Os níveis de qualidade percebida e satisfação dos utentes sempre foram fulcrais ao longo do tempo. Atualmente, e perante a situação pandémica em que vivemos devido ao SARS-Cov-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavírus 2), esta questão tornou-se ainda mais importante.
A presente dissertação aborda a problemática que é a satisfação dos doentes nacionais e estrangeiros nos serviços de imagiologia de um grupo hospitalar privado do Algarve onde os fatores sociodemográficos como a idade, grau académico ou género podem influenciar a perceção dos utentes.
Realizou-se um estudo transversal quantitativo recorrendo ao instrumento SERVPERF e adaptando-o. A técnica de recolha de dados usada foi o questionário distribuído por cinco unidades hospitalares. A população-alvo era adulta e provinha da Consulta Externa. O tratamento dos dados assim como a sua análise estatística foi efetuada através do software SPSS.
As dimensões da escala SERVPERF não se confirmaram pelo que a qualidade dos serviços foi explicada baseada em 3 novas dimensões. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os fatores sociodemográficos não possuem qualquer influência sobre os níveis de qualidade percebida pelos utentes (p ˃ 0,05). Relativamente à qualidade percebida pelos utentes nacionais relativamente aos utentes estrangeiros existiu significância estatística no que concerne aos “Aspetos Gerais” (p=0,023) sendo que os utentes estrangeiros demonstraram dar uma maior conotação a aspetos como a imagem, satisfação e qualidade no geral. No que concerne à qualidade percebida pelos utentes por unidade hospitalar, a dimensão “Tangibilidade” (p=0,023) e a “PA2.1” (p=0,009) demonstraram que existe significância estatística pelo que são aspetos a ter em conta pelos utentes.
Conclui-se que, no geral, os utentes se encontravam satisfeitos com a qualidade dos serviços prestados e demonstraram a intenção de voltar. Recomenda-se a monotorização frequente da qualidade percebida dos utentes de modo a promover a melhoria contínua dos vários serviços de imagiologia.
The levels of patients perceived quality and satisfaction have always been taken into account. Currently, and considering the actual pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus 2), this issue has became even more important. The present dissertation addresses the problem of the satisfaction of national and foreign patients with regards to the imaging services of a private hospital group located in the Algarve, where sociodemographic factors such as age, academic degree or gender can influence the patients' perception. A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out using the SERVPERF instrument and adapting it. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire distributed to five hospital units. The selected target population was adult and rom the External Consultation. The treatment of the data as well as its statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS software. The dimensions of the SERVPERF scale were not confirmed, so the quality of services was explained based on 3 new dimensions. The results obtained showed that sociodemographic factors have no influence on the levels of perceived quality by patients (p ˃ 0,05). Regarding the perceived quality by national users when compared to foreign users, there was statistical significance regarding “General Aspects” (p=0,023). The foreign users care more about aspects such as image, satisfaction and quality in general. Regarding the perceived quality by patients per hospital unit, the dimension “Tangibility” (p=0,023) and “PA2.1” (p=0,009) demonstrated that there was a statistical significance, thus these aspects are taken into account by patients. In conclusion, the patients were mostly satisfied with the quality of the services provided and had demonstrated the intention to return. In the future, regular monitoring of the perceived quality of patients is recommended to promote the continuous improvement of the various imaging services.
The levels of patients perceived quality and satisfaction have always been taken into account. Currently, and considering the actual pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus 2), this issue has became even more important. The present dissertation addresses the problem of the satisfaction of national and foreign patients with regards to the imaging services of a private hospital group located in the Algarve, where sociodemographic factors such as age, academic degree or gender can influence the patients' perception. A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out using the SERVPERF instrument and adapting it. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire distributed to five hospital units. The selected target population was adult and rom the External Consultation. The treatment of the data as well as its statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS software. The dimensions of the SERVPERF scale were not confirmed, so the quality of services was explained based on 3 new dimensions. The results obtained showed that sociodemographic factors have no influence on the levels of perceived quality by patients (p ˃ 0,05). Regarding the perceived quality by national users when compared to foreign users, there was statistical significance regarding “General Aspects” (p=0,023). The foreign users care more about aspects such as image, satisfaction and quality in general. Regarding the perceived quality by patients per hospital unit, the dimension “Tangibility” (p=0,023) and “PA2.1” (p=0,009) demonstrated that there was a statistical significance, thus these aspects are taken into account by patients. In conclusion, the patients were mostly satisfied with the quality of the services provided and had demonstrated the intention to return. In the future, regular monitoring of the perceived quality of patients is recommended to promote the continuous improvement of the various imaging services.
Qualidade percebida Satisfação Servperf Serviço de imagiologia privado Utentes nacionais e estrangeiros Algarve