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Na gestão de Recursos Humanos torna-se essencial o processo de socialização e
integração dos novos colaboradores. O momento de integração entre a entidade
empregadora e o novo membro da organização, origina um processo de adaptação
recíproca onde ambos efetuam um compromisso e cedências entre as partes. O mesmo
acontece no processo de socialização organizacional, que adquire uma conotação
fundamental e encontra-se interligada com o processo de integração, uma vez que o
sucesso, de uma, influencia o êxito da outra. Uma das estratégias efetuadas para a
integração e socialização de um novo colaborador compreende a entrega de um manual
de acolhimento no momento da admissão. De forma a constituir um recurso ao
acolhimento e integração e socialização do novo colaborador, é necessário que este
manual de acolhimento contenha todos os dados que a entidade considere como essencial
para a introdução do recém-admitido na estrutura organizacional. Assim, considerando
que a empresa selecionada não dispõe de um manual de acolhimento, torna-se essencial
a sua construção, constituindo o objetivo deste projeto. O manual de acolhimento foi
elaborado com base em dois estudos, um de carácter quantitativo de diagnóstico relativo
à perceção de socialização organizacional na integração dos novos colaboradores e um
estudo qualitativo referente à análise de conteúdo de 6 manuais de acolhimento de
empresas similares. Os resultados provenientes da análise dos dados revelaram que a
existência e entrega de um manual de acolhimento (bem como a dinamização de outras
ações, tais como formações, entre outras) são percebidas pelos trabalhadores como
potenciais facilitadores do processo de socialização e integração. A análise dos 6 manuais
mostram consistência dos conteúdos a incluir num manual de acolhimento.
Em conjunto, um outro ficheiro que também poderá auxiliar neste processo consiste na
entrega de um protocolo de acolhimento e integração, onde explicita as etapas,
sequências, procedimentos e dados relevantes para a integração do funcionário.
In Human Resources management, the process of socialisation and integration of new employees is essential. The moment of integration between the employer and the new member of the organisation gives rise to a process of reciprocal adaptation where both parties make a commitment and compromise. The same happens in the process of organisational socialisation, which acquires a fundamental connotation and is interconnected with the integration process, since the success of one influences the success of the other. One of the strategies used for the integration and socialisation of a new employee is the delivery of a welcome or induction manual at the moment of admission. In order to constitute a resource for the reception, integration and socialisation of the new employee, it is necessary that this welcome manual contains all the data that the entity considers as essential for the introduction of the newly admitted employee in the organisational structure. Thus, considering that the selected company does not have a welcome manual, its construction becomes essential, constituting the objective of this project. The induction manual was developed based on two studies, a quantitative diagnostic study regarding the perception of organisational socialisation in the integration of new employees and a qualitative study regarding the content analysis of 6 induction manuals of similar companies. The results of the data analysis revealed that the existence and delivery of an induction manual (as well as the promotion of other actions, such as training sessions, amongst others) are perceived by the employees as potential facilitators of the socialisation and integration process. The analysis of the 6 manuals shows consistency of the contents to be included in a welcome manual. In conjunction, another file that may also assist in this process consists in the delivery of a welcome and integration protocol, where it explains the steps, sequences, procedures and relevant data for the integration of the employee.
In Human Resources management, the process of socialisation and integration of new employees is essential. The moment of integration between the employer and the new member of the organisation gives rise to a process of reciprocal adaptation where both parties make a commitment and compromise. The same happens in the process of organisational socialisation, which acquires a fundamental connotation and is interconnected with the integration process, since the success of one influences the success of the other. One of the strategies used for the integration and socialisation of a new employee is the delivery of a welcome or induction manual at the moment of admission. In order to constitute a resource for the reception, integration and socialisation of the new employee, it is necessary that this welcome manual contains all the data that the entity considers as essential for the introduction of the newly admitted employee in the organisational structure. Thus, considering that the selected company does not have a welcome manual, its construction becomes essential, constituting the objective of this project. The induction manual was developed based on two studies, a quantitative diagnostic study regarding the perception of organisational socialisation in the integration of new employees and a qualitative study regarding the content analysis of 6 induction manuals of similar companies. The results of the data analysis revealed that the existence and delivery of an induction manual (as well as the promotion of other actions, such as training sessions, amongst others) are perceived by the employees as potential facilitators of the socialisation and integration process. The analysis of the 6 manuals shows consistency of the contents to be included in a welcome manual. In conjunction, another file that may also assist in this process consists in the delivery of a welcome and integration protocol, where it explains the steps, sequences, procedures and relevant data for the integration of the employee.
Socialização organizacional Acolhimento Integração Manual de acolhimento