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Os Cursos Técnico Superior Profissional (CTeSP) surgem, no Ensino Superior (ES) português, como uma modalidade de formação profissionalizante, de curta duração. Considerando a crescente expressão destes cursos no ES, parece-nos pertinente analisar o efeito de variáveis de carreira, designadamente o papel das expetativas, recursos de empregabilidade e da exploração de carreira, no processo de ajustamento ao ES, tendo como indicadores a satisfação com o curso e de intenções de abandono, sendo este o objetivo principal deste estudo. Participaram 217 estudantes do 1º ano dos CTeSP, nomeadamente 171 da Universidade do Algarve (78.8%) e 46 da Universidade da Madeira (21.2%). Destes, 159 indivíduos do género masculino (71.9%) e 26.7% do género feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 76 anos de idade (M= 22.00; DP= 7.13). A empregabilidade percebida foi avaliada com recurso à Self-perceived Employability Scale, em duas dimensões, os recursos de carreira através da Medida Multidimensional de Empregabilidade (Lo Presti et al., (2019) adapt. Silva et al., 2023), e a exploração de carreira através da Career Exploration Survey (CES) (Stumpf et al., 1983; adapt Taveira (1997), e o ajustamento ao Ensino Superior, o qual resultou de dois indicadores, a satisfação e as intenções de abandono. Para analisar o efeito das expetativas de empregabilidade, dos recursos de carreira e da exploração de carreira (variáveis independentes) na satisfação e nas intenções de abandono (variáveis dependentes), foram calculadas equações de regressão. Os modelos testados explicam 71% da Satisfação com o Curso e 50% das intenções de abandono. Emergem como preditores individuais significativos da satisfação: o capital humano e desenvolvimento profissional (β=.39, p<.01), a empregabilidade interna (β=.22, p<.05), e a empregabilidade externa (β=.21, p<.01). Emergem como preditores individuais significativos das intenções de abandono: as expetativas referentes à entrada no mercado de trabalho após a conclusão do curso (β=-.27, p<.01); e a exploração do meio (β=.38, p<.01). Estes resultados sublinham a importância das variáveis da carreira no ajustamento ao Ensino Superior, nesta modalidade de formação.
The Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP) appear, in the Portuguese Higher Education (ES), as a short-term modality of professional training. Considering the growing expression of these courses in ES, it seems pertinent to analyse the effect of career variables, namely, the role of employability expectations and resources and career exploration, in the process of adjustment to ES, having as indicators satisfaction with the course and dropout intentions, which is the main objective of this study. 217 1st year CTeSP students participated, namely, 171 from the University of Algarve (78.8%) and 46 from the University of Madeira (21.2%). Of these, 159 were male (71.9%) and 26.7% female, aged between (age range between) 17 and 76 years old (M=22.00; SD=7.13). Perceived employability was assessed using the Self-perceived Employability Scale, in two dimensions, career resources through the Multidimensional Employability Measure (Lo Presti et al., (2019) adapted. Silva et al., 2023), and career exploration through the Career Exploration Survey (CES) (Stumpf et al., 1983; adapt Taveira (1997), as well as adjustment to Higher Education, which resulted from two indicators, satisfaction, and abandonment intentions. To analyse the effect of employability expectations, career resources and career exploration (independent variables) on satisfaction and abandonment intentions (dependent variables), regression equations were calculated. The tested models explain 71% of Satisfaction with the Course and 50% % of abandonment intentions. It emerged as significant individual predictors of satisfaction: human capital and professional development (β=.39, p<.01), employability internal (β=.22, p<.05), and employability external (β=.21, p<.01). The following emerged as significant individual predictors of abandonment intentions: expectations regarding entry into the job market after completing the course (β=-.27, p<.01); and exploration of the environment (β=.38, p<.01). These results highlight the importance of career variables in the adjustment to Higher Education, in this type of training.
The Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP) appear, in the Portuguese Higher Education (ES), as a short-term modality of professional training. Considering the growing expression of these courses in ES, it seems pertinent to analyse the effect of career variables, namely, the role of employability expectations and resources and career exploration, in the process of adjustment to ES, having as indicators satisfaction with the course and dropout intentions, which is the main objective of this study. 217 1st year CTeSP students participated, namely, 171 from the University of Algarve (78.8%) and 46 from the University of Madeira (21.2%). Of these, 159 were male (71.9%) and 26.7% female, aged between (age range between) 17 and 76 years old (M=22.00; SD=7.13). Perceived employability was assessed using the Self-perceived Employability Scale, in two dimensions, career resources through the Multidimensional Employability Measure (Lo Presti et al., (2019) adapted. Silva et al., 2023), and career exploration through the Career Exploration Survey (CES) (Stumpf et al., 1983; adapt Taveira (1997), as well as adjustment to Higher Education, which resulted from two indicators, satisfaction, and abandonment intentions. To analyse the effect of employability expectations, career resources and career exploration (independent variables) on satisfaction and abandonment intentions (dependent variables), regression equations were calculated. The tested models explain 71% of Satisfaction with the Course and 50% % of abandonment intentions. It emerged as significant individual predictors of satisfaction: human capital and professional development (β=.39, p<.01), employability internal (β=.22, p<.05), and employability external (β=.21, p<.01). The following emerged as significant individual predictors of abandonment intentions: expectations regarding entry into the job market after completing the course (β=-.27, p<.01); and exploration of the environment (β=.38, p<.01). These results highlight the importance of career variables in the adjustment to Higher Education, in this type of training.
Ajustamento ao ensino superior CTeSP Empregabilidade Exploração de carreira