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A terminologia, enquanto disciplina da área das ciências da linguagem, interessa-se pelo estudo das Unidades Terminológicas em discurso na diversidade de ambientes comunicativos. O discurso de vulgarização científica é um exemplo, muito embora seja uma tipologia discursiva menos trabalhada na investigação terminológica. No contexto da vulgarização científica são acionados mecanismos de mediação linguística de adequação do discurso ao nível de especialização do interlocutor que afetam a verbalização das unidades terminológicas e podem resultar, entre outros, em variação denominativa. O fenómeno da variação denominativa intratextual, descrita tipicamente como uma causa estilística relacionada com a fluidez e expressividade, tem sido associado a motivações cognitivas de explicitação e transferência de conhecimento terminológico.
O nosso estudo parte dos princípios de adequação comunicativa e motivação cognitiva para observar a expressão da variação como mecanismo de reformulação, o seu impacto na resolução da densidade terminológica e da opacidade do discurso científico.
Com base no estudo de caso da revista de divulgação UAlgoritmo, cuja missão expressa é promover literacia científica, desenvolvemos uma exploração de corpus para analisar as manifestações de variação terminológica em sequências reformulativas e determinar o efeito dessa variação. Recorremos, igualmente, à interpretação de dados empíricos do processo de revisão dos textos, para averiguar como avalia a adequação e enriquecimento discursivo operado pelos cientistas, também autores de vulgarização.
Com esta investigação esperamos ter contribuído para o estudo das causas da variação denominativa intratextual e para o enquadramento do fenómeno na reformulação de discursos científicos primários que se manifesta na vulgarização científica.
Terminology, as a discipline of the language sciences, is interested in the study of terminological units in discourse within the diversity of communicative environments. The discourse of scientific popularisation is one those environments. However, this discourse seems to get less attention from terminological research. Within the context of scientific popularisation, linguistic mediation mechanisms are activated to adapt the discourse to a non-specialised audience and that affects the verbalisation of terminological units and can result in denominative variation. The phenomenon of intratextual term variation, typically described as a stylistic cause in search for text consistency and expressiveness, has been linked to cognitive motivations favouring text comprehension and terminological knowledge transfer. Communicative adequacy as well as cognitive motivation underpin our study and provide the framework to help us understand the role of variation on solving terminological density and opacity seen as obstacles to scientific discourse comprehension. This is a corpus-based case study of the journal UAlgoritmo, an outreach initiative aimed at promoting scientific literacy, that analyses term variation in text sequences and the impact term variation has on the communication of specialised knowledge. We also collected and analysed data from the text review process prior to the dissemination of each article to understand how scientists adapt and enrich their discourse. With this investigation we hope to have contributed to a better understanding of term variation within the scientific discourse popularization.
Terminology, as a discipline of the language sciences, is interested in the study of terminological units in discourse within the diversity of communicative environments. The discourse of scientific popularisation is one those environments. However, this discourse seems to get less attention from terminological research. Within the context of scientific popularisation, linguistic mediation mechanisms are activated to adapt the discourse to a non-specialised audience and that affects the verbalisation of terminological units and can result in denominative variation. The phenomenon of intratextual term variation, typically described as a stylistic cause in search for text consistency and expressiveness, has been linked to cognitive motivations favouring text comprehension and terminological knowledge transfer. Communicative adequacy as well as cognitive motivation underpin our study and provide the framework to help us understand the role of variation on solving terminological density and opacity seen as obstacles to scientific discourse comprehension. This is a corpus-based case study of the journal UAlgoritmo, an outreach initiative aimed at promoting scientific literacy, that analyses term variation in text sequences and the impact term variation has on the communication of specialised knowledge. We also collected and analysed data from the text review process prior to the dissemination of each article to understand how scientists adapt and enrich their discourse. With this investigation we hope to have contributed to a better understanding of term variation within the scientific discourse popularization.
Terminologia Mediação linguística Vulgarização Reformulação Variação intratextual