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Perceptions and behaviors concerning tourism degrowth and sustainable tourism: latent dimensions and types of tourists

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The current economic model centered on perpetual growth is unsustainable. Without a shift away from this growth-centric approach and rampant consumerism, the environmental and social crises will persist. This article explores tourists' relationship with degrowth and sustainability. Through an empirical investigation, the study explores the relatively uncharted territory of how tourists engage with degrowth. Employing an online survey with a sample of 261 respondents obtained through convenience sampling via online distribution, the research seeks to unearth key facets of tourist behavior and categorize tourists based on their attitudes toward sustainability and degrowth. The findings indicate that degrowth remains a largely unfamiliar concept among tourists. Interestingly, those exhibiting more sustainable travel practices also display a greater alignment with degrowth principles. Conversely, younger tourists appear less inclined towards sustainable behaviors and more resistant to embracing degrowth ideologies. These findings underscore the potential of degrowth in addressing sustainability challenges within the tourism industry while emphasizing the need of including tourists and local communities in fostering a shift toward more sustainable tourism practices.



Sustainable tourism Tourism degrowth Tourist behavior Tourism impacts Overtourism Responsible travel practices


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