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Este relatório é composto por duas partes: revisão da literatura e descrição das atividades
desenvolvidas durante o estágio no Grupo Pestana.
A revisão da literatura focalizou-se na aplicação de Revenue Management na indústria
hoteleira. Foi analisado o enquadramento conceptual do Revenue Management e
discutido o processo de recolha de informações úteis para a implementação prática do
conceito, tanto em termos de aspetos técnicos como no que diz respeito à forma como as
práticas inerentes são percebidas pelos potenciais clientes. A revisão da literatura
identifica as condições do mercado que não são favoráveis aos hotéis como uma limitação
para o uso de estratégias de gestão de receitas e realça as oportunidades que devem
resultar de um melhor tratamento da informação baseado na experiência e na tecnologia.
O estágio decorreu no departamento de Gestão das Receitas do Grupo Pestana e teve a
duração de três meses. O Grupo Pestana é a maior cadeia de hotéis em Portugal e está
estruturada em torno de três segmentos distintos: Hotéis Pestana, Pousadas de Portugal e
“Luxury”. O estágio diz respeito apenas os dois primeiros segmentos. O objetivo do
estágio foi desenvolver conhecimentos sobre a utilização das ferramentas necessárias para
a gestão de receitas, perceber a necessidade de um gestor de canais, e entender as
diferenças entre os dois segmentos estudados, Hotéis Pestana e Pousadas de Portugal.
Tanto na revisão da literatura como no estágio foram identificadas várias dificuldades
relativamente à realização de previsões seguras e à obtenção de informação de feedback.
As soluções preconizadas realçam a importância cada vez maior da tecnologia neste
processo de facilitação do desempenho do gestor de receitas nos hotéis.
The present work is composed of two parts: a literature review and the internship report. The literature review is focused on the application of Revenue Management to the hospitality industry. The priority is given to the collection of information useful to the professional practice of Revenue Management, which concerns both the technical aspect of performing Revenue Management and the comprehension of how Revenue Management practices are received by the potential customers. The review identifies the conditions of the market, who are not favorable to the hotels, to be a limitation to the use of Revenue Management strategies and stresses opportunities come from a better treatment of the information made possible by experience and technology. The internship takes place in the Revenue Management department of Pestana Group for a duration of three months. Pestana Group is the largest hotel chain in Portugal. Its hotel activities included three segments: Hotel, Pousadas of Portugal and Luxury. The first two are presented in this report. The goal of the internship was to learn to use to tools necessary to Revenue Management, perceive the need for a channel manager, and understand the differences between the two branches Pestana Hotel and Pousadas of Portugal. The review of the literature and the internship both point out the difficulties in obtaining accurate forecast and feedback information. The solutions found in the review of the literature and experienced during the internship was to rely more on technology to facilitate the role of the revenue manager.
The present work is composed of two parts: a literature review and the internship report. The literature review is focused on the application of Revenue Management to the hospitality industry. The priority is given to the collection of information useful to the professional practice of Revenue Management, which concerns both the technical aspect of performing Revenue Management and the comprehension of how Revenue Management practices are received by the potential customers. The review identifies the conditions of the market, who are not favorable to the hotels, to be a limitation to the use of Revenue Management strategies and stresses opportunities come from a better treatment of the information made possible by experience and technology. The internship takes place in the Revenue Management department of Pestana Group for a duration of three months. Pestana Group is the largest hotel chain in Portugal. Its hotel activities included three segments: Hotel, Pousadas of Portugal and Luxury. The first two are presented in this report. The goal of the internship was to learn to use to tools necessary to Revenue Management, perceive the need for a channel manager, and understand the differences between the two branches Pestana Hotel and Pousadas of Portugal. The review of the literature and the internship both point out the difficulties in obtaining accurate forecast and feedback information. The solutions found in the review of the literature and experienced during the internship was to rely more on technology to facilitate the role of the revenue manager.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016