreement with the recommendations of this guideline. The prescribing profile of the users under study does not seem to present a therapy according to the guidelines in force at the time of the study. With such conclusion leads to realize there is a lot of work that needs to be done to improve the health condition of diabetics with Pharmacist having an important role to make such thing happen.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is considered by world leaders as one of the four chronic diseases whose treatment is a priority. World prevalence has almost doubled since 1980, rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population. In Portugal, it is estimated that DM affects 13.3% of the population aged 20-79 years, of which 44% are unaware of having the disease. This study has as main objective to study the prescription pattern of antidiabetics in a sample of patients with DM attending the community pharmacy in order to evaluate the agreement of the prescription pattern with national and international recommendations. It is also intended to investigate the possibilities of pharmacist intervention in the context of DM treatment. Application of a questionnaire, designed for this purpose, to a sample of diabetics, selected opportunistically, during the attendance at the Ribeiro Soares pharmacy. The informed consent of the participants was safeguarded. The data was processed and analyzed using Microsoft Excel. For 3 months, 119 people were approached, and only 30 accepted to enter the study. The sample consisted mostly of polymedicated elderly, 27 of whom were diabetic type 2. Regarding therapeutics, this was mostly composed of oral antidiabetics, and Biguanide is the most used pharmacological class. Of the 18 users who presented laboratory tests 10 had HbA1c under 7%. When compared to the ADA guidelines (2018), overall, 64% of the users did not present pharmacotherapeutic profiles in agreement with it. Regarding the comparison with the EASD / ADA guideline (2015), 57% of users were not in agreement with the recommendations of this guideline. The prescribing profile of the users under study does not seem to present a therapy according to the guidelines in force at the time of the study. With such conclusion leads to realize there is a lot of work that needs to be done to improve the health condition of diabetics with Pharmacist having an important role to make such thing happen.
Estudo do padrão Prescrição de antidiabéticos Utentes Farmácia comunitária