Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar a notoriedade das marcas de alumínio
(extrusoras) que atuam no mercado português. De forma a compreender melhor como
cada marca em estudo pode alavancar o seu negócio e atrair novos clientes, para além da
notoriedade, pretende-se ainda estudar a lealdade às marcas, a qualidade percebida, a
notoriedade e associações às marcas e o valor da marca, conforme o modelo proposto por
Aaker (1991). A medição destas variáveis foi efetuada com base num inquérito por
questionário utilizando a escala multidimensional proposta por Yoo & Donthu (2001)
onde a notoriedade e as associações à marca estão interligadas.
Uma vez que a marca tem uma importância crucial em gerar valor para as empresas e
para os consumidores, e por se tratar de um negócio essencialmente “Business to
Business” este estudo foi focado em dois públicos-alvo: os arquitetos e os
Assim a partir de uma amostra de 118 inquiridos, junto dos arquitetos, a Navarra obteve
o melhor score relativamente à lealdade. A Reynaers destacou-se na qualidade percebida
e na notoriedade e associações à marca e, por sua vez, a Extrusal destacou-se no valor da
marca. Por outro lado, a partir de uma amostra de 50 inquiridos, junto transformadores, a
Sosoares alcançou o melhor score relativamente à lealdade, a Extrusal destacou-se pela
qualidade percebida e pela notoriedade e associações à marca e, neste caso a Reynaers
obteve o score mais alto relativamente ao valor da marca.
Estes resultados demonstram em que parâmetros cada marca deve investir para melhorar
a sua posição no mercado. A fidelização de clientes, a qualidade percebida, a notoriedade
e associações à marca e o valor da marca, são fundamentais na consolidação das marcas
no mercado, na diferenciação dos produtos e na criação de vantagens competitivas, dado
que permitem alavancar o negócio, gerar um maior valor acrescentado e contribuir para
um negócio sustentável.
The aim of this research is to study the awareness of aluminum brands (extruders) that operate in the Portuguese market. To better understand how each brand under study can leverage its business and attract new customers, in addition to awareness, it is also intended to study brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations and brand equity according to the proposed model by Aaker (1991). These variables were measured on a questionnaire-based survey using the multidimensional scale proposed by Yoo & Donthu (2001), where brand awareness and brand associations are combined. Since the brand has a crucial importance in generating value for companies and consumers, and because it is essentially a “Business to Business", this study was focused on two target audiences: architects and manufacturers. Thus, from a sample of 118 respondents, among the architects, Navarra obtained the best score in terms of loyalty. Reynaers stood out in the perceived quality and in the awareness and associations with the brand, Extrusal stood out in the overall brand equity. On the other hand, from a sample of 50 manufacturers, Sosoares achieved the best score in terms of loyalty, Extrusal stood out for its perceived quality and for its awareness and associations with the brand, Reynaers obtained the highest score relative to overall brand equity. These results demonstrate which parameters each brand should invest in to improve its position in the market. Customer loyalty, perceived quality, awareness and associations with the brand and the value of the brand equity, are fundamental in the consolidation of brands in the market, in the differentiation of products and in the creation of competitive advantages, as they allow the business to be leveraged to generate greater added value and contribute to a sustainable business.
The aim of this research is to study the awareness of aluminum brands (extruders) that operate in the Portuguese market. To better understand how each brand under study can leverage its business and attract new customers, in addition to awareness, it is also intended to study brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations and brand equity according to the proposed model by Aaker (1991). These variables were measured on a questionnaire-based survey using the multidimensional scale proposed by Yoo & Donthu (2001), where brand awareness and brand associations are combined. Since the brand has a crucial importance in generating value for companies and consumers, and because it is essentially a “Business to Business", this study was focused on two target audiences: architects and manufacturers. Thus, from a sample of 118 respondents, among the architects, Navarra obtained the best score in terms of loyalty. Reynaers stood out in the perceived quality and in the awareness and associations with the brand, Extrusal stood out in the overall brand equity. On the other hand, from a sample of 50 manufacturers, Sosoares achieved the best score in terms of loyalty, Extrusal stood out for its perceived quality and for its awareness and associations with the brand, Reynaers obtained the highest score relative to overall brand equity. These results demonstrate which parameters each brand should invest in to improve its position in the market. Customer loyalty, perceived quality, awareness and associations with the brand and the value of the brand equity, are fundamental in the consolidation of brands in the market, in the differentiation of products and in the creation of competitive advantages, as they allow the business to be leveraged to generate greater added value and contribute to a sustainable business.
Notoriedade Marcas de alumínio Lealdade Capital da marca Qualidade percebida