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A dermatite atópica é uma doença inflamatória crónica da pele, pruriginosa, que ocorre com mais frequência em crianças, mas também afeta muitos adultos. As características clínicas da dermatite atópica incluem secura da pele, eritema, irritações na pele, crosta e liquenificação. O prurido é bastante frequente nos pacientes com esta condição e é responsável por grande parte da carga da doença para os pacientes e suas famílias.
Os objetivos do tratamento são reduzir os sintomas (prurido e dermatite), prevenir irritações e minimizar os riscos terapêuticos. As diferentes abordagens do tratamento padrão dos doentes são baseadas no uso de preparações anti-inflamatórias tópicas e hidratação da pele, mas doentes com patologia grave podem necessitar de fototerapia ou tratamento sistémico. A educação do paciente, da família ou dos cuidadores também é essencial para uma boa recuperação. A hidratação da pele continua a ser o principal fator a ter em conta no tratamento tanto para crianças como para adultos.
A primeira parte do trabalho faz um pequeno resumo da dermatite atópica, sintomas, etiologia, epidemiologia e diagnóstico usado atualmente. A segunda parte foca-se nos diferentes tipos de terapêuticas usadas no tratamento da patologia, bem como em alternativas emergentes na comunidade científica para o mesmo fim.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, pruritic, and inflammatory skin disease that occurs more often in children but also affects many adults. The clinical features of atopic dermatitis include dry skin, erythema, skin irritations, crust and lichenification. Pruritus is quite common in patients with this condition and is responsible for a large part of the disease burden for patients and their families. The main aims of treatment are to reduce symptoms, like pruritus and dermatitis, prevent irritation and minimize therapeutic risks. Different approaches to standard treatments are based on the use of topical anti-inflammatory preparations and skin hydration, but patients with severe forms of the pathology may require phototherapy or systemic treatment. The education of the patient, family or caregivers is also essential for a good recovery. Skin hydration remains the main factor to consider in the treatment for both children and adults. The first part of the work makes a short summary of atopic dermatitis, symptoms, etiology, epidemiology, and diagnosis currently used. The second part focuses on the two therapies used in the treatment of the pathology, as well as on emerging alternatives in the scientific community for the same purpose.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, pruritic, and inflammatory skin disease that occurs more often in children but also affects many adults. The clinical features of atopic dermatitis include dry skin, erythema, skin irritations, crust and lichenification. Pruritus is quite common in patients with this condition and is responsible for a large part of the disease burden for patients and their families. The main aims of treatment are to reduce symptoms, like pruritus and dermatitis, prevent irritation and minimize therapeutic risks. Different approaches to standard treatments are based on the use of topical anti-inflammatory preparations and skin hydration, but patients with severe forms of the pathology may require phototherapy or systemic treatment. The education of the patient, family or caregivers is also essential for a good recovery. Skin hydration remains the main factor to consider in the treatment for both children and adults. The first part of the work makes a short summary of atopic dermatitis, symptoms, etiology, epidemiology, and diagnosis currently used. The second part focuses on the two therapies used in the treatment of the pathology, as well as on emerging alternatives in the scientific community for the same purpose.
Dermatite atópica Prurido Tratamento Alopatia Medicinas alternativas