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Ao longo dos anos a Administração Pública, sofreu diversas mudanças na forma de
gerir os seus Recursos Humanos. Valorizar os trabalhadores, proporcionar o bem-estar e a
socialização dos mesmos, bem como criar ambientes de trabalho saudáveis e positivos são os
objetivos da nova gestão pública. O processo de acolhimento, integração e socialização dos
novos trabalhadores, é considerado para as organizações públicas uma mais-valia, para
aumentar a qualidade dos serviços públicos e a eficiência e eficácia dos mesmos.
O presente relatório visa ilustrar as tarefas desenvolvidas durante o estágio, bem como
os quatro projetos elaborados no domínio dos Recursos Humanos, na Câmara Municipal de
Loulé, mais propriamente na Divisão de Gestão de Pessoas e da Qualidade.
O Manual de Acolhimento é um dos principais projetos. Este projeto requereu muita
pesquisa e estudo para ser uma ferramenta útil, facilitadora e criativa. O principal objetivo do
Manual é dar a conhecer aos futuros trabalhadores a Autarquia e outras informações que lhes
possam ser relevantes.
Foi realizado como segundo projeto, um Programa de Acolhimento, com o intuito de
acolher e integrar os novos trabalhadores de uma forma dinâmica e diferenciada.
O terceiro projeto constou de uma criação de uma ferramenta útil para facilitar o
acompanhamento dos novos trabalhadores ao longo do processo de integração,
designadamente o Follow Up.
Pela necessidade e inexistência do mesmo, foi elaborado um quarto projeto, o Manual
Técnico do Procedimento Concursal, para prestar apoio aos membros do júri ao longo do
processo de Recrutamento e Seleção, mais precisamente o Procedimento Concursal.
Os quatro projetos foram realizados e acompanhados por diversas técnicas de investigação,
como a observação direta, a análise documental e as entrevistas estruturadas aos trabalhadores
da organização. Pretendeu-se com a elaboração dos mesmos contribuir para melhorar o
processo de Acolhimento, Integração e Socialização dos novos trabalhadores. Os projetos
encontram-se disponíveis e prontos a serem utilizados.
Over the years, suffered several changes in how to manage their Human Resources. Valuing employees, provide the well-being and socialization, as well as create health and positive work environments are the goals of the new public management. The welcoming process, integration and socialization of new worker is considered to be an asset to public organizations, to increase the quality of public services and the efficiency and effectiveness of the same. This report aims to illustrate the tasks developed during the training course, as well as the four projects in the field of Human Resources at the City Hall of Loulé, more properly in the Department of personnel management and the quality. The Welcoming Manual is one of the main projects. This project required a lot of research and study to be creative, facilitating and a useful tool. The main objective of the Manual is to make nown to future workers of Loulé’s City Hall and other information that may be relevant. As second project, a Welcoming Program was elaborated, with the aim of welcoming and integrating new workers in a dynamic and differentiated way. The third project consisted of the creation of the useful tool, facilitating the monitoring of the new workers during the process of integration, in particular the Follow Up. The fourth project, The Technical Manual of the Recruitment and Selection Procedure, provides support to the members of the jury throughout the recruitment and selection process. The achievement of the four projects were accompanied by various techniques of investigation such as direct observation, document analysis and structured interviews to the workers of the organization. Intended to help to improve the Welcoming process, integration and socialization of new workers. The projects are available and ready to be used.
Over the years, suffered several changes in how to manage their Human Resources. Valuing employees, provide the well-being and socialization, as well as create health and positive work environments are the goals of the new public management. The welcoming process, integration and socialization of new worker is considered to be an asset to public organizations, to increase the quality of public services and the efficiency and effectiveness of the same. This report aims to illustrate the tasks developed during the training course, as well as the four projects in the field of Human Resources at the City Hall of Loulé, more properly in the Department of personnel management and the quality. The Welcoming Manual is one of the main projects. This project required a lot of research and study to be creative, facilitating and a useful tool. The main objective of the Manual is to make nown to future workers of Loulé’s City Hall and other information that may be relevant. As second project, a Welcoming Program was elaborated, with the aim of welcoming and integrating new workers in a dynamic and differentiated way. The third project consisted of the creation of the useful tool, facilitating the monitoring of the new workers during the process of integration, in particular the Follow Up. The fourth project, The Technical Manual of the Recruitment and Selection Procedure, provides support to the members of the jury throughout the recruitment and selection process. The achievement of the four projects were accompanied by various techniques of investigation such as direct observation, document analysis and structured interviews to the workers of the organization. Intended to help to improve the Welcoming process, integration and socialization of new workers. The projects are available and ready to be used.
Gestão de pessoas Recrutamento e seleção Acolhimento Integração e socialização Administração pública