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  • Electroforming process in metal-oxide-polymer resistive switching memories
    Publication . Chen, Q.; Gomes, Henrique L.; Kiazadeh, Asal; Rocha, Paulo R. F.; De Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, S. C. J.
    Electroforming of an Al/Al2O3/polymer/Al esistive switching diode is reported. Electroforming is a dielectric soft-breakdown mechanism leading to hysteretic current–voltage characteristics and non–volatile memory behavior. Electron trapping occurs at early stages of electroforming. Trapping is physically located at the oxide/polymer interface. The detrapping kinetics is faster under reverse bias and for thicker oxides layers. Thermally detrapping experiments give a trap depth of 0.65 eV and a density of 5x1017 /cm2. It is proposed that the trapped electrons induce a dipole layer across the oxide. The associated electric field triggers breakdown and ultimately dictate the overall memory characteristics.
  • The role of internal structure in the anomalous switching dynamics of metal-oxide/polymer resistive random access memories
    Publication . Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Kiazadeh, Asal; De Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, S. C. J.; Verbakel, F.; Taylor, D. M.; Gomes, Henrique L.
    The dynamic response of a non-volatile, bistable resistive memory fabricated in the form of Al2O3/polymer diodes has been probed in both the off- and on-state using triangular and step voltage profiles. The results provide insight into the wide spread in switching times reported in the literature and explain an apparently anomalous behaviour of the on-state, namely the disappearance of the negative differential resistance region at high voltage scan rates which is commonly attributed to a “dead time” phenomenon. The off-state response follows closely the predictions based on a classical, two-layer capacitor description of the device. As voltage scan rates increase, the model predicts that the fraction of the applied voltage, Vox , appearing across the oxide decreases. Device responses to step voltages in both the off- and on-state show that switching events are characterized by a delay time. Coupling such delays to the lower values of Vox attained during fast scan rates, the anomalous observation in the on-state that, device currents decrease with increasing voltage scan rate, is readily explained. Assuming that a critical current is required to turn off a conducting channel in the oxide, a tentative model is suggested to explain the shift in the onset of negative differential resistance to lower voltages as the voltage scan rate increases. The findings also suggest that the fundamental limitations on the speed of operation of a bilayer resistive memory are the time- and voltage-dependences of the switch-on mechanism and not the switch-off process.
  • Dynamic behavior of resistive random access memories (RRAMS) based on plastic semiconductor (RRAMS) based on plastic semiconductor
    Publication . Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Kiazadeh, Asal; Chen, Q.; Gomes, Henrique L.
    Resistive Random Access Memories based on metal-oxide polymer diodes are characterized. The dynamic behavior is studied by recording current-voltage characteristics with varying voltage ramp speed. It is demonstrated that these organic memory devices have an internal capacitive double-layer structure, which inhibits the switching at high ramp rates (1000 V/s). This behavior is modeled and explained in terms of an equivalent circuit.
  • Unipolar resistive switching in metal oxide/organic semiconductor non-volatile memories as a critical phenomenon
    Publication . Bory, Benjamin F.; Rocha, Paulo; Gomes, Henrique L.; de Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, Stefan C. J.
    Diodes incorporating a bilayer of an organic semiconductor and a wide bandgap metal oxide can show unipolar, non-volatile memory behavior after electroforming. The prolonged bias voltage stress induces defects in the metal oxide with an areal density exceeding 10(17) m(-2). We explain the electrical bistability by the coexistence of two thermodynamically stable phases at the interface between an organic semiconductor and metal oxide. One phase contains mainly ionized defects and has a low work function, while the other phase has mainly neutral defects and a high work function. In the diodes, domains of the phase with a low work function constitute current filaments. The phase composition and critical temperature are derived from a 2D Ising model as a function of chemical potential. The model predicts filamentary conduction exhibiting a negative differential resistance and nonvolatile memory behavior. The model is expected to be generally applicable to any bilayer system that shows unipolar resistive switching. (C) 2015 Author(s).
  • Opto-electronic characterization of electron traps upon forming polymer oxide memory diodes
    Publication . Chen, Q.; Bory, Benjamin F.; Kiazadeh, Asal; Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Gomes, Henrique L.; Verbakel, F.; De Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, S. C. J.
    Metal-insulator-polymer diodes where the insulator is a thin oxide (Al2O3) layer are electroformed by applying a high bias. The initial stage is reversible and involves trapping of electrons near the oxide/polymer interface. The rate of charge trapping is limited by electron transport through the polymer. Detrapping of charge stored can be accomplished by illuminating with light under short-circuit conditions. The amount of stored charge is determined from the optically induced discharging current transient as a function of applied voltage and oxide thickness. When the charge density exceeds 8 1017/m2, an irreversible soft breakdown transition occurs to a non-volatile memory diode.
  • Lithium fluoride injection layers can form quasi-Ohmic contacts for both holes and electrons
    Publication . Bory, B. F.; Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Janssen, R. A. J.; Gomes, Henrique L.; de Leeuw, D. M.; Meskers, S. C. J.
    Thin LiF interlayers are typically used in organic light-emitting diodes to enhance the electron injection. Here, we show that the effective work function of a contact with a LiF interlayer can be either raised or lowered depending on the history of the applied bias. Formation of quasi-Ohmic contacts for both electrons and holes is demonstrated by electroluminescence from symmetric LiF/polymer/LiF diodes in both bias polarities. The origin of the dynamic switching is charging of electrically induced Frenkel defects. The current density-electroluminescence-voltage characteristics can qualitatively be explained. The interpretation is corroborated by unipolar memristive switching and by bias dependent reflection measurements. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
  • Design and implementation of microstrip filters for a radio over fiber network demonstrator
    Publication . Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Medeiros, Maria Carmo
    The need for networks able of integrating services such as voice, video, data and mobility is growing. To satisfy such needs wireless networks with a high data transmission capacity are required. An efficient solution for these broadband wireless networks is to transmit radio signals to the Base Stations (BS) via optical fiber using Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). The WDM usage helps this growing, allowing the use of a single optical fiber to feed several BSs using for each one a different wavelength (or WDM channel). Additionally, in the RoFnet project in order to improve radio coverage within a cell, it is considered a sectorized antenna interface. The combination of subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) with WDM, further simplifies the network architecture, by using a specific wavelength channel to feed an individual BS and different subcarriers to drive the individual antenna sectors within the BS. This dissertation reports the design and simulation of the microstrip bandpass filters used at the BS on of the RoFnet demonstrator. These bandpass filters are used for the filtering of fours subcarrier multiplexed channels located at (9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 GHz). The design and simulation of the lowpass root raised cosine filter required for testing is also discussed. Additionally, the design and testing of two power splitter is reported. Finally, all the designed components were brought together and the overall BS performance is assessed. The microstrip components have been designed and simulated using both ADS (Agilent’s Advanced Design System) and Momentum simulators.
  • Anomalous temperature dependence of the current in a metal-oxide-polymer resistive switching diode
    Publication . Gomes, Henrique L.; Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Kiazadeh, Asal; De Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, S. C. J.
    Metal-oxide polymer diodes exhibit non-volatile resistive switching. The current–voltage characteristics have been studied as a function of temperature. The low-conductance state follows a thermally activated behaviour. The high-conductance state shows a multistep-like behaviour and below 300K an enormous positive temperature coefficient. This anomalous behaviour contradicts the widely held view that switching is due to filaments that are formed reversibly by the diffusion of metal atoms. Instead, these findings together with small-signal impedance measurements indicate that creation and annihilation of filaments is controlled by filling of shallow traps localized in the oxide or at the oxide/polymer interface.
  • Lithium fluoride injection layers can form quasi-Ohmic contacts for both holes and electrons
    Publication . Bory, Benjamin F.; Rocha, Paulo; Janssen, Rene A. J.; Gomes, Henrique L.; De Leeuw, Dago M.; Meskers, Stefan C. J.
    Thin LiF interlayers are typically used in organic light-emitting diodes to enhance the electron injection. Here, we show that the effective work function of a contact with a LiF interlayer can be either raised or lowered depending on the history of the applied bias. Formation of quasi-Ohmic contacts for both electrons and holes is demonstrated by electroluminescence from symmetric LiF/polymer/LiF diodes in both bias polarities. The origin of the dynamic switching is charging of electrically induced Frenkel defects. The current density-electroluminescence-voltage characteristics can qualitatively be explained. The interpretation is corroborated by unipolar memristive switching and by bias dependent reflection measurements. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
  • Low-frequency noise as a diagnostic tool for OLED reliability
    Publication . Rocha, Paulo R. F.; Vandamme, L. K. J.; Meskers, S. C. J.; Gomes, Henrique L.; De Leeuw, D. M.; Van De Weijer, P.
    Organic light emitting diodes (OLED), either based on polymers or small molecules, suffer from early failure: an unpredictable sudden increase in current with a total loss of light output. This work addresses this problem using small-signal impedance measurements and electrical noise techniques. Robust OLEDs show a current noise spectrum proportional to 1/f. OLEDs susceptible to failure have 1/f3/2 and/or may start exhibiting a standard 1/f behavior that rapidly evolves with time (typical 30 minutes) to 1/f1.6. In addition OLEDs susceptible to early failure have a higher DC leakage. It is proposed that a combination of both measurements can be used as a diagnostic tool for OLED reliability in a production line. Insight into the physics of the degradation mechanism is also provided. Unreliable OLEDs exhibit current switching events and optical blinks at wavelengths higher than the polymer band gap electroluminescence. It is proposed that degradation is induced by the appearance of an insulating resistive switching layer. Charge recombination trough this layer is responsible for the optical and electrical blinks. © 2013 IEEE.