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Atualmente, as microalgas são consideradas uma potencial fonte de biomassa para produção de biocombustíveis devido à sua capacidade de acumular grandes quantidades de lípidos, quando submetidas a condições desfavoráveis de crescimento. Estes lípidos podem ser convertidos em biocombustíveis com semelhanças aos derivados do petróleo. Com esta dissertação pretendeu-se estudar a resposta a diferentes condições de cultivo, em termos de expressão lipídica, por parte da estirpe CTP4, uma microalga verde previamente isolada de uma amostra ambiental. As diferentes condições testadas, nomeadamente o aumento da concentração de ferro (0,5 mM), eliminação do ferro do cultivo, aumento da salinidade (75 e 100) e depleção de nutrientes foram aplicadas após a cultura ter atingido a fase estacionária. Os dados obtidos mostraram que apenas a depleção de nutrientes foi efetiva na acumulação de lípidos (20% do peso seco da biomassa). Em termos qualitativos esta biomassa adequa-se à produção de biodiesel devido ao fato da cadeia carbonada dos ácidos gordos ser entre C15-C25. Em relação aos ácidos gordos insaturados, toda eles possuíam cadeias entre C16 a C18, com duas ou menos cadeias duplas. Avaliou-se, como objectivo secundário, a presença de compostos bioativos relacionados com a neuroprotecção, nomeadamente com a capacidade de inibir a butirilcolinesterase e quelar metais (ferro e o cobre). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos à concentração de 10 mg mL-1 com os extratos de hexano e acetato de etilo na atividade quelante do ferro (90%) e cobre (55%), respectivamente. Este conjunto de experiências abre portas a novos ensaios para testar o potencial desta estirpe como fonte de biomassa para a produção de biocombustíveis e para sua utilização numa biorrefinaria.
Currently, microalgae are considered a potential source of biomass for biofuel production because of their ability to accumulate large amounts of lipids, when subjected to unfavorable growing conditions. These lipids can be converted into biofuels with similarities to petroleum derivatives. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the response to different culture conditions, in terms of lipid contents, by the strain CTP4, a green microalga previously isolated from an environmental sample. The different test conditions, namely the increase of iron concentration (0.5 mM) , elimination of iron from the culture, increased salinity (75 and 100) and nutrient depletion were applied after the culture had reached stationary phase. The data showed that only the depletion of nutrients was effective in lipid accumulation (20 % of dry weight). Qualitatively, this biomass is suitable for biodiesel production due to the fact that the carbon chain of the fatty acids lies between C15 - C25. Unsaturated fatty acids corresponded to C16 to C18 molecules with two or fewer double bonds. As a secondary objective, the presence of bioactive compounds related to neuroprotection, in particular the ability to inhibit butyrylcholinesterase and chelating metals (iron and copper) was assessed. The best results were obtained at a concentration of 10 mg mL-1 in hexane and ethyl acetate extracts concerning the chelating activity for iron ( 90%) and copper (55%), respectively. Taken together, these results open doors to further research for testing the potential of this strain as a source of biomass for biofuel production and its use in a biorefinery.
Currently, microalgae are considered a potential source of biomass for biofuel production because of their ability to accumulate large amounts of lipids, when subjected to unfavorable growing conditions. These lipids can be converted into biofuels with similarities to petroleum derivatives. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the response to different culture conditions, in terms of lipid contents, by the strain CTP4, a green microalga previously isolated from an environmental sample. The different test conditions, namely the increase of iron concentration (0.5 mM) , elimination of iron from the culture, increased salinity (75 and 100) and nutrient depletion were applied after the culture had reached stationary phase. The data showed that only the depletion of nutrients was effective in lipid accumulation (20 % of dry weight). Qualitatively, this biomass is suitable for biodiesel production due to the fact that the carbon chain of the fatty acids lies between C15 - C25. Unsaturated fatty acids corresponded to C16 to C18 molecules with two or fewer double bonds. As a secondary objective, the presence of bioactive compounds related to neuroprotection, in particular the ability to inhibit butyrylcholinesterase and chelating metals (iron and copper) was assessed. The best results were obtained at a concentration of 10 mg mL-1 in hexane and ethyl acetate extracts concerning the chelating activity for iron ( 90%) and copper (55%), respectively. Taken together, these results open doors to further research for testing the potential of this strain as a source of biomass for biofuel production and its use in a biorefinery.
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Biologia marinha Biocombustíveis Nutrientes Lípidos Microalgas Biomassa