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O crescimento urbano sem o devido planeamento ocasiona processos de
impermeabilização do solo, artificialização e verticalização nas cidades, que contribuem
para alteração dos padrões de escoamento superficial, as taxas de infiltração e outros
parâmetros hidrológicos das bacias. Neste contexto, a implantação dos Sistemas de
drenagem sustentável (SuDS) tem vindo a apresentar resultados positivos, uma vez que
promovem nas cidades, melhorias nos aspetos hidrológicos, hidráulicos e paisagísticos
bem como, na devolução de serviços ecossistêmicos à população. Desta forma, esta
dissertação teve por objetivo estudar o impacto da implantação de algumas tecnologias
SuDS no bairro Montigalà, localizado em Badalona, Região Metropolitana de Barcelona
(Espanha). Avaliou-se inicialmente o impacto de chuvas de 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm e 29
mm, com base no software open source de gestão de águas no meio urbano (Giswater)
considerando o bairro tal como ele se encontra atualmente, sem a implantação de SuDS,
e depois com a instalação de telhados verdes, cobrindo 3,61% do bairro, com células de
biorretenção (com uma cobertura de 10,34%), com trincheiras de infiltração (5,18%),
com pavimentos permeáveis (com instalação em 2,98% das ruas e avenidas) e por último
com reservatórios de chuva (com a maior cobertura prevista, 20,66%). Estas coberturas
envolvem a área da tecnologia no bairro, a exemplo, 3,61 dos telhados das edificações
teriam a tecnologia em telhado verde, e assim sucessivamente. Os resultados obtidos
foram positivos em todas as tecnologias aplicadas, apresentando impactes na infiltração
e redução do escoamento. O desempenho observado esteve diretamente relacionado com
as áreas de cobertura previstas na modelação, como exemplo, os telhados verdes
apresentaram uma redução de infiltração na ordem de 2,8 a 3,4% diminuindo à medida
que aumentaram as chuvas modeladas. O melhor desempenho foi encontrado nos
reservatórios de chuva, em que ocorreu uma redução média de 13,7% para a infiltração e
cerca de 25% para o escoamento superficial. Todas as tecnologias produziram efeitos na
redução do caudal afluente (m³) ao descarregador do sistema unitário, com uma redução
média de 3,4% para os telhados verdes, 4,1% para as células de biorretenção, 1% para as
trincheiras de infiltração, 2,8% para os pavimentos permeáveis e 18% para os
reservatórios de chuva. Assim, as tecnologias em SuDS ao serem corretamente
implantadas nos centros urbanos, produzem efeitos positivos nos aspetos hidrológicos das
bacias, para além de melhorar questões ambientais e até mesmo sociais devido à criação
de mais espaços verdes, participativos e de integração com a natureza.
The urban growth with inadequate plan causes soil sealing, artificialization and verticalization in cities, which changes negatively to surface runoff, infiltration rates and other basin’s hydrological parameters. In this context, the implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) has shown positive results, promoting improvements in cities on the hydrological, hydraulic and landscape aspects, also possibiliting environmental return of ecosystem services to the population. In this way, this dissertation aimed to study the impact of the implementation of SuDS technologies in the Montigalà neighborhood, located in Badalona, Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (Spain). Using open source software for urban water management (Giswater), was evaluated the impact of rainfall of 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm and 29 mm, considering the zone as it currently stands, without the implementation of SuDS, and then with the installation of green roofs, covering 3.61% of the Montigalà zone with bioretention cells (with a coverage of 10.34%), with infiltration trenches (5.18%), with permeable pavements (with installation in 2.98% of the streets and avenues) and finally with rain barrel (with the highest expected coverage, 20.66%). These coverages involve the technology area in the neighborhood, for example, 3.61 of the building roofs should have green roof technology, the same for the other cover number technologies. In the modelling, the results were positive for all technologies applied, with impacts on infiltration and flow reduction. The observed performance was related to the coverage areas predicted, as an example, the green roofs showed an infiltration reduction in the order of 2.8 to 3.4%, decreasing as the modeled rainfall increased. The best performance was found in the rain barrel technology, with an average reduction of 13.7% for infiltration and about 25% for surface runoff. All technologies produced effects on the reduction of the inflow (m³) to the outlet of the unitary system (considered as CSO), with an average reduction of 3.4% for green roofs, 4.1% for bioretention cells, 1% for infiltration trenches, 2.8% for permeable pavements and 18% for rain barrel. Thus, SuDS technologies, when correctly implemented in urban centers, produce positive effects on the hydrological aspects of the basins, in addition to improving environmental and even social issues due to the creation of more green, participatory spaces and integration with nature.
The urban growth with inadequate plan causes soil sealing, artificialization and verticalization in cities, which changes negatively to surface runoff, infiltration rates and other basin’s hydrological parameters. In this context, the implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) has shown positive results, promoting improvements in cities on the hydrological, hydraulic and landscape aspects, also possibiliting environmental return of ecosystem services to the population. In this way, this dissertation aimed to study the impact of the implementation of SuDS technologies in the Montigalà neighborhood, located in Badalona, Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (Spain). Using open source software for urban water management (Giswater), was evaluated the impact of rainfall of 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm and 29 mm, considering the zone as it currently stands, without the implementation of SuDS, and then with the installation of green roofs, covering 3.61% of the Montigalà zone with bioretention cells (with a coverage of 10.34%), with infiltration trenches (5.18%), with permeable pavements (with installation in 2.98% of the streets and avenues) and finally with rain barrel (with the highest expected coverage, 20.66%). These coverages involve the technology area in the neighborhood, for example, 3.61 of the building roofs should have green roof technology, the same for the other cover number technologies. In the modelling, the results were positive for all technologies applied, with impacts on infiltration and flow reduction. The observed performance was related to the coverage areas predicted, as an example, the green roofs showed an infiltration reduction in the order of 2.8 to 3.4%, decreasing as the modeled rainfall increased. The best performance was found in the rain barrel technology, with an average reduction of 13.7% for infiltration and about 25% for surface runoff. All technologies produced effects on the reduction of the inflow (m³) to the outlet of the unitary system (considered as CSO), with an average reduction of 3.4% for green roofs, 4.1% for bioretention cells, 1% for infiltration trenches, 2.8% for permeable pavements and 18% for rain barrel. Thus, SuDS technologies, when correctly implemented in urban centers, produce positive effects on the hydrological aspects of the basins, in addition to improving environmental and even social issues due to the creation of more green, participatory spaces and integration with nature.
Giswater Sistemas de drenagem sustentável (suds) Sistemas de informação geográfica