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A epilepsia é uma doença do foro neurológico que afeta 0,5% a 1% da população mundial, sendo que 60% dos casos de epilepsia ocorrem durante a infância. Representa uma das principais causas de doença crónica na idade pediátrica, é caracterizada por uma predisposição duradoura para gerar crises epiléticas e por ter um grande impacto nas crianças e adolescentes pelas suas consequências neurobiológicas, cognitivas, psicológicas e sociais. Mais de metade das crianças, cerca de 65%, quando diagnosticadas precocemente conseguem controlar as crises epiléticas com fármacos antiepiléticos, ainda que, por vezes, seja necessário recorrer a outro tipo de fármacos e tratamentos não farmacológicos, de acordo com as necessidades individuais.
Com base nas considerações anteriores, os objetivos principais desta Dissertação foram os seguintes: i) descrever os vários tipos de crises epiléticas e síndromes epiléticas em pediatria; ii) mencionar os algoritmos de tratamento, tendo em conta os fármacos introduzidos recentemente na terapêutica; iii) referir os tratamentos alternativos, medidas não farmacológicas e novas abordagens terapêuticas; e iv) fazer referência ao papel do farmacêutico no âmbito da epilepsia em pediatria. Em relação à metodologia, recorreu-se à análise documental de diversas fontes bibliográficas, privilegiando-se os artigos científicos e guidelines.
Concluiu-se que o tratamento da epilepsia na pediatria é baseado na terapêutica farmacológica, com recurso predominante aos fármacos antiepiléticos, contudo, não são os únicos utilizados. Em determinadas situações, as benzodiazepinas, os corticosteroides e os canabinoides são exemplos de outras classes farmacológicas também utilizadas. Além disso, tratamentos alternativos, medidas não farmacológicas e avanços tecnológicos também têm sido fulcrais no tratamento e gestão da epilepsia em pediatria. Por fim, salienta-se que é necessário haver uma monitorização terapêutica mais rigorosa e cuidada por parte dos profissionais de saúde, inclusive do farmacêutico, a fim de melhorar os resultados farmacológicos.
Epilepsy is a neurological disease that affects 0.5% to 1% of the world's population, with 60% of epilepsy cases occurring during childhood. It represents one of the main causes of chronic disease in paediatrics, is characterized by a long-lasting predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and has a major impact on children and adolescents due to its neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences. More than half of children, around 65%, when diagnosed early can control epileptic seizures with antiepileptic drugs, although sometimes it is necessary to resort to other types of drugs and non-pharmacological treatments, according to individual needs. Based on the previous considerations, the main objectives of this Dissertation were the following: i) to describe the various types of epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes in paediatrics; ii) to mention treatment algorithms, taking into account drugs recently introduced into therapy; iii) to refer the alternative treatments, non-pharmacological measures and new therapeutic approaches; and iv) to highlight the role of the pharmacist in the context of epilepsy in paediatrics. Regarding the methodology, a documentary analysis of various bibliographic sources was performed, giving priority to scientific articles and guidelines. It was concluded that the treatment of epilepsy in paediatrics is based on pharmacological therapy, with predominant use of antiepileptic drugs, however, they are not the only ones used. In certain situations, benzodiazepines, corticosteroids, and cannabinoids are examples of other pharmacological classes also used. Additionally, alternative treatments, non-pharmacological measures and technological advances have also been central to the treatment and management of epilepsy in paediatrics. Finally, it is important to highlight that there needs to be more rigorous and careful therapeutic monitoring by health professionals, including pharmacists, to improve pharmacological results.
Epilepsy is a neurological disease that affects 0.5% to 1% of the world's population, with 60% of epilepsy cases occurring during childhood. It represents one of the main causes of chronic disease in paediatrics, is characterized by a long-lasting predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and has a major impact on children and adolescents due to its neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences. More than half of children, around 65%, when diagnosed early can control epileptic seizures with antiepileptic drugs, although sometimes it is necessary to resort to other types of drugs and non-pharmacological treatments, according to individual needs. Based on the previous considerations, the main objectives of this Dissertation were the following: i) to describe the various types of epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes in paediatrics; ii) to mention treatment algorithms, taking into account drugs recently introduced into therapy; iii) to refer the alternative treatments, non-pharmacological measures and new therapeutic approaches; and iv) to highlight the role of the pharmacist in the context of epilepsy in paediatrics. Regarding the methodology, a documentary analysis of various bibliographic sources was performed, giving priority to scientific articles and guidelines. It was concluded that the treatment of epilepsy in paediatrics is based on pharmacological therapy, with predominant use of antiepileptic drugs, however, they are not the only ones used. In certain situations, benzodiazepines, corticosteroids, and cannabinoids are examples of other pharmacological classes also used. Additionally, alternative treatments, non-pharmacological measures and technological advances have also been central to the treatment and management of epilepsy in paediatrics. Finally, it is important to highlight that there needs to be more rigorous and careful therapeutic monitoring by health professionals, including pharmacists, to improve pharmacological results.
Epilepsia Pediatria Terapêutica farmacológica Antiepiléticos Farmacêutico