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Dynamic behavior of resistive random access memories (RRAMS) based on plastic semiconductor (RRAMS) based on plastic semiconductor

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Resistive Random Access Memories based on metal-oxide polymer diodes are characterized. The dynamic behavior is studied by recording current-voltage characteristics with varying voltage ramp speed. It is demonstrated that these organic memory devices have an internal capacitive double-layer structure, which inhibits the switching at high ramp rates (1000 V/s). This behavior is modeled and explained in terms of an equivalent circuit.



Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) Switching Electrical Bistability Non-Volatile Memory Negative Differential Resistance (NDR)


Rocha, P. R. F.; Kiazadeh, A.; Chen, Q.; Gomes, H. L. Dynamic behavior of Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMS) based on plastic semiconductor, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 372 A, NA, 535-540, 2012.

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